Sunset at the Spruce Creek Fly-In
Hello there readers, so nice of you to wander over here.
Summer A classes have ended, and I got two A’s! Isn’t that sort of cool?
I really enjoyed the two classes I took, and I’ve decided not to take classes summer B in order to give myself some more time to devote to finishing my CFI rating, working as the Editor-In-Chief of The Avion Newspaper, Serving as the Director of External Affairs for the Student Government Association, and…
I’m working as a ground lab instructor, so I get to introduce kids to the fundamentals of aviation! It was really neat how I got his opportunity. One of my training managers in the Flight Department, Dan Thompson, gave me a call and personally asked if I could help out. Naturally, I said yeah! who wouldn’t like to spend time with kids talking about all of the awesome subject areas of Aviation?
So far I’ve taught three ground labs:
1) A Lesson on Fundamentals of flight, how airplanes fly, the four forces, and Airplane flight controls
2) A lesson on weather, weather services, Radar and satellite imagery, and making good Go/No-go decisions
3) A lesson on piloting skills, ground reference maneuvers, and how Wind drift effects an aircraft
Later today I’m teaching Aeromedical factors, IMSAFE procedures, and a little bit about cross-country operations.
I’m very excited about this because I’m getting real teaching experience. In CFI training, we learn about the Fundamentals of Instruction. FOI is based on psychology, and analyzes how people learn best, but also what hinders learning. Flight Instructors and Aviation Instructors use this knowledge of FOI to better teach students lasting concepts.
I’m getting started on my CFI experience now! that’s how I’m treating this summer job

I’ve also been keeping up with photography now and then this summer. Summertime brings lots of storms to Florida, and one of my favorite things to photograph are thunderstorms. But let’s be honest, the best part about living in the creek is the airplanes! here’s a few of my shots, I take hundreds at a time.

A 1955 Cessna 180
Embry-Riddle has everything you need to succeed while in college. If you have a passion for aviation or any of the degree programs offered here, come visit campus, or email me ans ask me about the school. I’ve been here for a while now, and I’ve met a lot of people that I could refer you to if I cannot answer your question. Why wait?