The Next Chapter

Hello There,

While talking to my dad yesterday, he asked “how does it feel?” I really did not have an answer to that question as I have been busy wrapping everything up school-wise and finalizing the next chapter of my life.

With graduation being about 72 hours away, I guess I would say that it feels surreal. It is kind of hard to believe that I arrived at Riddle just over three years ago, and now, I have achieved the goal of attending college (to get a degree) and will be entering the workforce next month.

The last month-and-a-half feels like a blur; classes kept me very busy; I was trying to finalize the job search; and just trying to enjoy my last few weeks as a college student.

One thing that I learned about the job search is that it is not easy, but I really enjoyed the experience. I say it is not easy because you always have to be “on” in which you are finding what you want to apply for, juggling lots of communications to set up interviews, actually being interviewed, and taking care of lots of follow-up details. I was always making sure that my communication with prospective employers was friendly, error free, and that I was flexible enough to schedule interviews. (A special shoutout to all the folks in Career Services who are pros at this and give great advice!)

In September/October, I was busy applying to a few positions that interested me. I was then lucky to have several phone interviews to see if I would make it to the next round of interviews. In early November, I had several in-person interviews in which I traveled to the headquarters of a few companies for multiple in person interviews.

Going to the headquarters and having the in-person interviews was by far my favorite part; while yes they were interviews, they did allow me to network and just have great conversations about the working world.

Finally, right after Thanksgiving, I started receiving job offers, and the decision of where I would end up after college became extremely difficult.

I remember back to 2014 when it was time to officially commit to college, it was a simple decision–Embry-Riddle. I knew this is where I wanted to go as I could take my passion for aviation and combine it with a good business background to get an Aviation Business degree! However, determining where I would end up post-graduation was difficult in that there were lots of factors to consider and there were really great offers available.

While I have kept it is a secret for the last few blog posts, I am excited to finally say that I will be going back to the Delta Air Lines Network Planning department full-time! I am very much excited for the opportunity, but I am looking forward to having some time off to travel, relax, and get ready for the next chapter over the next few weeks.