About Isabella


Systems Engineering

Hometown: St. Augustine, FL
Campus Involvement: Graduate Assistant for the Office of Undergraduate Research
Why I chose Embry-Riddle: There are two big things that really pushed me to apply/attend to ERAU. One was the tremendous amount of hands-on experience that I could get just by asking to be a part of projects, teams, and research. The other was the numerous program-specific, non-gen-ed classes that started as early as freshman and sophomore year which made me excited to learn and apply concepts as soon as possible.

Family in LA

After the JPL tour, some of my family was in town for a while for my cousin’s wedding!

I took my extended family to a bunch of different place for food and desserts including Pigya for a really nice Korean BBQ set menu experience, Oakobing for Korean shaved ice, and Melo Melo for coconut pudding! I also got to give my parents and my grandmother a tour of SpaceX complete with pictures at the rocket booster! As an intern, SpaceX allows you to give a few tours to a limited amount of close family and friends. After my family was done with their visit, my boyfriend also visited with his own SpaceX tour…..but that is for yet another post. 🙂

JPL Tour

While in LA, I attended the Space Foundation’s New Generation Space Leaders: Dare Mighty Things Together Event at JPL. I got to meet and talk with some amazing people in the aerospace industry from across the country.
For the first half of the event, our group was taken on a tour around JPL, and I loved EVERY SECOND of it. They do similar tours for the public. If you are ever in the area, I highly recommend trying to book one. It was also great to see how much they encouraged photography throughout the tour!

Local Activities

Before I left to my internship, I spent some time with family. There are two things that we did in the Northeast Florida area that were super fun, and I highly recommend checking them out.

First, my parents, my boyfriend, and I went to a placed called All Fired Up in Winter Park (North Orlando sort of area) where we painted our own pottery! My parents and I painted a set of penguins to put in our garden. My boyfriend and I painted a cute little vase that we will plant sage in for our kitchen.

Secondly, my parents and I went shark teeth hunting! I also collected some cool shells and other types of fossils. In the Northeast Florida area, Ponte Vedra beach is an amazing hot spot for picking up shark teeth. You can walk onto the beach for free from the neighborhoods and find a good amount within an hour. This is a great idea for a date or just a nice vacation from the chaos of campus. There are also some amazing restaurants that you can walk into from the beach.

After all of these fun activities, I flew to LA for my fourth SpaceX internship! But more on that in the next post 🙂

The Start to Another LA Summer

In late May, I flew to LA to start my fourth Summer there. I worked with the Falcon Engineering and Product Management team based in Hawthorne, California as a Graduate Engineer which essentially means that I was an intern with a degree that was treated as a full-time employee with a salary. Here are some bullet points about my work there:

  • Assisted with Starship mass properties for a delta report & for training of a new hire
  • Wrote a script connecting change in booster allocations per mission to automatic CAD changes
  • Created dashboard to automatically summarize key program metrics in production and launch
  • Created dashboard to automate a simplified manifest view for external use
  • Consolidated knowledge across different mass properties programs to start a base of best practices
  • Produced trade study for booster fleet strategies
  • Led other side initiatives such as long-term S1/S2 part number storage and accurate reusability tracking

For this internship, I was able to obtain credits towards my graduate degree. I highly recommend that people talk to Career Services about this since it can save time and money.

Some fun things that I did while I was there include getting food with my California bestie, Alexa, who is a technician at Apex Technologies (she is really cool). She has also worked at SpaceX and Bombardier!!
We love discovering new places that serve things like a fluffy mango cake, dragonfruit boba, Korean cold noodles, or pork katsu like you see below. I also wandered around Manhattan Beach which has amazing weather, cute bookshops/stores, wonderful cafes, and more. The last picture is a duck that hangs out at the LA Fitness I go to there.

While in LA, I also tried to attend some networking events including one that involved a tour of JPL!! This was truly an amazing life experience that I shall show more of on my next post. 🙂

Rockville 2024

After graduation, I stayed around Daytona for a few more days to attend Rockville 2024 with my dad and boyfriend!! This is a rock festival that happened at the Daytona Speedway with tons of my favorite bands all day for FOUR DAYS including Limp Bizkit, Falling In Reverse, and Evanescence. Had the time of my life and highly recommend to anyone in the area.

Great beginning of Summer activity!

Undergraduate Time Comes to a Close

It was the end of a decade, but the start of an age

My time at ERAU as an undergraduate student came to a close last May. Throughout these four years I have made many lifelong friends and grew both academically and personally. I am grateful to all who supported me as well as those that made me stronger.

Next Chapter…

On to the Summer and my last year here at ERAU! During the Summer I completed my fourth round of the Summer internship program at SpaceX in Hawthorne, CA as a Graduate Engineer. This academic year, I will be finishing my graduate degree in Systems Engineering. But those are topics for other posts….. 🙂

So Many Adventures…..

A lot outside of school has happened in the past week or so! Here is a little bit of documentation:

The solar eclipse happened! Please enjoy my not-so-great picture of it through a telescope on the 5th floor of COAS. Even though we weren’t in the path of totality, it was an amazing experience. Maybe it was simply because we are at a school where nearly everyone is invested in events like this, but the whole world around me seemed to stop. I was at work in the Office of Undergraduate Research when everyone started to make their way outside and use the eclipse glasses that were being handed out.
As Graduate Assistant for the Office of Undergraduate Research, I helped with Discovery Day! This was a huge (over 800 attendees) research symposium day where students from the entire school could present their findings through poster sessions while winning awards and grants! I also personally received my Research Scholar award that day at the awards ceremony.
We attended ERAU’s Casino Night! This was really fun. Big thanks to Touch-N-Go for organizing the free pizza, blackjack tables, raffles, and more!

PS Department Social

As the current College of Arts & Sciences (COAS) Student Council Engineering Physics Representative, myself and the Astronomy & Astrophysics Representative organized this semester’s Physical Sciences Department Social. We had a huge taco bar, appetizers, cookies, sodas, and more! We also had a Pie-the-Professor event where people could pay $5 to pie volunteering professors with whipped cream! Profits are going towards more PS department events with free food for students and faculty! Enjoy a picture from the event 😀

College Meal Prep

As we go through college, we realize that it may be time to start getting little parts of our life together one by one including health! Routine exercising and some “touch-the-grass” times are great ideas. Another way I do this is through meal prep! This saves me money and forces me to eat more balanced meals with certain nutritional aspects I need (more protein, vitamin B, etc.). I am on campus usually all day (around 8:30am-8:30pm) due to classes, meetings, work, etc. I purchased a backpack on Amazon that was only around $25 that is very sturdy and has a built-in cooler/lunchbox as a front pouch. It looks very fashionable and is very useful. I meal prep around 1 day per week with a bunch of balanced meals that I can easily throw in tiny containers in my lunchbox to eat and/or microwave throughout the day. Some things that I’ve been making lately are curries, bowls, and casseroles. I also try to get some type of fruit that I can carry around easily (sliced pears in a ziploc, a tangerine, dried figs, etc.).

Now, how do you eat a balanced meal on a budget? Well, the meal prep helps a lot. I go to Costco (or Publix when there are good BOGO deals) to stock up on meats (ground beef, ground turkey, chicken thighs, etc.). Then, I put them in my freezer. When you see meat on sale, just get it and stick it in your freezer. Then, I grab some frozen, fresh, and canned veggies, maybe some jar curry sauces too. Quinoa and rice are also cheap things to buy in bulk. Then, one day per week I make all of these things in bulk and put them in my fridge to slowly eat at school from my lunchbox or reheat on a night that I come home late. (You can also make these foods in mega bulk portions and split ingredient costs among friends.)

For example, here is my meal prep this week: (all of these are my own concoctions, but if you need ideas ChatGPT is weirdly good at this too)

  • Chicken Saag
    • I had some chicken thighs in my freezer that I chopped into cubes and cooked with a premade saag curry sauce pack from the store. It turned out great!
  • Protein-rich Rice
    • I had leftover bean rice, daal, and a lentil curry pouch. I combined them in a pan to make a protein-heavy rice that can be eaten on its own or paired with the chicken!
  • Asian-inspired Ground Chicken
    • I’m mixing ground chicken and ground turkey with some five spice and oyster sauce to make an Asian-inspired meat that can be eaten with rice, quinoa, or just in lettuce cups!
  • Broccoli
    • I just blanch some frozen broccoli and mix with a bit of butter and garlic powder; these are neutral ingredients that makes this a good side dish to anything.
  • Grains (Rice, Quinoa)
    • I usually always have these on hand in my fridge to pair with protein and/or veggies.
  • Eggplant Pesto Casserole
    • I had some leftover pesto and spinach artichoke raviolis that I layered in a pan with sliced eggplant and extra parmesan then baked. It came out so good!

Graduation Approaches

Graduation approaches…….time to buy your cap/gown, figure out where you are going to live/work afterwards…..parents want official graduation photos to send family and friends. But what are the iconic spots on campus to take these photos? Well, I highly recommend getting some pictures with any projects you are working on (if you are able to, please abide by ITAR etc.). Here are some of the graduation photos I took recently at the two spots that people usually use around campus for inspiration: in front of the Wright Flyer statue and along the Legacy Walk (enjoy the blooper photo at the end)