November 18

Hey Everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. I must say that I definitely have more to tell you this time then I did last time. These past two weeks have been crazy, fun, sad, heart-breaking and enthralling, all at the same time. One thing that you will learn when you get to college, whether it’s Riddle or not, is that emotions change in an instant. It is not unheard of to wake up happy, and by the end of the day, be crying yourself to sleep. Those are the rough times, but let’s talk about some of the good things that have happened.

So we start with Tuesday, November 6th. This was a great day for me, not only because it was an all around nice day, but for the fact that I got my first opportunity to go into an ATC simulation lab. It was so much fun. The ATC Organization went into the lab to just goof off, but I got to go on the Controller head-set and someone else was on the pilot’s headset and I gave instructions of what the pilot should do, and then it was just so awesome to actually see the simulation move with your instructions. I mean, I know that’s what it is supposed to do obviously, but it was a phenomenal experience, and I DIDN’T CRASH ANY PLANES!!! YAY ME!

So the following day Wednesday, November 8, was ERRSA election for positions in our Hall Councils. I spent that afternoon preparing to give my speech for my bid as Governor of Adams Hall, and I had it all planned out, but when it came time to give my speech I totally blew it. It was by far the worst speech I have ever given, but the good news is that I still won the position. So now I am the Governator!!! Just Kidding! Also, we had a member of the Executive Board drop out of the organization so there was an empty spot to fill for this HUGE conference called the South Atlantic Affiliation of College and University Residence Halls (yes I know that is a mouthful to say) but the Executive Board chose me to fill that spot. It was a great honor to be chosen, considering the fact I was running against 11 other people. You will hear more about the conference later in the blog!

So Thursday came and that was the Talent Show that I had told you last time about. So for my act with my friend we sang “All I Ask of You” from Phantom of the Opera, and with the AcaFella’s we sang Happy Days. What was ironic about the two performances was that they were both for the same category, so I was pretty much competing with myself. Well the act with my friend went really well, I had been having trouble getting some of the harmony for the song, and I messed that up when we performed, but I covered it by just singing the melody. So, both performance went really well and my friend and I won 3rd place, and the AcaFellas won 1st.

That weekend was the conference I was telling you about and I must say that it was a lot of fun.  The conference was held in Gainsville, Florida, and we left on Friday afternoon to drive there. At night we didn’t do much besides hear a keynote speaker who was absolutely phenomenal, and we also got some dinner and just hung out at the hotel. Saturday was filled with different workshops to go to, all about how to make residence life better and how to strengthen the organizations that we are affiliated with. I learned a lot by attending this conference and I had a great time!

This past week and weekend was not so hot. I found out on Monday that we were going to have to put my dog down, because he had gotten so sick and he was in pain. That was the start of the week and by the end of the week it just progressively got worse. By the weekend it was almost unbearable just to wake up, it seemed like everyday just got progressively worse. I got sick on Friday, and Saturday was just the worse day ever. On Sunday things progressively started to get better and I hope that this upcoming week will be a lot better than last week!

Well that all I have for you for now. I’m sorry it was so long, but I hope that you enjoyed reading and that you will be looking forward to my next blog. As always, if you have any questions please email me or Instant Message me on AIM. “Forget regret, or life is yours to miss, no other road no other way, no day but today” –Rent

Until Next Time,

Joe Jaworski

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About Joe

**Class Year:** Sophomore **Position:** Student Assistant - Embry-Riddle Summer Programs **Hometown:** Buffalo, NY **Summer Activity:** Working Embry-Riddle's Summer Academy - and more! **Why I Chose Embry-Riddle:** I chose Embry Riddle with no second thought in my mind. I knew that I have always wanted to either be a Pilot or an Air Traffic Controller and with time I realized that I am someone who is meant to be in the tower!

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