Whats up?!?
I hope everyone is excited about upcoming Thanksgiving. We here, cannot wait because that means we get a week off! A week off from school here means its like a month off. We are all really excited and can’t wait.
My days here at Riddle have been the same. In every class, my grades have been improving which is excellent! I have two exams coming up this week and have to get ready for because I need to get B¹s in them! Our Embry-Riddle Soccer Team is hosting the NAIA¹s this upcoming week and it will be massively crowded. But since it will be during the Thanksgiving break, many of us will be home and attendance will not be as big as it should be. We just collected for the third time the Regional Championships this Sunday in Georgia and are playing our opponents which we beat in the finals in the first round.
I really feel like playing soccer. This weekend they had a tournament with about 10 teams nine on nine with a registration fee of $100. I had a few good players but that’s it, didn¹t want to get embarrassed and therefore didn’t end up playing. I usually play every night some soccer either across the Street at Daytona Community College or here at Riddle on their fields.
I was looking around for a job because sometimes we really get bored, and I found myself a job near NASCAR as some customer service agent with my friend. I will be starting around December, but hopefully he will know that I will not be here during that time. I have been recently getting many e-mails from you guys! That is excellent and I do not mind one bit to answer any questions, feel free to contact me anytime. I will be undergoing a few changes here and moving to a different room because of some problems in my room. I will be moving 3 stories down as I am on the 5th floor, and I’ll be living with a buddy of mine which will be fun.
Recently I got back from Winghouse here, I¹ve been starting to eat those hot wings, they are so goooooood!!!! Sunday is the day here everyone gets busy with schoolwork, but still there are many that don’t and receive bad grades in school. Monday is my bad day, I gotta wake up at 7 am because I have a lab at 7:50. I had an exam on Friday in my AS120 class and I got a 84. I was disappointed because I was sure I got an A. But I will see my mistakes tomorrow. It was mostly about Air Traffic Control and some weather stuff that was not easy to get. I think the most I got wrong was about the Weather. I went out and played soccer again that night before the test, I was dead tired that night but still had to study for my test. I studied from like 11-3, but there were like 3 questions that I knew I had a 50-50 chance at. Overall, I did good.
So this Thursday, I will be leaving home because on Friday I have to give my Fingerprints to the FBI for citizenship. Then I will be here on Monday and Tuesday then back off home!! I can’t wait to get back home and see my family and dog! I also can¹t wait to hang out with my friends a little bit.
Ok, guys Good luck with everything E-mail me if you have any questions. I¹ve been continuing to answer all your emails and will so. DinkoResidovic@hotmail.com AIM: Mafia6663