November 1st, 2008

On Monday, I had my Economics test and I think I did a pretty good job. The last test had essay questions and I wasn’t too prepared for them, so this time when I was studying l tried to focus on those questions. Overall, I think it helped because I know I aced the essay questions this time! This semester I started something new and on Tuesday and Thursday mornings I go to the gym for about forty minutes. Last year, I didn’t take advantage of the fitness center and I only went a handful of times. I have found that exercising on the days that I don’t have PT helps to wake me up and get me motivated for the day. In my BA 320 (Information Management Systems) class, we were assigned a project and it’s due right before Thanksgiving. In all of my classes, we do major projects that include a paper and/or presentations. Personally, I don’t mind it because I like projects and would rather do them than have assigned problems every night for homework. Engineering majors are more focused on the assigned problems because their classes deal heavily in math and science. On Wednesday, we had Lead Lab earlier than normal (6:00 instead of 7:00) and it was super cold outside. I’m pretty sure we could see our breath and we stood outside for two hours being briefed on first aid, cover and concealment, and how to do fire team tactics. I went to the Student Government Office after that and got a free cup of hot chocolate. The SGA office has a coffee machine that allows you to choose different types of coffee and hot drinks for free. I think it’s a pretty sweet deal! Thursday morning I went to check my mail box and found my absentee ballot! I have been waiting in anticipation for it and I was afraid that it wouldn’t arrive in time. I filled it out and put it right back in the mailbox! Also on Thursday, I registered for my spring classes and I’m pretty happy with how my schedule turned out. I carved a pumpkin on Thursday night and I posted a picture of it, so take a look! My Economics test was handed back on Friday and I got an A!!! This Economics class has been one of my most interesting classes this semester because the material is specifically related to aviation and the class has a lot of discussions. I was a cowgirl for Halloween and I went trick-or-treating with Silver Wings and Arnold Air Society for canned goods. Altogether we collected enough canned goods to fill the bed of a pickup truck! I wish I had taken a picture but I forgot to!

I hope everyone who visited campus had a good time and if you have any questions that you thought of – send me an e-mail, and I’ll be happy to answer them!

Until next time,

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