It’s been a busy but very exciting (and cold!) few weeks here at Embry-Riddle!
At the beginning of the month, a group of friends and I signed our very first apartment lease for next semester at Eagle Landing Apartments. While I do enjoy living on campus, it will be nice to have a place to call “home” for the rest of my time here. (A more in-depth post on what it is like to live on campus and in the dorms will be coming soon!)
A week later, we had Family Weekend. Although my family was not in town for the event, I helped out at the annual ERAU College of Business Hot Dog Cookout and Contest. The faculty divided up into two teams and fought to win the appetites of their students and families. It was a fun event, and now I hope my teachers will surprise us with more food soon!
Earlier this week, I started a new job on campus as a student assistant in Career Services. It has been very fun to learn more about the department, and it is a huge asset to ERAU. From career advice to help with resumes and cover letters, the Career Services Team is ready to help!

Over President’s Day weekend, my family was in town, and we survived the cold wind to enjoy a little time at Flagler Beach.
Meanwhile, classes have been going great, and they are keeping my busy! Luckily, it has not been too much to handle, but I have a feeling that this will change as we get closer to the end of the semester.
Like most of my friends, I cannot wait until summer starts, and I’m surprised that I have not started a count down yet.
As always, thanks for reading, and blue skies ahead,