Hey everyone!..
I have returned to grace you with a recent portion of my life here at Embry Riddle.
Well, there is one word that sums up the past two weeks— TIRING! I have had no more than 5 hours sleep each night within the last few days. With homework, classes, social events, club meetings and so many other things that needed to be done, I haven’t found any time for myself just yet. But the surprising thing about it all is that I don’t mind it. I mean, the workload from classes increased significantly but at the same time, so did the fun and excitement with my friends here. I have met a ton of new people and still counting. Everyone here is very social and open to anyone and anything, so it’s all real. All in all, it’s getting better and worse simultaneously!
It’s amazing that 4 weeks have already gone by so quickly, I can barely remember everything that happened—everything but the fact that I had tests for all my classes already! I mean, I haven’t gotten a chance to settle down properly in classes yet, but the professors are already giving tests! However, I wouldn’t complain too much considering that I got all A’s so far (emphasis on “so far”).
Ah, one thing that I am soooo glad about is that I have finally been assigned to my flight instructor. He is really a cool, down-to-earth guy and he makes the stuff easy, so I’m pretty happy about flying.
This past weekend was the best weekend ever since I got here. It all started from Friday night when I went to see a play with members from the “Riddle Players” club. Yes, I am in “Riddle Players” and for most of you who don’t know what that is, it is the school’s acting club. Yes, I am in the school play and I have yet to memorize my lines (don’t worry, I’ll get around it soon). After that, ERAU ice hockey team had a game on against USF in the local ice skating rink. Let me me tell ya, you have seen NO school spirit like Embry-Riddle’s until you have gone to an ice hockey or soccer game. I mean, we had sooo much fun and the place was packed with Riddle students AND teachers! Even though we lost, we still fought hard and had fun until 1:30am at the rink.
The next day, my friends and I decided that we wanted to go TRY ice skating too. Ya know, see if we can join the ice hockey team. Well, let’s just say we can’t no matter how much we tried. Well, at least I can’t! I have NEVER gone ice skating before, and I fell down SOOO many times, it’s unbelievable! (isn’t that right, angelica?!) But as sore and hurt as I was, that was one of the most fun things I have ever done and most likely we will be doing it again this weekend. After that, a fraternity hosted a party at a local restaurant, so, of course, all of Embry-Riddle was there having blast!
One thing after the next, it was amazing!
Then “Sunday, bloody Sunday” came around when sleep was needed and homework was to be done. As a Riddle student, you’re automatically installed with a program where you can actually sleep and do homework at the same time! (don’t worry, the cost of for that is included in the tuition and fees…haha). So, Sunday was relaxing and recuperating day and then later on, a couple of us headed out just to chill somewhere for a little bit, then back to the Adams 5th floor where no one sleeps!
Ok, so I think that basically wraps up my past two-week life here at ERAU..
I hope everyone enjoys reading my entries and if there’s anything you would like to know, just shoot me an e-mail, and I’ll see what I can do.
Till next time, Vick
(quote of the week: “huh?! I didn’t know lipstick could do that!”)