December 20

Hey Everyone,
So this semester has finally come to an end. It has been a fantastic first semester, it’s just unbelievable how fast it actually went. I must say that while it was hard to be away from home, I definitely grew up a lot. I mean, not to say that I was immature or anything, but the fact that I have been away from home for 4 months has definitely been crazy and a life changing experience. Well, let me tell you a little about the past 2 weeks.

Exams are OVER (obviously) and I think and hope that I did well… My last exam was on the 10th. Since I was staying to sing for Graduation for the AcaFellas, I decided to take the extra week I had to go visit my sister in Texas. So on Tuesday I left and I had such a great time, I got to see my nieces, and let me tell you how much they have grown up. My older niece, Alyssa is now in pre-school and is one of the smartest in her class, and my younger niece, Taylor is growing up just as fast, she is starting to be able to talk in full sentences. I just can’t believe how much they have grown up and how big they have gotten. I came back on Saturday, and my friends picked me up from the Airport in Orlando and then we went out to dinner. We had a fun night.  When we got back to school we all hung out for a bit and then went to our own rooms. Well, campus was totally dead, since everyone had left for break already. I was the only one of my friends on that side of the Student Village and I felt very lonely LOL…. Well I turn on my computer to go talk online and I have a flashing message from my Weather Bug saying that there was a Tornado Watch for Daytona Beach. Then I realized that the weather was changing rapidly outside for the worse. So I called Jo and I was like…this is not good. I ended up going to her room to hang out with her and Erik. Well, we never went to sleep until like 5 am so we didn’t get up til like noon yesterday. So yesterday we all went out to breakfast and then Jo’s parents were coming in soon after so we did a little bit of shopping so that Jo could get some make-up and stuff then we headed back to campus.

Once I got back to my room I had to change because the AcaFellas were singing at the Masters Hooding Ceremony, and then we were going to the President of the University’s house to sing for some company he was having over. Okay, his house was HUGE and when I say huge I don’t think you can imagine how big it was. He served Prime Rib and Lobster for dinner and then we sang like 7 songs, which was really nice and we all did really good. I had a lot of fun that night. So I went back to campus and then went to bed
to prepare for Graduation today. So we sang the National Anthem at graduation in front of like 700 people and then at the end we sang the Alma Mater. We did great and I had a lot of fun.

Well, I had a flight leaving at 3:30 and it was 1:00 by the time we got back to campus, so I quickly packed and then headed out to come home. I found out that one of the guys in the AcaFellas that also lives in Buffalo had the same flights as me home, so we hung out in the Atlanta airport and then we came home. I now sit here writing to you from FREEZING cold Buffalo, New York. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year… I’ll talk to you when I get back to school… Stay Safe!

Until Next Time,

Joe Jaworski

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About Joe

**Class Year:** Sophomore **Position:** Student Assistant - Embry-Riddle Summer Programs **Hometown:** Buffalo, NY **Summer Activity:** Working Embry-Riddle's Summer Academy - and more! **Why I Chose Embry-Riddle:** I chose Embry Riddle with no second thought in my mind. I knew that I have always wanted to either be a Pilot or an Air Traffic Controller and with time I realized that I am someone who is meant to be in the tower!

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