End of Semester: Projects, Tests, Celebrations

Hello Everyone!

I hope you all are having a great end to this semester! I am pretty much missing classes this entire week except for Thursday and then Friday is a study day. I am super excited that I get to graduate in two weeks!!!

I have had so many projects and tests to work on. On the side, we also had end of the semester celebrations in the many organizations I am involved in! The Women’s Ambassador Program had their “end-of-the-semester” dinner at Carraba’s last week. We all had a great time and got a chance to celebrate with our graduating eagles!

WAP Ambassadors

The same week, Career Services had their end of celebration activity at Jeremiah’s. We all had a great time catching up and also meeting the future ambassadors of Career Services!

Career Services

Other than that, I have been traveling this week with the Admissions Department to Seattle and Denver for the Accepted Students Reception, which has been a rewarding experience! I love meeting our future Eagles and getting a chance to tell them more about the student’s perspective of attending Riddle.

We all walked around in Seattle and took tons of pictures. We went to Pike Place Market, which has a beautiful waterfront view. I also got to visit the “Gum Wall”, where people stick their gums up on a wall….it was nasty but cool! We also visited the first Starbucks ever started in 1971. I had never seen the real logo, but I can see why they changed it to the current one! In Seattle, I met Amy, who is our future eagle and will be starting in Fall!

Meet Amy from Seattle!

The Gum Wall

The first Starbucks ever


In Denver, I got a chance to meet Kaitlyn, who will be joining us in Fall!!! I got to talk to a lot of families and address any concerns they had. This is my last travel for the semester, but I had tons of fun on all my travels!

Meet Kaitlyn from Denver!

I hope you all are having a great end to your semester. To those graduating, congratulations and good luck on your future endeavors!


Until next time,


EcoCAR 3 Earth Day Celebration

On Wednesday, April 18th I had the pleasure of traveling with the ERAU EcoCAR 3 team to Kennedy Space Center for their Earth Day Expo trip. I was asked to photograph their trip and try and capture the experience of their day. We left the EcoCAR garage at 7:30 AM sharp arrived at KSC around 9:30 AM. We received our official visitor badges and got to setting up the booth. The goal of the setting up the booth at KSC was to attract NASA employees as possible consumers of this experimental car and inform them of the EcoCAR project and competition. Overall it was well received by the NASA employees and some even asked if they could buy one in the near future! If you are interested in learning more about the EcoEagles or the EcoCAR competition please feel free to follow these links to learn more:





Introducing the ERAU FRS/BRZ/86 club! This is a club my friends and I have been trying to come up with for a few months now and we have finally gathered nearly all 86 owners on campus. Here is a preview video and photos of some of our members, I will have a full-length film coming for the club soon. If you are an ERAU student, and are an 86 owner or know of one please join us!


A Car Show With Class – Festivals of Speed

The 6th Annual Mission Inn Festivals of Speed showcased both vintage and contemporary vehicles of all makes and models. The show field was diverse with vehicles placed into an exquisite setting. The perfectly manicured fairway of this magnificent property played host to some of the world’s most exotic supercars, American muscle, rare custom motorcycles, vintage boats and countless other unique and exciting vehicles.


It’s Interview Season!

Hi everyone!

I hope anyone who came to Preview Day had a great time! This time of year on campus is crazy! We all love seeing the new faces around but we also are working hard preparing for finals and finishing projects. And on top of all that, lots of students are preparing for interviews for internships or jobs! I was surprised by how many students asked about internship opportunities at Preview Day – that’s so great you guys are thinking ahead!

Some people get internships as a freshman but I waited until my sophomore year. This means these are my first real interviews. I have interviewed with United, SFO, DIA, and Allegiant. These have been phone, video-recording, Skype, and in-person interviews. I applied for about 10 internships and have gotten 8 interviews. So far I have received multiple offers and I am super excited! Now the stressful part is deciding which!

Skype and video-recording interviews are awkward and kind of frustrating with the lagging. Phone interviews are nice because you can have notes in front of you. In-person interviews are my favorite because you are able to show your personality better in my opinion!

Just yesterday I was flown to Chicago for an interview with United Airlines. This was an amazing experience. I felt very prepared because I have utilized Career Services and their help was extremely useful. I wasn’t even nervous! The interviewers were very nice and the experiences I’ve had at Embry-Riddle in classes and in organizations were very applicable to their questions. Many of my interviewers were even Riddle grads!

Taking the train in Chicago to my interview.

I left to Chicago very early then took the L Train into the city from the airport. I then went and did my interview, got coffee, and headed back to the airport. It was a wild day but I had a great time getting a little lost in the city!

I left Florida in 80 degree weather only to land in snowy Chicago!

Internships are great experience builders and can take place during the summer, spring, and fall semesters. I encourage you to talk to Career Services your first semester and begin planning for internships as soon as possible! Even just the interview process itself is great experience!


Embry-Riddle Preview Day

Hello Everyone!

I hope you’re all having a great week! Mine has been super busy so far! We had the campus Women in Aviation day on March 29th. During that day, the Women’s Ambassador Program set up a lip gloss station at the ICI Center. There were other departments with various activities that the girls could participate in. Around 350 7th grade girls were at our event!

Women Ambassadors at the WAI event

On the same day, we had our T.A.G (Thank All Givers) Day! Basically, a few of us volunteered to go around campus and thank all the professors, faculty and employees at the university who donated.

T.A.G ft Dean Mike Williams

T.A.G. ft Jenny Hinebaugh

Another major event that happened on campus was Preview Day on April 7th. On this day, we have our accepted future eagles come learn more about the campus, and even attend classes that related to their major! I volunteered and wore 4 different polos that day- COA (College of Aviation), Women’s Ambassador Program, Embry-Riddle Women’s panel, and Career Services. It was so much fun to meet all the students that are so passionate about aviation and want to join our eagle family.

WAP table at Preview Day

Representing Riddle on the Women’s Panel

All in all, it was great meeting our accepted future eagles! Please feel free to leave a comment if you have questions.



Delta’s Firsts!

Women’s History Month highlights the contributions to society’s advancements in all fields. As women, it is an uphill battle to overcome adversity in male-dominated careers. This is often enough to make us give up and turn around, but for Captain Stephanie Johnson and Captain Arcie Quintana this was the motivation they needed. Delta’s Firsts, a Women’s History Month celebration, was an inspiring and motivational event for everyone to listen, learn and connect about the adversity female pilots endure.

Captain Stephanie Johnson, currently piloting an Airbus A320, is the first female African-American captain at Delta Airlines. Among many other things, such as being a wife and a mother, Captain Johnson is the Director of the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals Cleveland Aviation Career Education (ACE) Academy.

Captain Isaura Arcie Quintana, currently piloting the Boeing 757 and 767, is the first female Latina Captain at Delta Airlines. Captain Quintana endured many hurdles while pursuing her career as a single mother, including financial instability. Despite these challenges, she was the first and only female pilot at JetWest Aviation. The Captain was also the first female pilot to fly MD-90s for Great American Airways and Sunjet Aviation prior to beginning her career at Northwest Airlines. Her success defines the possibilities we can all achieve if we persevere.

Both captains shared with the audience their backgrounds, their history, and the numerous challenges they continue to face as women in aviation. Despite this, they shared their confidence in Delta Airlines and other airlines as they continue to learn new ways to empower and encourage women. Captain Johnson explained that Delta’s Women’s Employee Network encourages female employees to empower one another. It includes pilots and corporate employees alike.

Below are some things they would like women to keep in mind not only this month, but as we continue to pursue our careers:

  1. “Don’t Guess!”Captain Quintana
    Someone else has gone through the hiring process. Connect with them and learn from their experience.
  2. “You’re teaching your children what it means to be a strong woman.”Captain Johnson
    For those that wish to have children and pursue a career – It’s more than possible.
  3. “In flying, half the battle is the confidence you have in yourself.”Captain Johnson
    Your purpose is to make yourself proud. Every time you take off and every time you land is a reflection of dedication and devotion. It’s what really matters.
  4. “You can make it happen no matter what. You have money. You don’t have money. Make it happen.”Captain Quintana
    No excuses. Captain Quintana educated herself thanks to grants and scholarships. Utilize your resources! There’s always a way.

Delta’s First was hosted by the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals student chapter as well as the Office of Diversity & Inclusion (Pictured Left to Right – Captain Stephanie Johnson, Director of the Office of Diversity & Inclusion Kenneth Hunt, OBAP advisor Dr. Nancy Lawrence, various OBAP members, and Captain Arcie Quintana).

⋆ Dani


Long Distance Love

I hope everyone is doing well! We just finished Spring Break and it’s now the time of year that feels so busy as we all wrap up projects and prepare for finals! Last time I wrote about Preview Day (April 7th) and I hope you can all attend! If you have questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section of that post! If/when you visit, be sure to check out and use #Iamaneagle on social media! I plan to write up the ULTIMATE packing list that I wish I had had, but for now, I thought it would be beneficial to ease the minds of many incoming freshmen.

As a Women’s Ambassador, my third or fourth conversation with my girls is usually asking about relationships. It’s not uncommon for people who have been dating throughout high school to be a little panicked at this point in senior year.

To begin, I’m proud of anyone who is planning on trying out long distance. It’s easy to quit the relationship, or worse, give up your dream to go to the same college as your “bae”. Our school is so specialized that you most likely are coming because your passion is in aviation or aerospace! While these final months spent together may make you dread being apart (if they don’t I would be worried, haha!), know it is all ok!


Ok, here is the background on my long distance relationship and then we will get on with the advice!

Chris and I have been together since the middle of senior year. We went to different schools but worked together at a restaurant. Overall, we didn’t have the opportunity to spend much time together throughout the week, but we always made time on Friday nights or the weekend after work. Chris stayed in Colorado while I moved to Florida for school. On breaks, I would go home and spend lots of time with him and my family. Sometimes Chris would be gone on breaks and that would be hard. This year, Chris is in California, so I don’t even get to see him when I go home. That definitely makes things more challenging.

Chris is in the military so we have an additional challenge. Last fall we went months without any contact except letters. It was rough but very rewarding when I finally got to see him at his graduation. I was so proud! We still struggle due to the time difference between us and with both of us being busy!


My best advice:

Do it – As I already mentioned, a lot of people never even try. They break up before or one sacrifices their education/top university choice for the other. Try it! Do what is best for you and I promise, if it is meant to be, you will find a way to make it work!

Write letters – I learned that while Chris was in Basic Training, letters made our love story very fun! It’s better than texting all day and being distracted from life in front of you. Even though we can text occasionally throughout the day, we still send letters!

Use the mail – Along with letters, use things like Etsy, BirchBox, flower delivery services, or other mailing options to send surprises to each other. Chris is great at this and little does he know, he currently has a surprise coming to him now! Everyone loves a little surprise and getting a package from the mail center makes my day! This sounds expensive but it’s not! Think about if you did a date night, it would be about $40. Mailing Chris a box of his favorite snacks costs $20!

Make time – This is obvious but it’s harder than people think. He is working and I have class, work, and activities. We promise each other the weekend afternoons! He normally calls me at night and we do homework together after sharing our days. We use to text everything but now we have cut back so we have things to share at night. This gives us something to look forward to! I have learned to communicate very clearly my feelings since we don’t have the luxury of non-verbal cues. I have to remind myself he can’t see that I’m tired, so I need to say I am. This way he knows I may be a bit crankier.

Facetime is life – It is. While you may be sad seeing couples together, you just have to accept this is as good as it gets for now. We Facetime often and sync movies (there are websites for this) or play 21 questions! It sounds silly but there are games to play online if you Google them!

Plan trips – While it may be more expensive, think of all the money you’re saving on eating out while apart! I visited Chris last month (you can see my other post for more details) and he came last semester. That short time together makes it all worth it! We think of it as getting to travel more than we would if we were together. When he comes to visit, it’s like a mini vacation!

Be patient – Patience is the backbone of long distance relationships. You have to be ok with boring Facetime calls, awkward silences, not knowing any of the same people, not being able to share stories about classes like in high school, and not experiencing new things together. Yes it makes me sad and we fought a lot to get to the point we are at now, but you really learn and grow as a person throughout it. I have learned to communicate more, be off my phone, and listen better.

At the end of the day, I just recommend giving it a shot. Do NOT let your relationship jeopardize your future. Unfortunately, a lot of my friends broke up in college, even people who went to the same school. There is no advice that will save your relationship, that’s up to you! I just know that while we have weeks we fight every day, we have months of constant happiness even while apart. Yes, it sucks I am alone, but because of this, I am way more involved in my classes and clubs! Honestly, if Chris were here, I would always be distracted! If your partner is coming to the same school as you, that’s great! Don’t lose yourself or miss out on opportunities though!

Have a great week! – Maddie Dietrich


Reminiscing with OBAP

Student clubs and organizations THRIVE on campus. There are over 200 different organizations ranging from professional organizations, major-specific orgs, and even clubs for music and the arts. There’s a home for everyone, and I found a home in the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (OBAP).

We hosted our first ever OBAP week during Black History Month and we’re finally compiling all of the content. OBAP week emphasizes our pillars – scholarship, leadership networking, and community service.

This was our OBAP week flyer that we distributed throughout campus. All events were open to everyone and we were happy to see that faculty members participated in events as well.

Sunday, club members got together to paint the Spirit Rock. Located steps away from the Student Center, the Spirit Rock is a point of self-expression for students on campus. OBAP was excited to add the layers of painted history that the rock provides the student body.

Our finished product! We definitely aren’t spray paint masters, but in the process of painting the rock we got a chance to bond, talk, and just have fun.

Throughout the week we displayed Black Aviation/Aerospace Facts in the student center. This was an opportunity to shed light on the giants that paved the way for Black and African-Americans in aviation.

Prior to flying with United Airlines, Captain Marshall served in the United States Air Force beginning in 1964. In 1972, Captain Marshall was forced to eject over enemy territory and was captured. He was a Prisoner of War (POW) until his release in 1973. Our members and other attendees were fortunate enough to hear his stories as an African-American in the USAF and a POW in the 60s and 70s – a time of racism and civil injustice. His stories highlight the importance of celebrating Black History Month as well as the other men and women that contribute to “reclaiming our time.”

Later in the week, we attended the Embry-Riddle Basketball games with the Caribbean Students Association. Dressed in our blue and gold, we were the embodiment of school spirit. Still one of the best games I’ve been to!

Our members also got the opportunity to participate in the half-time games. I honestly can’t remember if we won; we were so busy cheering that we didn’t know what we were really cheering for. We were just excited! The games are a must.

On Friday, we invited Bethune-Cookman University to participate in our annual trivia night. Questions were centered around Black history, aviation, aerospace, and pop culture.

OBAP closed off the week with a leadership retreat in Orlando. Staying in the house allowed us to bond, connect, and learn from one another.

In light of all of these events and the upcoming close of the year, our club (myself, especially) is reminiscing. This was a semester to cherish. Thank you to everyone that participated and those that will participate in the future. OBAP is Embry-Riddle and I couldn’t be more proud to be an Eagle!

To see more of OBAP’s events and our role in the Embry-Riddle campus community, check out our Instagram.

⋆ Dani