Hello to all the journal readers out there. Well, I guess you can say my journal hasn’t been the most exciting lately, if ever, but the truth is that, more often than not, I tend to devote more time to school and studies rather than fun. I’ll try to remember all that I did because I’ll be honest, there is a lot of stuff that happens around here that I just forget to talk about; but on with the journal, exciting, boring, or what not, I’ll try to tend to your interests as best I can.
For the boring school stuff first, it continues to take its toll. I’m not doing too well in the same classes I was struggling in before and it might be lack of interest or something, but I just can’t find the way to raise my grade. We got a few more weeks, three and a half to be exact, so I’m going into overdrive to try and finish up on a strong note. I’ve had five research papers to do and two group projects, so the professors around here really know how to keep us busy. I’ll be honest, I never did like group projects because it puts you at the helm of others, if I could say, it leaves you to either follow or lead. Honestly, group projects are something I always hated because those who were willing to work actually did, while those who never did anything were given the same grade as the rest of the group due to it being a ‘group’ project. I guess that probably didn’t make much sense, but yeah, point is, I hate group projects.
On another note, I am happy that there are only about three and a half weeks left. Slowly but surely, I will get to go back home to California, hang out with friends, family, and others. I will not be going back home for Thanksgiving due to a lack of money. Believe me, lack of money is something I’ve experienced more than ever here at Riddle. If I was to make a recommendation, it would be to buy all airline tickets early. I actually got a good deal to fly back before next semester: One way ticket from Los Angeles to Daytona Beach for $120. I don’t know about you guys, but that to me was a hell of a deal. The longer you are at Riddle, the more frugal you will get. I remember when I would be willing to pay the $300 for a nice flight in a 767 from Los Angeles to Orlando. Well, those days are quickly fading away, now I am forced to look for cheaper things as I realize money ‘doesn’t grow on trees.’ There will be a tuition increase for Riddle next year, as most of the US colleges are doing, but from what I saw it wasn’t going to be too large. We already pay a lot to begin with so most were not happy with the change. I’ll be honest with you in saying that much that is either incurred upon us here and even certain rules and regulations, such as fines for certain things that one does, I don’t really agree with. I think some of the stuff that goes on around here is unnecessary, but I’m here for an education and that is pretty much all I’m doing here.
Flight time has been increasing for me. I will be finishing up within the next few weeks with my first part of the Private Pilot course, and in doing so, I will be pushing my schedule and wallet to the limit. I haven’t had too many problems with flying, minus my horrible crosswind landings, but everything else has been a piece of cake. I look forward to getting my Private Pilot License when I return in the spring. I will then go into the multi-engine course and get my multi-engine rating.
I haven’t been to many parties while I’ve been here. I was never too much of a party guy to begin with, but most of the stuff that goes on around here, ‘party-wise,’ I tend not to attend. I have been out by and to the beach, which is fairly fun, but since I don’t have a car, I feel deprived. Back home I had a car and a car makes life much simpler. I could actually go anywhere at anytime without worrying about others. Now I have to tag along and go along with others, believe me, at times it makes it much harder to even go to the store for something you need. If you have a car, try to bring it, parking isn’t the greatest here, but you’ll be thankful you have a car. You’ll be able to get away when you need to. Like I’ve said before, I look forward to heading to Orlando, Jacksonville, etc. when I can. We also fly on the weekends here, so at times it’s impossible to go somewhere because we have to go flying. With life going on around you, sometimes it is hard to go out, have fun, even relax, but I’ll have that all back again once December 17 rolls around (day I go back home).
Well, as I bring this journal to an end and if you are still reading, have a happy Thanksgiving and what not. Someone did write in the forums that we needed to talk about parties more and the college life. Well, as for me, I am getting my you know what kicked in a few of my classes, if you were in my spot, would you go out and party? I know some people would answer yes without hesitation, but I’m on the other side of that one. Unfortunately, this has been my worst semester academically since I could ever remember. The last thing on my mind is partying. Sorry for not being able to share that with you, but I am sure other journal writers could give you some aspect on that. If anyone has any other types of questions or concerns, feel free to write in the forums. Happy Thanksgiving!