Hey guys!
Sorry I haven’t written in a while. I’ve had a pretty busy couple of weeks! Summer B ended up being a successful bump of 0.004 to my GPA (woo!), and then I had a whole two weeks of summer vacation. The first week I mostly slept until at least 1 or 2, watched some afternoon court TV (because that’s all that’s on, and it’s strangely entertaining), and did some work in the lab. We are looking into topographical features on both Earth and Mars that may induce atmospheric waves (remember that mumbo jumbo I talked about in my first couple entries?). Which has been a lot of reading papers and fighting with MATLAB’s mapping toolkit. No real progress to report, except that I managed to generate a topographical map and have no idea how I did it.

Target Field is only a few years old, and is located right in downtown Minneapolis amidst the skyscrapers. It’s a beautiful stadium.
Then Saturday rolled around and I was on a flight out of Daytona Beach headed back to the Land of 10,000 Lakes for a short, jam-packed visit ’cause my family misses me and stuff since I live so far away (I don’t blame them, I’m pretty awesome.) The first day I was home, I went to a baseball game with my aunts at Target Field to see the good ole’ Minnesota Twins play the Chicago White Sox. We lost 🙁 But it was okay because I ate nachos out of a baseball helmet. Along with seeing a bunch of friends who all obviously miss me, I also managed to fit in a doctor’s appointment, dentist appointment, hair appointment, and applying for a passport within the first couple days I was home. Uffda!
Thursday the whole family went down to the Great Minnesota Get-Together – the State Fair! It’s a magical afternoon where you eat delicious foods like cheese curds, corn fritters, and Sweet Martha’s Cookies (which come in a bucket), and look at cows and stuff. AKA the best fair ever. It was pretty hot outside – all of the people who didn’t spend in the summer in Florida were complaining; I, on the other hand, thought the weather was gorgeous.

One of my photos of Ville Valo (HIM’s singer). I love taking pictures at concerts, and I got some really fantastic ones this time.
My last night home I went to a concert with my brother, where I got to see one of my favorite bands, HIM. I pretty much planned this trip around that concert date, because the tour didn’t come down to Florida, so it ended up being a win-win. I was right up in front by the stage, which was awesome. The next morning I was up at 6 am to catch my flight back to Daytona Beach.
Well, the Fall 2013 semester is one week in and classes are already underway! This semester I am taking three undergrad classes (Thermodynamics, Spaceflight Dynamics, and Astronomy) and two grad classes (Numerical Methods and Software Engineering Disciplines) along with a one-credit EP seminar course. It’s going to be a busy semester, but I’m really looking forward to these classes. The best part of college is when you’re finally finished with classes like just physics and calc and you get to start taking classes that actually pertain to your major.
One last thing before I close out this entry. Blue Man Group has a stage down at Universal Studios, and their show is amazing. My boyfriend’s birthday was this weekend, and we went down to see it – it is really like nothing else in the world. It’s definitely one of those fantastic attractions that Orlando has to offer that gets overshadowed by all the rides and Disney stuff. The show is both awe-inspiring and hilarious, and incredibly entertaining. Go see it, you shan’t be disappointed!
That’s all for now folks. I’ll fill you in more about my classes in my next entry, once they really get going. I hope you’ve all had a good Labor Day weekend – I, for one, am a sunburned mess after spending the afternoon at the beach yesterday. But the weather was gorgeous and the water was perfect, so it was totally worth it.
Peace out!