Hello again!!
I have had a whirlwind 36 hours. Yesterday I spent the day traveling to and from an interview with Southwest in Dallas, Texas. I’ve flown all over Texas, but I’ve never actually been to Dallas; I was really excited! It turned out to be great fun!
I got up bright and early and drove out to Orlando for my first flight on Southwest and on a 737. It was instantly impressed with the level of professionalism and the ease of the boarding processes. We had hysterical flight attendants and a great flight crew. They asked me if I was a pilot and we struck up a great conversation.
The airport was beautiful; nothing like Atlanta or Chicago (which is a good thing). Very simple decorations and lots and lots of Boeing 737s. Even BBJs (Boeing Business Jets – it’s a private Boeing jet). The drive from the airport to Southwest headquarters was quick and easy, with once again lovely staff members.
I arrived about 3 hours early, which I know sounds awful, but I tried to look on the bright side. I filled out all of the paperwork and was fingerprinted very quickly. There were a few people in the waiting room with me, but I managed to find a great spot and started to work on my homework and classwork (that I missed because I was at this interview). So I worked and worked until my interview came. I was running questions through my head and practicing answers and thinking of worst case scenarios.
The interviewer took me back right when the interview was about to start. He gave me fair warning that there were about 7 people in the room and to prepare myself. My heart started pounding, but then, once I sat down and started answering questions, the interview zoomed by. I couldn’t believe that my 30 minutes was up so quickly. It was actually closer to 45, but it still zoomed by.
The next thing I knew I was sitting on the floor of the gate, studying for my exams, getting ready for school the next day. Then I hopped on a plane and made it home, very very late, but I made it home.
The next morning I drove my boyfriend back to the same airport I arrived at 4 hours prior for his first trip as a First Officer for a Regional airline.
Needless to say, it’s been an absolutely chaotic 36 hours, but I still have the rest of the week to handle and another in-person interview in Missouri!
Here’s to the next 12 days.
Until next time – blue skies!
~ Emmy