The career fair is finally here. We have all been preparing extremely hard for it and putting all our time and energy into finding the perfect opportunities to continue our growth in our chosen career fields. Whether you are a freshman going to scout out future employers, or a senior hoping to score that dream job or internship, we all take the fair seriously. On top of that, it is the stressful season of the semester where mid-terms start to become prevalent and we all wish we had about three extra hours in the day. But we all have been working on our resumes, finding the perfect clothes, and preparing the perfect elevator speech to impress potential employers all while studying like there is no tomorrow and crushing all our tests.

I feel this year’s career fair will be incredible. They have gotten so many employers to come out, and even though we have class most professors understand how important this opportunity is to us. Professors have been incredibly helpful with tips and checking resumes and it is so nice to have that support to make you feel career fair ready. In addition, we all have the help and support of each other to make it through this stressful and exciting opportunity.

Even though this week will be a lot of work, we Eagles have a lot to look forward to this week with Homecoming. There are many sporting events to go out and support from ice hockey to soccer or even if you want to participate in the fun there is a 5k on Saturday morning. Then, later Saturday night homecoming ends with a free concert performed by AJR with fireworks to top the night off. Keep your eyes out for all the homecoming activities and show your eagle spirit. I wish everyone luck this week.