Some of you may be wondering, why did I choose Riddle? Well, I’ll tell you about one reason why I did. Everyone wants to feel welcomed and at home when they choose the university they will be attending; and this is exactly what Embry-Riddle made me feel. Before I even enrolled at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, I was connecting with a girl who already attended the university through a program called the Women’s Ambassador Program. During the spring of my senior year of high school and continuing on into the summer, I was receiving calls from one of the Women’s Ambassadors. We would talk about what I planned on majoring in, what campus life was like, and the questions I had about Riddle. By talking to this girl, whom I had never met before, but who just began to call me, I felt welcomed. I knew that Embry-Riddle cared if I attended. I wasn’t just another name on a list of applicants, but I was a person who mattered to them.
Once I committed to attending Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for the Fall 2014 Semester, I knew that I wanted to join the Women’s Ambassador Program. I wanted to be able to welcome other girls on campus, just like my ambassador had, and to encourage girls to pursue education in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) fields. I applied as soon as the applications came out in the fall, and by early January 2015 I found out I was going to be an Ambassador!
Now that it is January 20, 2015, I have been an Ambassador for about two weeks, and I have already experienced so many amazing things! Last weekend the Ambassadors from the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott, Arizona campus came to visit. We started off the getting-to-know-each other process with a dinner at Bahama Breeze on Thursday. It was interesting to hear all about the Arizona campus and the work that the Prescott Ambassadors were doing there.
On Friday, we set out to local schools to do outreach with their students. We talked about what STEM education has to offer and did an activity with the kids which included making a marshmallow-slinging catapult out of a clothes hangar, spoon, and rubber bands. It was a lot of fun to get to talk to children from around the area about what they want to do in the future and why they love STEM.
The rest of the weekend was filled with fun activities. Saturday morning we gave a tour of our campus to the Prescott Ambassadors. Next, we went to Universal Studios-Orlando with the Prescott Ambassadors on Sunday and spent the whole day riding roller coasters, getting to know each other, and getting absolutely soaked on the Jurassic Park Ride!

Daytona Beach Ambassadors Kalina, Kealey (also an ERAU blogger), and I on the Jurassic Park Ride (prior to getting soaked)!
All in all, it was awesome to get to know not only the Prescott Ambassadors, but also my fellow Daytona Beach Ambassadors. In April, the Daytona Beach Women’s Ambassadors will be traveling to the Prescott, AZ campus to do outreach! I can’t wait to experience all the Prescott Campus has to offer! In the meantime, I will be able to make my first phone calls to girls who have applied to ERAU starting next week. I can’t wait to be on the other end of the phone: getting to know the Freshman Girls of the Class of 2019 and building friendships with them!
Until next time,