April 30, 2009

Classes are over and grades have been posted; now summer can start…Yippee! My finals went alright and, even though I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, I’m glad to be done. My mom and sister arrived on Monday to help me pack my stuff and to do some sightseeing. We went to the beach, the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse, and miniature golf. I think they have enjoyed being in Daytona, but I’m so ready to hit the road towards Illinois. As my last journal entry, I figured I would answer a few common questions from a student’s perspective and give a few pointers to incoming college freshmen.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s a typical college day like?

This was a little different for me because I’m in AFROTC and have to wake up early for training. Also, it all depends on what your schedule is like. You will receive your schedule sometime in August and if you have any problems you can talk to your advisor when you arrive at school. Some people I knew went to class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 to 5 and then on Tuesday and Thursday would only have one class. Another thing your schedule depends upon is your major, business students will most likely have two or three classes per day. Most clubs get started in September and club meetings are usually held once a week sometime during the evening. The other time you can spend in the library working on homework, eating in the UC (Student Center), or hanging out with friends.

Do I ever get to leave campus?

My freshman year I didn’t have a car in Daytona and I still made it a point to go do fun things every now and then. The mall is within walking distance along with a few restaurants. Many people do have cars and are willing to take other students places like the beach or Walt Disney World. This year I had a scooter and enjoyed being able to leave campus whenever I had some extra time. If you are thinking about bringing a car down, it’s about $35 a year for a parking decal and there is limited parking space.

Do you ever get homesick?

I was nervous about leaving my family behind and coming some place where I didn’t know anyone; so, I made sure to bring lots of pictures and things that would remind me of home. I brought a couple of my favorite movies and music to watch and listen to when I needed to have a reminder of home. The best thing for me was being able to call home and talk to my mom and sister. However, once you get immersed in school the feeling goes away and the semester flies by. Do make sure you decorate your dorm room to look like an actual room and not just a dorm room.


  • Be positive—remain positive when things don’t seem to be going exactly the way you had hoped.
  • Get involved—many people will tell you this, but it is true. Join a few clubs and you will be able to meet so many more people.
  • Don’t hibernate in your dorm room—meeting people is a good way to keep from getting homesick. Go to the buffet or student center and eat with a new group of people, you just might meet your next best friend.
  • Don’t slack off on your homework—waiting a day or two to do your homework will just mean you have to play catch up later in the week or on the weekend. This can cause you to be overwhelmed and stressed and result in you not enjoying your time in college.

I hope that you all have enjoyed my journal entries this year and I hope that they were helpful. Good luck to everyone that has chosen to attend ERAU!
Kaleigh Sides

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