Happy late birthday! My birthday was last Monday and to me, it seemed like any other day, until I went to the mail center—my mom sent a huge birthday package that arrived on time! She even sent me a birthday cake which I shared with some of my friends. The best part was that I got mail everyday last week! On Tuesday, some of my girlfriends took me out to eat and I thought it was just going to be the three of us; but when we got there I saw a bunch of people from Silver Wings. Turns out one of my friends had spread the word, so I had a terrific birthday. The semester is almost over with only nine days of classes left! Air Force finished the semester last Friday with Pass-In-Review.
After Pass-In-Review, I went to the AcaFellas concert with some other Air Force people. I thought the AcaFellas did an outstanding job! Two Air Force guys are in the group, so there was a pretty good turnout to cheer them on. Always try and attend events like these because you are supporting one another and they are free! I also attended a seminar held by the College of Business about cultural diversity. I found the seminar very informative; for example, business cards are very important especially in Japan and you should present your card to the person with both hands and the writing facing them. Most seminars that I have attended have door prizes and food and I won an Embry-Riddle picture frame at this one. Go to the lectures and seminars as much as possible because you learn new things, get free food, and can win prizes.
I have several Air Force events to do before the semester is truly over! This coming Friday we have Dining Out and it is going to be held at the Hilton on the beach. I have heard that we have dinner and they announce who is going to be the new Wing Staff. I am looking forward to it and will be sure to take my camera! Also, I still have Air Force class for the next two weeks but that’s not too bad. On Thursday, I get to go to Patrick Air Force Base and ride on a C-130! Last semester I rode in a helicopter and this semester I get to ride in a cargo plane! I didn’t think I would get to go because by the time I signed up all the slots were filled and I was the 6th alternate; however, some people dropped or weren’t eligible so always sign up and just keep your fingers crossed. I will be taking my camera on that trip too!
This past Saturday, Silver Wings had their Initiation Dinner and I officially got initiated! Last semester after completing the Associate process they couldn’t let any cadets in because the organization must maintain a 50 percent plus one civilian membership. This semester the organization only took civilians and they were able to let in two cadets. I was happy because now I get to wear a cord on my uniform signifying my membership. All of you thinking about joining a club should seriously consider Silver Wings. We are a fun group, we do community service, support the military (especially the United States Air Force), and we always have a good time. Silver Wings is a great club option. Because we are co-ed, you don’t have to pay as much as you would for some of the other clubs and organizations and you still get to do community service, weekly meetings, and induction dinners are like formals. Join Silver Wings!
My classes are going pretty well and last week I gave my Honors presentation and turned in my 10 page paper, so now I just have to show up to class. The presentation and paper were on Huntington’s disease and before I started writing the paper I thought there was no way I could get 8 to 10 pages. I surprised myself when I was on the 10th page and hadn’t even started my conclusion or included any pictures. Don’t procrastinate and when the teacher tells you a due date at the beginning of the year, tell yourself it’s due a week or two earlier. Also, do all the research in one week and then the next week try and write one page a day. I have found that by breaking it down like this and not procrastinating as much, I don’t feel as overwhelmed. My presentation was going well, when all of the sudden the professor interrupted me to ask a question. This has never happened before and I was surprised that he didn’t just wait until the end. After he did it many of the students did the same thing and I ended up turning my fifteen minute presentation into a thirty minute talk. The professor was surprised when I wanted to turn my paper in early, but he went ahead and accepted it. Hopefully, I will find out my grade soon!
I hope everyone that came to Preview Day on Saturday enjoyed seeing campus! If you have any questions about ROTC, my classes, campus, Silver Wings, or anything at all—send me an e-mail.
Until next time,
e-mail: sidesk@erau.edu