December 28, 2009

Yesterday it snowed a few inches, which was enough to cover the grass and allow me to try cross-country skiing for the first time!  I think I was down in the snow more than I was on the skis, but I had a great time!  My aunt bought the skis last year but we didn’t get a chance to use them because it never snowed again.  When I saw the snow start to fall, my sister and I both hoped it would be enough to let us try out the skis. The only thing I wish I could have changed was how cold it was—in the low 20s with crazy winds.  We couldn’t be outside for long because even with two pairs of gloves my fingers would start to freeze!  I can’t wait to try it again!

By the time I write my next journal entry, I will have taken the long awaited GMAT.  I’m scheduled to take it on January 6th and from what some of my friends have told me that it’s going to take about four hours .  I’ll be glad to have it done and over with!  I have to put the finishing touches on my essay for the graduate application and then I’ll just have to submit it and wait to hear back.

Over break, I’ve started working on a scrapbook for myself that begins when I was a freshman three years ago.  I’ve enjoyed looking back at the pictures and seeing how much things have changed (the new College of Business building) and how some of them have stayed the same (the Wright Flyer is still outside the Library).  I’m hoping to be caught up to the present by the time I go back to school.  I have two weeks left of my break, so I think it can be done!

Sometime this week or next week, I’m going to go shopping online for the textbooks that I’ll need next semester.  Then, I’ll have them shipped to Florida and they will be there in time for classes.  The weather forecast is saying that there is more snow to come later in the week…Yippee, another chance to hone my cross-country skiing skills!

Until next time,


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