March 28

I can’t believe it’s already been two weeks since spring break started. That certainly doesn’t seem to be the case for many college-age kids who have invaded Daytona. I hear “spring break season” is over a month since schools have differently timed breaks. Going to the beach for an hour or so yesterday with Alex confirmed my suspicions- the beach was packed. Yesterday was gorgeous and this weekend is looking to be even more so. 80s and blue skies all the way! Perfect for… camping?! Let’s just say going on the Christian Fellowship Club retreat to a hot springs area will be the strangest camping experience of my life. Whatever the differences, I know we’ll all have a wonderful time.

How can I do all of this great stuff during the semester? Well, I work ahead big time. For example, we were just supposed to turn in topic ideas for our last 10-page honors paper, but I turned in the whole thing. I’m not trying to brag with that, but just sharing the value of planning ahead so you can enjoy fun things that come up. Plus, I had an 8 hr layover in Charlotte, NC on the way to spring break in DC due to crazy thunderstorms and morning fog. Yep, quite the day, I have to say. I never thought I’d be typing up a report my first day of break.

Well, I could go on forever about the trip, but I think I’ll just let my pictures do the talking for me. I made sure to make my Facebook albums of the trip public, so even if you don’t have an account, you can check it out .

Easter was very special! I went to Calvary’s Alive 08 service. It was spectacular and many people professed Christ, so what a memorable time! It was all about the power even just one person has to change the world whether for good or for bad. If I am faithful, I can be that “one” that God will use for good. Also that day, my friend and I decided to randomly clean our buddy’s room and put some funny decorations in there too. He had given my friend staying at school for break the keys to his room and car, so we went after it the Sunday I returned. I love cleaning every once in awhile and had a great time. When we were finally happy with the result, we made some hilarious videos with two other guys on the floor and also took goofy pictures. It felt nice to do something for someone else. Being at college, it’s hard to be unselfish and serve others. That’s always a huge priority in my life, though, so I’m very happy we went through with it. He ended up being very surprised and encouraged, so hooray! You can check out our silly pictures here:

Well, other than only having a month left to finish up projects, study for the last tests and finals, we’ve had lots of excitement on campus recently. For example, we had a crazy awesome army helicopter land in Spruance field yesterday. I was sitting outside doing physics in the sun when it practically flew a circle around my head. The two rotors were pretty impressive and I’ve never seen anything like that in person before. Forgive me for forgetting the name, but I accidentally deleted the e-mail about it. Maybe one of the other writers will mention it .

Also adding to a busy campus was early registration and housing lottery choices. I had completely forgotten that honors/sports people could begin picking classes on Monday until I saw the course booklet in my mailbox. Suddenly, I had to begin the registration adventure yet again. First step was looking up classes I’m supposed to take sophomore year. It looked bleak at first, with only three classes that didn’t require another prerequisite or co-requisite class, but I found two more I could take. Next, I got Dr. Kain to sign for my honors course, Dr. Wanliss to sign as my EP advisor, and Jenny H. to sign as my freshman advisor. Busy, busy, I know, but a small price to pay for always getting the classes I want. Anyway, here’s my course list for next semester:

Statics –Barsoum–

Honors Seminar3 (Climate change) –Snow–

Calculus 3 –Chakrabarti–

Solids –Wang–

Physics 2 –Reynolds–

… for a total of 16 credits

As for spring, I’m looking at a lovely mix of dynamics, differential equations, physics 3, and physics 3 lab. Not sure what else I’ll put in there. I’ve heard that there’s an electrical course that I could take to get it over with, but I don’t know.

I do love the fall schedule, though because I never have a class earlier than 9:45 and three times a week that moves to 11:45. Also, I have an hour or two between classes in the middle of the day where I can work out or work in SPRL. And the best part? I’m never done later than 3:30. Not bad, huh?

And, as crazy as the lottery result event in the Fountain Room (in the village) was, we came out just fine. Two friends from CFC who are on the floor above me in Doolittle found another girl in their hall to join with our group. We also knew of four other girls in Doolittle who wanted an Apollo room just like we did. They had a lower number (It’s a random assignment when you turn in a housing registration form), though, and they didn’t get one, so we all jumped in together and got an O’Connor room. If you have to be in O’Conner, in my opinion, our room is the best. Fifth floor and close to the elevator and big lounge but not too close. Hopefully, we’ll have many good times in that suite next year. From what I can tell, there will be many hilarious days because we all love to laugh. 🙂 If you’ll be on campus next year and want to know more about anything I mentioned in my journals, feel free to come visit us sometime!

Well, I’m going to go enjoy the weather and make it through my four classes today so I can get going on the retreat!

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