The second class that I am taking this semester is SYS 505: System Safety and Certification. This class mainly covers safety and risk measures, methods, etc. for aircraft like planes. I hope to take the material learned here and apply it to systems such as rockets. Daniel Penny is teaching it this semester; he is a good professor. I have had him for previous MS SYS classes. His lectures make sense and are very easy to follow; he also lectures in a way that keeps you engaged and paying attention through those 5pm-8pm time blocks. Due to the fact that it is 5pm-8pm Monday nights, we only have one class per week which is really nice. The SYS classes are pretty straightforward in general which is great. This class has around 1 online quiz and 1 assignment per week with a final exam at the end. The workload seems very reasonable thus far. Overall, it’s a great class, and I look forward to learning more in it!
Tag Archives: systems engineering
The Summer Comes to an End
This Summer was incredibly fun. The sightseeing, friends, family, and amazing job made it all worth it. Here are a few last pictures to close out the Summer. These pictures were taken on my last day at SpaceX with some new friends that I made along the way. For more information on my internship, you can see some of my previous posts or look at my LinkedIn page:

Next up is a little bit about what my Fall 2024 semester has been like and plans for the future! Thank you to all who have supported me thus far. I am super excited for the next year of my life as many changes are sure to take place.
Undergraduate Time Comes to a Close
It was the end of a decade, but the start of an age
My time at ERAU as an undergraduate student came to a close last May. Throughout these four years I have made many lifelong friends and grew both academically and personally. I am grateful to all who supported me as well as those that made me stronger.

Next Chapter…
On to the Summer and my last year here at ERAU! During the Summer I completed my fourth round of the Summer internship program at SpaceX in Hawthorne, CA as a Graduate Engineer. This academic year, I will be finishing my graduate degree in Systems Engineering. But those are topics for other posts….. 🙂