Scratch one semester. Easy as it may have been, things are fast growing into a busy world and busier times. I apologize for not being able to make this a long posting, but things being what they are this semester, technology headaches and all, there’s simply no time in the week to commit the time I normally put towards these musings.
To put the last month in summary, the coming semester is going to be a vacation from my vacation. A mix of plenty of work and catching up with household chores/meeting with people I’ve not seen in nearly two years added up very quickly. Fortunately I was able to squeeze in a bit of time to edit and further progress on my Unit Heritage project for the NROTC so that I wasn’t too terribly back-logged once things picked up here. Something that I’ve avoided mentioning for professional reasons has been my personal life and relationships. However, I’ve received so many inquiries that I feel I should make some mention of things, if not just to tip the hat to the dear lady. Having little to no social network in Florida, and not finding many of the qualities I look for in the region, I was introduced to an international young lady from Princeton not long ago and have very happily fallen upon good times with her. With the very solid possibility of her transferring to ERAU, there are hopes of something developing from our close association, but for now things are staying on very pleasant terms though restricted care of the distance.
Where current events are concerned, most endeavors have proven highly successful. My project for the Navy has gotten tremendous compliments and assistance from the Unit Staff. With its nearing completion, my hands will be free to do more important things, such as prepare for our major Color Guard performance for the Tulane Drill Meet and getting together the logistics for a Rifle and Pistol Team. Still working hard for that scholarship from the Navy as well. With any luck, I will only have one year’s worth of loans to pay off and will be able to extend my class-taking ability in the coming years. Classes are predictably harder this time around, having signed up for a swath of upper-level courses in humanities and aeronautics. My schedule is hardly to my liking, spread across the entire day for the entire week. This means I don’t have the regular availability I had last semester for mid-day activities or errands, but the chance to learn time-management should be interesting.
That’s all for now. Things are still fresh enough that I’m not quite sure where the semester’s going yet, but that should be resolved come a fortnight’s passing.
A resounding thanks to all those who have contacted me with your questions, comments and suggestions so far. I really appreciate the feedback everyone’s giving me. Hopefully this is helping out a good many of you. All the best for the coming semester!
Onward and upward, David