We have how much time left?

In terms of time, this might be the 2nd to last post I make for this semester which is crazy. I can’t believe the semester went by so quickly.


It was a really foggy night when I got back from NJ.


Good vibes all around when flying.

Spring break was lovely and, even though I miss it, I know that in three weeks time it’ll be summer vacation, so I can’t complain. It’s nice that we get like 3-4 months off because I could really use that time to get caught up in my hobbies and school work, not to mention going back to interning in New York City.

I’m very excited for the Touch ‘N’ Go “Big Show” this Saturday! I hope that I can get credentials for the event just like last year with Gabriel Iglesias as it would be a nice way to end my Saturday work day. I’m also working on getting credentials for a rocket launch next week; hopefully the date stops moving around because it’s really hard to plan out your itinerary when the dates keep getting scrubbed.

At this point of the semester I’m starting to really focus on my school work and the results have been very promising! CAD class is wonderful, though we’re diving into tolerances which is starting to mess with my head. Psychology gets very interesting with each lecture. Hopefully I can find a similar class to fill my high-level social sciences (crosses fingers.)

Aside from all the other usual stuff that goes on, I’m still writing letters and postcards to my friends and keeping in touch with my family, and writing to people has so much more meaning and worth than just sending a text message. I dare you to try it.


So jealous that the math teachers have this view of campus.


Nothing makes your better than getting a letter.


Unfortunately the past two weeks have been somewhat of an “off-week:” no real action going on, but that will change when the next post rolls around. So, until then, cheers!

Spring Break Recap

Spring Break has come and gone and everyone is back in class, yet I still want to share my Spring Break recap with you.

Most people went back home for Spring Break, but I stayed in Florida and went to Fort Myers. I had the privilege of staying with my boyfriend’s family at their house, so it was much more convenient (and fun) than going back to Washington would have been!

The trip was full of relaxation, sightseeing, and good food. Because Fort Myers is on the Gulf of Mexico and is on the west coast of Florida, it is home to some of the most spectacular sunsets in Florida. Of course, watching a sunset was on my bucket list for the trip, and we watched it almost every night! We also went fishing in the pond behind the house every morning and evening. We caught all kinds of different fish and even saw turtles and an alligator!

Sunset over Fort Myers Beach

Sunset over Fort Myers Beach


Fort Myers is home to Spring Training every year for the Red Sox and the Twins. Everyday we drove by both of their ballparks, which were both surprisingly large. Traffic was always very busy during the afternoons because of the ball games and there were fans everywhere.

The second night we were there, we found a hidden beach which was perfect for watching the sunset. We continued to go back there almost every evening to watch! It is called Bunche Beach and it is located in between Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel Island. The sand bar was huge, so you could walk really far out into the water. The sun set through the Sanibel/Captiva bridge every night and it was amazing to watch, even after the first night.IMG_0788

Just before sunset on Bunche Beach

Just before sunset on Bunche Beach

One day, we took a trip to Sanibel and Captiva. They are both islands just off the coast of Fort Myers Beach. Sanibel Island is known for its seashells and white sand. We spent a few hours there on the beach hunting for shells, and afterwards, drove around the island and looked at all of the beach shops. It really felt like I was living “the island life”! That night, we went to a restaurant called Parrot Key. It is a very popular restaurant on the Fort Myers Marina. Their specialty is seafood, and I had the most amazing fish tacos! They also are famous for their dessert by the name of “Pelican Poop”. It is comprised of brownies, ice cream, coconut, and pineapple. I’m craving it right now just thinking about it!

Outside of Parrot Key

Outside of Parrot Key

Pelican Poop

Pelican Poop

Another day, we went to Lover’s Key State Park. It is located just south of Fort Myers and is a lot less busy, as well. We took a tram from the front of the park, through the mangroves, to the beach. The beach was covered with pure white sand and the water was pure blue. Lover’s Key felt like a private beach compared to Fort Myers Beach.

White sandy beach at Lover's Key

White sandy beach at Lover’s Key

Sightseeing is one of my favorite things to do, and since I was in a city I had never been to before, I wanted to do a lot of sightseeing! Since Naples is so close to Fort Myers, it was a must-do on the trip. Naples is a very wealthy city which is comprised of million-dollar beach homes and fancy stores. We just drove through the neighborhoods (that weren’t gated!) and looked at the homes in the area. They were incredible! There were also several huge yachts, fancy cars, and beautiful yards. Another night, we went driving around Fort Myers and found the Edison and Ford House. The house was huge and the property was beautiful. Apparently, it is where both Thomas Edison and Henry Ford lived during the cold northern winters.

One of my favorite parts of the trip was the day we spent in Everglades City. It has always been my dream to go on an airboat in the Everglades, and it finally came true! I am still so excited about it! The airboat tour took us through the swamps around Everglades City. It felt like we were in a corn maze, only it was mangroves. I have no idea how the tour guide could find his way out of the mangroves! I though we were just going in circles the whole time. We also saw two gators, and I got to hold a baby one!

Through the mangroves we go!

Through the mangroves we go!

Riding on the airboat

Riding on the airboat


To end the trip, we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and played mini-golf! Mini golf is always a tradition on any vacation. We also made a stop at the Love Boat Ice Cream Shop. It was the cutest old ice cream shop, and all of their ice cream was homemade. The line was out the door when we got there, and people continued to come for the rest of the evening.

Outside the Love Boat

Outside the Love Boat

Spring Break came at the perfect time. It was very nice to relax, have home-cooked meals, and explore South Florida. I am so grateful for my wonderful Spring Break experience and I am looking forward to exploring more of what Florida has to offer sometime soon!

Until next time,


Snow? During Spring Break?

Wow, here I am back in NJ, and it’s snowing on the First Day of Spring. None of it is sticking however, but it’s nice to see snow falling after spending so much time in Florida.


Someone please tell me that isn’t jet fuel being dumped out of my plane before landing…


Surprisingly this is the 2nd time I’ve flown out of Daytona Beach Int.










Unfortunately, my break hasn’t been all that eventful thanks to Mother Nature’s winter-weather-fury. I manage to visit my friend who goes to school at the University of Delaware, got to go back to my high school and visit my friends in the drama department, had dinner at my friends’ house, and spent some quality time with my family; what more could you ask for?


I found the University of Delaware’s equivalent of the COAS.

I got a nice chunk of my homework done, but there’s still more to accomplish so hopefully I don’t get sidetracked. Speaking of sidetracked, the snow is actually sticking! All the lawns on my street are turning white!

I’m glad we had a week off for Spring Break (technically 10 days for me but I digress.) I definitely needed the break to take some time to think about what I need to accomplish when I get back to Riddle. Not only that, it was nice to see my friends rooting for me because we all need a little motivation in life.

With that said, I think I’m ready to come back to school. I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things. I definitely need nicer weather to get more practice with my quadcopter so I’m excited. So, on that bombshell, I’ll see you all soon!


12:41 “Eh, nothing’s gonna happen.”


1:14 “NO WAY.”


Go Girls!

Last weekend I had the privilege of traveling to Dallas, Texas for the Women in Aviation, International (WAI) Conference. Every year the conference brings together almost 5,000 aviation professionals from all over the world. The purpose of the conference is to promote women in the aviation field. I have never seen so many women pilots in my life. It was awesome!! The conference consists of an exhibit hall (where all of the companies get their own booth), opening receptions each morning with keynote speakers, education sessions with speakers, interviews, and the closing banquet on the last night. Besides bringing professionals, the conference also attracts many students from the WAI Chapters all over the world.

The journey to get to Dallas began at 3AM on Thursday morning. The ERAU WAI Chapter got together and drove to Orlando (MCO) to catch our 6AM flight to Atlanta. Our flight ended up having electrical problems, so we had to wait inside the plane for 40 minutes while it was being fixed. This put us an hour behind schedule and on track to miss our next flight in Atlanta. Luckily, due to a lot of snow on the taxiways and ramps in Dallas, our flight from Atlanta to Dallas was also delayed by an hour! Miraculously, we made it to Dallas. Once we got there we went straight to our hotel, which was HUGE! I guess it really is true; everything’s bigger in Texas.

It’s a good thing the hotel was massive because the conference was huge, too! I didn’t realize how many people attend the WAI Conference every year. It really was a great opportunity to network with some very experienced aviation professionals.

Each day I attended the opening reception, the exhibit halls, and a few education sessions. The opening reception was filled with women and it was a wonderful chance to go sit with someone new and connect with them. Every woman I met was very willing to share her story and her love of aviation. The exhibit hall was very intimidating at first. It was comprised of hundreds of booths, all with very powerful companies in the aviation industry. Once I got used to it, I talked with many companies and made some great connections. Lastly, each day I would attend at least one education session. These were smaller lectures about a specific topic. Some of the ones I attended were about the Women of The Boeing Company, how to find business fraud, and an education session about 9/11 from the experience of a fighter pilot. Overall, the business side of the conference was amazing. I met so many interesting women who were eager to talk to me as a student. I am definitely planning on attending next year in Nashville, Tennessee!


Myself and one of the Tri Sigma Eta Tau alumna in the hotel!


Me at the ERAU booth in the Exhibit Hall


ERAU Alum whom I really connected with



Part of the ERAU WAI Chapter at the closing banquet


Crystal and I before the closing banquet


ERAU Daytona Beach and Prescott Chapters before the closing banquet


Kim, myself, Crystal, Lillian, and Kim before the closing banquet


Now for the exploration side of the conference trip! Of course, since I was in Dallas, a city which I had never been to before, I wanted to go explore the town. We found the best burger place in Dallas, Rodeo Goat, and realized it was just a few minutes walk from our hotel. One afternoon we went and had lunch and it was awesome! I believe in never eating somewhere while you’re on vacation that you could eat at while you’re at home, so Rodeo Goat definitely fit my mantra.

One night, the entire ERAU WAI Chapter went out to eat at Medieval Times. If you are not aware, Medieval Times is a dinner show where you eat everything with your hands while watching knights on horseback dual for the princess. The dinner experience is like no other. We cheered on our blue knight as we ate the dragon scales (potato skins), baby dragon (chicken), and drank dragons blood (tomato soup).


Myself, Cevera, and Crystal at Medieval Times


Jincy, Myself, Crystal, and Helen at Medieval Times


Dragons blood and a baby dragon for dinner! Yumm


The last night of conference, a few friends and I went out to downtown Dallas. Downtown Dallas is not very active at night since it is a business district, so we went to Uptown instead! It was crazy! The restaurants all along the streets were packed with people out having a good time. Later, we went to a small TexMex restaurant and had the most delicious shrimp tacos I have ever had. It was great to get out and explore some of what Dallas has to offer.

In closing, the 2015 Women in Aviation, International Conference was well worth the travel and missing a few days of class. Although very tiring, it was my first opportunity to experience a business conference and network with people. I recommend attending at least one time, even if you are not a pilot, or a woman for that matter! You will be able to take away so many great connections and memories from the conference.

Until next time,


“Oh, we’re halfway there. Woah, livin’ on a prayer.”

What’s that you say? Spring Break is only just a week away? Inconceivable! I can’t believe it’s already March! Like I feel like the semester just started. I guess time flies when you’re having fun, or are doing way too many things at once; I digress.

I’ve been flying a lot more with my quadcopter, and I finally got the confidence to mount my GoPro to it! I got some great video –  some of the highlights include: aerial footage of Embry-Riddle, mid-air collisions, and formation flying with other smaller planes. I’m still getting the hang of working with Adobe Premiere Pro and SpeedGrade. I also ordered more parts for my quadcopter so fingers crossed as I try to get better footage! If you’re on the fence about starting, I highly recommend getting into RC flying because it’s such a wonderful hobby. Honestly, everyone who’s seen me and my hall-mates flying on the soccer field just stop and smile because of how awesome it is. We even managed to impress two campus security guys one night when we were flying. RC flying teachers you aerodynamics, electronics, videography, and so much more; it’s definitely a hobby that’s going to stay with me for a very long time.

I am a very huge Doctor Who fan so logically, rather illogically, I decided to decorated my door to look like the TARDIS, the iconic blue police telephone box from the TV show. When I came back from class one day, someone left a replica panel of the door sign on my desk. After talking to my friends, I learned that someone from maintenance saw my door, left and came back with the panel for my door. I was truly amazed and shocked because I wasn’t expecting something like that to happen to me. Flash forward to present day and the sign/panel is hanging proudly on my door.

Aside from that, there’s nothing really new on my end so on that bombshell, I’ll see you all in another two weeks!




My door game is on point…depending on which point system you use.


I need to start getting into architectural drawings.


Weekend Traveler

“Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before” -Dalai Lama

I love this quote because it seems to be my motto as of late. These last two weeks have been full of travel and I am excited to say that the next few weeks will be, too!

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to go to Savannah, Georgia with the Women’s Ambassador Program. I traveled with one other Ambassador and an Admissions Counselor. We drove up to Georgia Friday afternoon and spent the night touring around Savannah. For those who have never been to Savannah, it is absolutely gorgeous! The old architecture and the Spanish moss are best seen with your own eyes. The evening was very cold, however we did stop in Barracuda Bob’s Restaurant to get some warm food. We walked down River Street and downtown Savannah. Of course, we had to stop in Paula Deen’s Restaurant and store. We also saw very cool art shops, boutiques, and hotels. The next day we went to a local high school for Girls in Engineering Day. We got to speak to so many young girls about their passion for math, science, and engineering. It was so inspiring to see girls who already know what they want to do for their future careers!


Old Building in Savannah


River boat on River Street


Paula Deen Store


Georgia Peach in the Georgia Visitor Center


Jessica and I at the Girls in Engineering Day


Jessica and I on the Florida-Georgia State Line

After a long drive home from Savannah on Saturday, I got to spend Sunday at the Daytona 500! It was probably one of the best sporting events I have been to. All year I have driven by Daytona International Speedway while it was under construction and empty. Then, I finally got to be inside when it was packed full of crazy NASCAR fans. My boyfriend and I walked over to the Speedway around 10:30AM, since it was almost impossible to drive anywhere. We spent the morning looking at all of the vendors and just enjoying the sights and smells of the 500. Kid Rock and Phillip Phillips both sang and of course, the USAF Thunderbirds did a flyover. Once it hit race time the crowd went wild! The race was full of excitement from start to finish and in the end, Joey Logano took first. Needless to say, I will definitely be going again next year!!

At the Daytona 500

At the Daytona 500

Turn 2 at Daytona International Speedway

Turn 2 at Daytona International Speedway

Last weekend, I traveled home to Seattle, WA with my boyfriend for his brother’s wedding. We left on Friday afternoon and arrived in Seattle at 11:30PM that night. We had to stop in Salt Lake City, UT for a layover, which was a lot of fun. (I love exploring airports!) The funny thing was that our flight from Salt Lake City to Seattle was practically empty! The aircraft was a week-old 737ER which only had about 50 passengers on it! So of course, we each took our own row and spread out.

Empty 737!

Empty 737!

The next day was wedding day! We drove up to the University of Washington in Seattle to take pictures and set up. The wedding was beautiful and I felt so blessed to witness it. Afterwards, the reception was in an old Naval Hangar in Seattle. The reception was awesome and it was cool to be inside of a huge hangar that once held Naval aircraft.

David and I before the wedding in Seattle

David and I before the wedding in Seattle

On Sunday our flight left Seattle at 12PM, so we were only home for about 30 hours. Even though it was a short period of time, it is always great to be home! Surprisingly it was a bright, sunny weekend, which is odd for Seattle in February. All in all, it was a great trip and a very tiring one. I finally made it back to my room at 12AM, Monday morning.

Flying over the Cascade Mountains

Flying over the Cascade Mountains

This weekend I am off to Dallas, Texas for a Women in Aviation, International Conference. I cannot wait to meet many professional women who are already successful in the aviation field. Next weekend I will be traveling to Fort Myers, Florida for Spring Break! It will be nice to relax and get away from school for awhile. I will keep you updated on my traveling adventures!

Until next time,


Halfway There

We are right in the middle of the semester! As much as I love school, I’m about ready for the summer! It’ll be nice to go back to working full time and to spend time with friends and family.photo45

As you probably expect, things have been quite busy lately. I’ve had tests in all of my classes this week or will next week, and so far, everything has gone well. Sometimes these weeks can be difficult, but if one uses their time wisely and doesn’t wait to study the night before, things will go well.


The front entrance into The Lodge at JetBlue University

I’ve also been adjusting to my new job in Career Services. The more time I spend there, the more I learn about the department, and when you come to campus, it is one department that I highly recommend you start building a relationship with. The advisors as well as the office have so many resources, advice, and experience to provide, and it’ll definitely come in handy when applying for internships.


Jack Harty and former JetBlue CEO David Barger

Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to go to the grand opening of The Lodge as JetBlue’s Orlando Support Center (where they conduct training and orientation for more than 7,000 people every year). The Lodge is a hotel for the employees that come to Orlando for long periods of time in the middle of training. It was a great opportunity to meet some of the employees at JetBlue!

Now, I’m off to Aruba on Friday to fly on Southwest’s first international flight into Houston Hobby Airport. There will definitely be a full report coming soon! (It’s quite fun to still work as a journalist part time 🙂 ).

Blue skies,


More fun!

At the expense of my procrastination, I bring to you all another blog post. With 2 weeks passed, let’s reflect on the many things that happened since February 4th.


I love name tags. Makes a you feel official.


My day was made when someone handed me a flower as I played piano while on break.

I was gonna be like “Woah, I can’t believe I got hired by the IT Department bro,” but then I realized I said that last week; so I won’t. I will, however, discuss the aspects of my job, and hopefully not bore you all to tears in the process.

In addition to golf cart driving privileges (finally) and fancy name tags, I’m a part of a 30+ person strong team that, well, fixes computers. Originally, I had the intention of wanting to work for ResNet, which is the Geek Squad equivalent of tech support for students here at Embry-Riddle, but I wound up being placed in desktop support. I really like the job, granted I work weekends and Thursdays. I mostly look at tickets that have been placed in our system and check to see which ones I can handle with my 4 hour shift on Thursday. Once the weekend comes, I’m off with a 2-3 person team that inventories, replaces, and recycles computers. It’s not a bad gig, and I’ve meet some really cool people through the job. I can’t wait to see where this job takes me.

With Spring Break rapidly approaching (4 weeks and counting) I booked my airline tickets for NJ. Normally I would fly out of Orlando to Newark, but after talking it over with my father, we both agreed that flying out of Daytona would be better. And you know what? With my last class on the 13th ending at 11:30AM with a 2:00PM flight putting me in NJ at 7PM, you can’t beat it! (Well I guess you can, if you fly out of Orlando with the 2.5 hour flight but I digress.) Anyway, I’m so excited to come home. I started making plans with old friends and will be looking forward to some R&R.

I don’t talk about it a lot, but I am a part of Embry-Riddle’s Solar Decathlon team. The Solar Decathlon is a contest set-forth by the United State Department of Energy (DoE), and it challenges schools from around the world to design and build a solar-efficient home. In years past, schools like Stevens Institute of Technology and Arizona State have competed along with schools from Italy and China. If I remember correctly, and I tend to be wrong often, this is Embry-Riddle’s first year competing so there’s a lot on the line. I’m on the architecture team and we believe that we have a design that may work. At this point, all we need to do is to finalize all of the details and submit it to the DoE by October; plenty of time right? Once that’s done, we start building the home and ship it to California in 2017 which is where and when we’ll be participating.

I flew my quadcopter again today and I was pleasantly surprised with how well it flew. I feel like if I practice just a few more times, I can start mounting cameras to it. Speaking of, as we speak, I set up my GoPro to shoot a time-lapse so I might as well go check on it. So on that bombshell, not really, I’ll see you all later!


Sigma Sigma Sigma

Hey Friends!

It’s that time of the year again! Recruitment for all of the Greek organizations here on campus! It was a year ago that I went through the recruitment process and it was one of the best decisions I have made since being here at school! Throughout the recruitment process we are able to meet lots of new girls around the Embry-Riddle community and express to them what being a part of Sigma Sigma Sigma is all about.

There are many different stereotypes affiliated with fraternities and sororities. Many people think that a sorority is just about “paying for your friends, partying, and hazing” but these things are far from the truth. For my sisters and I, being a part of Tri-Sigma, is about being a part of something bigger than ourselves. 

Sisterhood: I have a group of women that push me to be a better version of myself. No matter where I am, I can reach out to any one of my sisters and I know that they will be there for me. We all joined Tri-Sigma for many different reasons but we stayed because we all found something that we loved in the organization and in each other.

Bid day 1

Myself, my sisters Maddy, and Melanie, and our newest members Rachel and Lindsey!


Philanthropy: One of the most important aspects of our organization is how we give back. We host many different events on campus that give back to our philanthropy, The Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation and the Robbie Page Memorial Fund. We also support our local philanthropy the Domestic Abuse Council, which is very near and dear to my heart. Not only do we serve the community but we serve each and every one of our sisters, by making them more outstanding members of this community.


Jordan, myself, and Alissa at our first recruitment event!


Academics: Currently we have the highest sorority GPA on campus which we are all very proud of! We understand that being a part of Sigma is important, but we also understand that above all we are here for our education, and that is the most important thing. Without education, we can not uphold the values that we stand for as Tri-Sigma women.

first class

First Class family at Bid Day!


Fun: Lastly, Sigma Sigma Sigma has provided me with the most fun that I have had while being at college. I have met so many different people in and outside of the Greek community because of Sigma. We also are much more active in on campus events, and participate in different events like greek week! (a competition between all the different greek organizations)

Lindsey Bid Day

My fellow Women’s Ambassador Lindsey and I at bid day! Welcome to the sisterhood 🙂


hot yoga

Sigmas having fun at yoga together!!



Recruitment every semester is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on why I joined the organization as well as share my experiences with other women around the Embry-Riddle community. Two of my fellow Women’s Ambassadors made the decision to come out for recruitment this semester and are now two of the newest members of Sigma! I couldn’t be happier to welcome these amazing women into our organizations and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them.

recruitment 2

Ambassadors Kalina, myself and Lindsey at our first recruitment event!

While juggling all of the organizations that  am involved in as well as my three jobs on campus and school, things can definitely get overwhelming!  It important to remember first why we are all here at school.. its for school!  My involvement with the Women’s Ambassador Program, and Sigma Sigma Sigma would not be possible without first making my academics a priority! We are just about half way through this semester and that means that classes are definitely beginning to pick up! It’s time to start cracking down and making sure that my work does not begin to suffer! I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to get involved on campus. For me, these organizations give me a lot of the motivation and support that I need to get through the stressful times of school! I’ll make sure to keep you updated on all the exciting experiences I have with everything I’m involved in while being down here at Embry-Riddle!

Until Next Time!



A Quick Update

It’s been a busy but very exciting (and cold!) few weeks here at Embry-Riddle!

At the beginning of the month, a group of friends and I signed our very first apartment lease for next semester at Eagle Landing Apartments. While I do enjoy living on campus, it will be nice to have a place to call “home” for the rest of my time here. (A more in-depth post on what it is like to live on campus and in the dorms will be coming soon!)


COB Faculty were grilling away for ERAU COB Students and their families during Family Weekend.

A week later, we had Family Weekend. Although my family was not in town for the event, I helped out at the annual ERAU College of Business Hot Dog Cookout and Contest. The faculty divided up into two teams and fought to win the appetites of their students and families. It was a fun event, and now I hope my teachers will surprise us with more food soon!

Earlier this week, I started a new job on campus as a student assistant in Career Services. It has been very fun to learn more about the department, and it is a huge asset to ERAU. From career advice to help with resumes and cover letters, the Career Services Team is ready to help!


Over President’s Day weekend, my family was in town, and we survived the cold wind to enjoy a little time at Flagler Beach.

Meanwhile, classes have been going great, and they are keeping my busy! Luckily, it has not been too much to handle, but I have a feeling that this will change as we get closer to the end of the semester.

Like most of my friends, I cannot wait until summer starts, and I’m surprised that I have not started a count down yet.


As always, thanks for reading, and blue skies ahead,
