I am born and raised in Florida. I am almost done with my time in college here. And the last time I was at Disney (not counting Disney Springs), I think I was maybe four????? I have really been wanting to go to the Star Wars area too, so my boyfriend took me the other day!! The food, I have to say, was way better than I thought it would be. Blue milk is not really my thing…..I think it tastes a bit like the bubblegum flavoring that they use in kids’ mouthwash. All the rides were SO COOL, and it was so nice to do something fun like this for a day to take a break from school and work. AND ERAU offers discounted tickets through the ICI office. My boyfriend has an annual pass from his family, but my day pass that I got through campus was only $125 after tax which is really good. If you are an ERAU student and want to do something local (Bush Gardens, KSC, Disney, Universal, a race, etc.), check the ICI office website first for discounted tickets because we get REALLY good prices.