Hello, hello! I hope everyone’s been well! Not a lot has happened so I apologize for lying in my last update.
I guess the biggest elephant in the room was that Embry-Riddle’s 50th birthday in Daytona Beach was last Friday. The gala, dubbed “Operation Bootstrap 2.0” (in reference to Operation Bootstrap which was the name given to Embry-Riddle’s massive move from Miami to Daytona Beach) was incredibly large and attracted many people. There were zip lines, food carts, a large “mob shot” (a group photo), and fireworks. I, unfortunately, could not stay for the whole thing, but from what I could see, it was awesome!
Another highlight was that Amelia Rose Earhart recently spoke at Riddle. She was here for the Presidential Speaker Series we have on campus every week or so. I was very disappointed because not many people showed up. Considering the event was free and her contributions to the world of aviation have gone unnoticed, I’d thought the Willy Miller Center would’ve been a mad house. Anyway, Earhart’s presentation was wonderful regardless. She is very passionate about flying and I believe anyone sitting in the audience that night felt that.

My friend Christopher Nguyen (no we’re not related) who’s soon to be the world’s first FAA certified suborbital flight instructor!
Recently, I was allowed the opportunity to visit PoSSUM, Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere, a team of students and faculty conducting high altitude research. I met with some really cool people and got to see not only the suborbital flight simulator and pressure suits in action, I also randomly met Patty Wagstaff!
I think the last “major” thing that happened was me finding myself in a movie theater crowded with Riddle students watching The Martian. The movie was absolutely fantastic so if any of you are on the fence about it, do it. Matt Damon really nailed Mark Watney’s character and this might get him an Oscar.
That’s it for now. I think the next update might be fun since I’m in the process of getting accredited to go see ULA’s (United Launch Alliance) Atlas V rocket launch from Cape Canaveral October 30th. Also, I’m planning on seeing Bridge of Spies with a few friends which also looks really good. 2015 really is the year for movies I’ll tell you what.
So on that bombshell (?), take care everyone, and I’ll see you on Sol 29!