Hello journal readers,
The past couple weeks have just been the craziest couple of weeks down here. So much fun!! I got on a baseball team!! Daytona Beach Pirates!! Really good team, the kind of team who messes around at practice but still beats the crap out of EVERYONE! This Journal is going to be quite random because I am in a hurry to get out and have some more fun, it’s about 80 something out right now and all I hear is bikes roaring the streets of Daytona! The house deal isn’t quite working out too well, but we are looking for apartments for the summer, I will probably end up staying for the summer to finish up my flight.
Bike week thus far has just been PURE fun, seeing chicks dancing on tables outside of bars on Main St, sexy ladies wearing chaps, crazy bikes, it’s just fun to take a stroll around the city for the fun of it because there is SO much action going on. Just last Saturday, one of the clubs here at Embry-Riddle had a big party at the marina, I heard the cops showed up. I didn’t go, it was mayhem, too many people, I like the smaller parties, group of like 20 or so. There were hundreds of people at this party.
My grades are decent, slippin’ in speech tho. I have this thing about talking in front of an audience, I think it’s because when I was a kid, I would read readings and psalms in church, and words from the bible can be ridiculously hard sometimes and it meant so much to read in church, so that pressure pretty much destroyed me for public speaking. I rearranged my room the other night, we bunked the beds, put dressers together with the TV on top, catty-cornered the fridge in the corner, have a surf board hanging from the ceiling, and HUGE black light. It’s a pretty legit set up, YEAH! I’m hoping on getting a futon here pretty quick, that would be nice for guests and movies and stuff.
Although it’s been fun down here, and I mean CRAZY fun, I still get LOADED with work and studies.. my advice to everyone, don’t slack the SLIGHTEST bit! It’ll catch up to ya. I’ve been doing pretty good considering how bad I procrastinated in high school, you have to stay on the ball in college. This week I have 3 tests, 2 papers and a speech due, and this weekend is the last weekend for bike week so you KNOW I’m celebrating all my hard work!! It’s the BEST feeling knowing you worked and got things done!
Well, speaking of work, I better get back to working on my studies ‘n’ things. peace out everyone!
PS… spring break is coming up baby!!! YOU, YEAH. . … YOU!!!! YEAH YOU!! YOU SHOULD COME DOWN TO DAYTONA BEACH AND CHECK OUT EMBRY-RIDDLE !!!!! NO DOUBT!!! It’ll be a WONDERFUL preview!!!