Hello, hello! I hope everyone is doing well. The past two weeks have been a killer for me, especially with all of my classes starting to kick into high gear. There’s nothing really important to report on sadly (I know, it’s really depressing), so it’s gonna be one of those updates.
In the past two weeks, I had to write a precis (yeah, I still don’t know what that is) for my SIM 200 about in-flight simulation which in of itself is a really cool topic to read up on. On top of that paper, I had to compile a rhetorical analysis for HU 143, my intro to rhetoric class. I did amazingly well on my precis considering I never wrote one before, and I did ok on the rhetorical analysis, which I also have never written before.
My PS160, physics II, test was fun and so was my MA 242, calc II, test. In COM 219, speech, I had to give a narrative speech and I did well on that. Now I’m preparing to deliver my informative speech on photography in a few weeks in conjunction with studying for this Friday’s test.
I will say that my SIM 200 class is very interesting. One week I was in the GAT trainer, which is a disorientation simulator, and ran through two disorientation tests. Only 13 more and I can be certified…for something! Another week we went into the simulation bay to look at Riddle’s Level D CRJ 200 full-flight simulator. This thing is massive and thinking about the price of this thing makes my head hurt.
In the extra-curricular activities life, I’ve contributed a few written articles for The Avion, which is weird because I don’t like writing at all. I’m a better photographer than a writer, but people say otherwise so maybe I have an act for both?

I recently had the opportunity to attend one of the volleyball games which was fun! Good job Lady Eagles!
Working at the Digital Studio as a tutor is fun. I’ve gotten to meet some really cool people and learned a lot of new skills. I’m really excited to see where that goes.
I’m sorry if this update was short, and maybe boring, I promising to find interesting things to write about next time! Until then, be curious, ask questions, and watch Doctor Who.