There is just something about flying that excites nearly every single human-being. I think flying is as magical as it is because of the simple thought of flying through the sky, in any type of flying machine, with nothing supporting it up there except the nothingness of the air around it. Some folks don’t like to fly, and some, like myself, absolutely love to get in an airplane. For those that don’t like to fly, they still look up at every airplane in amazement, because flying is indeed an amazing and puzzling thing. Whether it be actually flying the machine or just sitting in the back enjoying the ride, I always love to go up into the wild blue yonder.

The sights you see in aviation are second to none to anything else in this world. Nature is always seen in its finest moments and it truly is just man and machine up there.
Over the past few weeks I did quite a bit of flying back home in Indiana and I met another young man that was just as crazy about airplanes and flying as I am. We ran into each other at the famous Sporty’s Pilot Shop near Cincinnati, Ohio and were both there trying to find new toys to enhance our flight bag. He was just starting his flight training at Ohio State and it was neat to see a young 18 year old that was so passionate about aviation about to start his dream career. The same passion is shared among most all students here at Embry-Riddle. I am an Aviation Business Administration major here, as a lot of you know, and most students in this program have a good idea of where they want to end up, meaning they know what company they want to work for and what they want to do there. These students may or may not be pilots, but they too feel that magic when they’re dealing with the “business of flight” as we like to call it. They love to see the flight schedules come together and deal with the daily operations of aircraft manufacturing and airline planning and management, it is just a great thing to be involved with. The same goes for the engineering students here. They, in a way, make this magic happen. They dream up and create the machines that the businessmen and women finance and the pilots fly. But at the end of the day, they’re inspired by this magic, the awesomeness per se that is felt when you see a machine going through the air.

Some of the best experiences I have had in aviation haven’t come in a flying-for-hire environment in big airplanes, they came in small airplanes with friends such as this picture depicts. Shown here is a typical “backyard” style fly-in, with this one held near Muncie, Indiana at Dalton Field.
Here at Embry-Riddle, you can study about everything aviation. From designing the airplanes in the College of Engineering, to financing and managing the business end in the College of Business, to actually flying them in the College of Aviation, and to making sure safety is assured in the College of Arts and Sciences, the students of ERAU are definitely immersed in everything aviation. Every one of the majors at this university have an aviation flavor intertwined in the curriculum, and it all comes back to this magic of flight.
Happy flying,