Hi Guys,
I hope everybody had a nice Turkey and ate some for me! I went home to St. Petersburg during this break but I got stuck on I-4 with my car, it was terrible.. I left at about 12 pm with my Friend and only went 30 miles from the school with the engine broke down. I called my dad to see what it could be, he said the timing belt first…but that wasn’t it. I had to call my roommate an hour later to come pick me up from I-4, I was in the middle of nowhere in DeBary.
After leaving my abandoned car on I-4, I called my father to discuss options, the service would have cost us an incredible amount of money here because Daytona Beach is not that big and they don’t have a lot of towing trucks that provide long distance towing. So I went through several Stations to ask how much it would cost and to see what the problem might be. Most of them replied by saying that they don’t have any towing trucks that go that far. That really disappointed me as darkness approached us. My father then knew it would cost us, but said that he will call one of his buddies to see if he can come pick me up, he owns a towing truck. He said he will charge us $1 per mile, my father couldn’t refuse because that was the only option available.
My dad’s friend picked me roughly up at about 01:00 in the morning because he left at around 21:00, he also had some trouble finding it for some reason. I was relieved when I saw him because that meant that I would be going home. The trip took 3 hours to drive back with picking the car up on the way back home. I came home and passed out, it was like 04:00.
In School. We all got out early because of the holidays and I had a an exam that I did well on. Now we are back and are all preparing for final exams. Which is the most important thing we had for the past 3 months. We really got to study for it! I have about 5 exams to study for. When I am done with them, I will be very happy to have done them and to be finished with another semester here at Embry-Riddle.
I have recently moved and am having a good time with my new roommate. We have been staying up lately from times exceeding up to 04:00, it’s fun but crazy the next morning when you have to wake up. We hang out outside the school also a lot and go to the mall to pick up some ladies J. JK. I just slept the whole day and I am starving..going to go downstairs to eat with my buddies….GOTTA love college!