Hey all! It is great to have you interested in Embry-Riddle! It is an awesome school and I love it! My name is Elizabeth, I’m a meteorology major and I transferred to ERAU as a sophomore this fall. I was born and raised in Florida, so I am used to the state. I will give you all a fair warning, it is HOT! I love it though; I am from Cape Coral which is about 4 hours south-west of Daytona. I have a 12-year-old sister at home and a little yorkie named Toto! I miss home a little; I definitely miss my parents and my dog a lot, but I am getting used to it. Embry-Riddle has been great so far and I know there are a lot more things to come. I am living on campus, in O’Connor hall which in the student village. My room has 8 girls total so as you can imagine it gets a little hectic at times, but for the most part we all get along and it is a ton of fun! With the way the room is set up we have a living room/kitchen area, 4 rooms (each with 2 girls), 2 bathrooms, and 4 sinks. There is a picture of my room, the living room, and our sink area for you to see. Of the 8 of us, 5 girls are Aeronautical Science majors (flight), which I have been seriously considering, it seems like so much fun! We will see where that goes though. One of the girls is from Paris! She’s really funny and has great fashion sense!!! Now about my classes… I tried not to pile the classes on so hard this semester because it’s a new school with new professors and everything so I am taking 5 classes, PS-103 which is physics, PS-103L- physics lab, MA-111-Pre-calc, WX-201- Intro to Weather, and COM-221- Technical report writing. My physics class is crazy! It isn’t that hard, it’s just that my professor goes on rants and gets off subject very fast, but there is always someone around to help me if I don’t understand something. THANK GOODNESS! Otherwise I don’t know what I would do. The rest of the classes are going pretty well though. It is Saturday and sadly I am loaded with homework and Ohio State is playing so I need to balance my afternoon well J I am also a Pittsburgh Steelers and New York Yankees Fan. I know, I am very scattered but that’s just how it is!
There is a lot to do on campus also because you don’t just study all the time. This past week has been fraternity rush week and my resident advisor (RA) is the V.P. of a fraternity, so we got to play volleyball and hang out at some of the barbeques with the guys next door. There was a Monte Carlo night some organizations put on last weekend and they gave away free stuff, had food, and had casino tables, so that was fun too. As girls on campus, we all got really lucky because we live next to a group of really nice guys, they are so sweet and treat us the complete opposite of how we all thought that we would be treated going to school at a mostly male school.
Oh, and about that, being a girl on campus isn’t that bad here, although we are out numbered by like 7:1 or something like that it has its advantages. Guys open doors for you, your professors will learn your name faster, and although you do get the occasional typical college boy that is very excited to see a girl, they don’t mess with you if you stand your ground. Just in case you all were wondering, I do have a boyfriend, his name is Joe and he is an Aerospace Engineering major. Crazy if you ask me, it is a lot of work but he loves it! We have been dating since my sophomore year of high school. He is a sophomore here and no, I didn’t come here because of him, ironically we both love the school. I should probably start the tons of work I have to do so thank you all for reading and if you have any question about the school or dorm life, or anything! Just e-mail me at hunte@erau.edu. So goodbye for now, I look forward to writing more and hopefully hearing from some of you!