Hello, I’m glad to say that I just booked a flight home for Christmas. I can‚t wait to get back to Ireland to see the family, my girlfriend and a bit of rain no doubt. That‚s after only two full weeks of college.
It‚s 6:00 pm on Sunday evening and this is due in by 12:00 am, it‚s not that I have left this to the last minute; it‚s because of all the work that I have to do for college. It seems that I don‚t have a minute to do anything apart from college work. I don‚t know if it is the same for the majority of the student population or it is because I have to train every day after college, as well as having to work for spending money. I could probably quit my job as I don‚t have the time to spend it. As well as that, the hurricanes didn‚t do us any favors, all those days off that were so great at the time, I am starting to regret. History exams, English papers etc., when I‚ve finished one and think I‚ve got some time for myself, along comes another one. Thank God the semester is not that long. On a better note, the Eagles (men‚s soccer) are lying on top of the conference after a win against second-placed Northwood, we are undefeated in the Conference thus far this season. The best game I have played in this season is undoubtedly the 3-0 win over Flagler last week, on their home turf no less. It was the best atmosphere I have played in since I got here. We did take some abuse all the same, but thanks to two goals from Ian Thomson, we soon silenced the crowd. I will be expecting a good crowd for the return home game on November 2nd to return the favor. I didn‚t realize that college soccer and sport in general was taken so seriously over here. The rivalry I’ve seen against Flagler was great and it was even better to play in.
Got my first taste of a fraternity party last weekend, it was not exactly how it looked on American Pie, but it was not bad all the same. I‚m not sure how many of you were there, but it was pretty packed. By the way, I am talking about the one in the field, I got eaten alive by mosquitoes, and it did stink of horse manure but over all it was good craic (Irish for a good time).
Anyway, apart from a lot of college work and the odd night out on a weekend, everything has been pretty quiet. So I am going to go back to the village for a bite to eat before I hit the sack, not sure what I‚m going to have yet. Maybe I‚ll have pizza or even some pizza. I‚m sure if you‚ve eaten in college canteens you will know they lack a bit of variety and they don‚t provide salt to complement the food, but instead to give it a bit of taste. Thanks for tuning in.