My Favorite Moments of October

The month of October is almost over and we are now beginning the last phase of the fall semester. Not counting the three days off for Thanksgiving, students have about a month left of actual classes. I will conclude my last blog of the month by saying why it is one of my favorite month of the year.

Industry Career/Expo
Even though the event did not occur due to reasons we all know, it has been in the past an event with great excitement. I like to go hunt for jobs and internships. I enjoy talking with employers about what they have to offer. The career fair is now reported to the spring semester on March 1, 2017 from 09:00 to 16:00 at the ICI Center. Check the Career Services website for updates on company information sessions and the list of employers.

Fall Break
During the four days break including the weekend, I usually go back home to Canada to see my family and friends. I like to see the leaves in the trees change colors. It’s just beautiful! This is something that does not happen in Florida.

algonquin-park-autumnNHL Start of the Season (Hockey)
The 2016-17 hockey season started during the first week of the month. During fall break, I had the chance to attend the second home game of the Montreal Canadiens. We defeated the Arizona Coyotes 5-2. Last year, we did not clinched for the playoffs but hopefully this year we will go far. I look forward to this new season!

MLS Playoffs (Soccer)
The end of the month of October marks the end of the MLS regular season, which means that the playoffs start! My team (Montreal Impact) finished 5th place of the Eastern Conference during the 2016 season. They are playing a knockout round against D.C. United tomorrow (10/27). Hockey has always been the most popular sport in Montreal, but  soccer is catching up slowly beating football.

Until next time!


Hurricane Matthew and the Industry/Career Expo


14448965_979559538837000_6374416581809021170_n-2October was starting off so well, until Hurricane Matthew decided to visit the Florida coast.

On October 1, I traveled up to Atlanta for the day to visit some of my co-workers at Delta that I worked with during my internship this past summer. It was really nice to re-connect with them and hear about what is going on in Network Planning. Plus, there was an airline collectible show going on at the Delta Flight Museum and ran into some old friends at the event.


Update on the Industry/Career Expo

Once returning back to school last week, the Career Services office was quite busy as we were finalizing preparations for the annual Industry/Career Expo that was set to take place that Thursday. However Tuesday morning, it became apparent that Daytona Beach and the rest of the Florida coast would be impacted by Hurricane Matthew.

We had to make the decision to postpone the Industry/Career Expo for the safety of the students and employers coming to campus. I spent most of the day in the office on Tuesday, and I do not think I have ever seen our office that busy!

The office is diligently working to re-schedule the Expo for Spring 2017, and we realize that this is a much anticipated event by students and employers. Over the course of the coming weeks, employers are planning to visit campus to host info sessions and to do some recruiting. Details about company events are being sent out via email and are included in our weekly email that is sent out on Sunday afternoons which students can sign up for through Eagle Hire.

Stay tuned for additional details about the Spring Expo coming soon!

Hurricane Matthew

This was not my first category four hurricane to deal with. A few years ago, I was living in Houston when Hurricane Ike made landfall as a category four storm. We were out of school for three weeks and without power for about two-and-a-half weeks. Thankfully, this storm was no where near like that.14469646_983286198464334_5263984979174363447_n-2

Tuesday morning, I was able to find a cheap ticket to fly back to Houston for a long weekend since it appeared that Hurricane Matthew was planning to make a direct hit to Daytona Beach. Luckily, it was just enough offshore that the damage was not as bad as some were predicting. Regardless, it was still scary and some homes are still without power and need repairs.

Starting Wednesday and into Thursday morning, Embry-Riddle evacuated its aircraft to Auburn. It was so crazy to see the flight line empty while departing Daytona Beach Thursday afternoon!


After an unexpectedly long weekend, classes are resuming today (Tuesday). It is not clear if the three days we had off will impact our semester schedule, but we should find out relatively soon.

Blue skies,


Career Expo Update!

Hello again readers!

It’s been a busy few weeks preparing for the career expo and continuing with my school work and preparations for competition!

I just have a few reminders for those of you who are interested in getting a heads up for the career expo:

Make sure you know who you want to speak with! There’s nothing more embarrassing than wandering around like a lost soul through the chaos of looking for a job at the event.

– Make sure your resume and cover letter are on resume paper! A lot of companies actually pay attention to the little details, like that, and that can put you above other people

– Dress up – even if you feel weird. Look professional and prepared.

– Know your elevator speech. Have a brief speech (30 seconds) that explain who you are and what you do and what your plans are

– Don’t be shy – if you are, just push outside of your comfort zone. Approach people and be excited about the company. Be open to others and ask questions. All of the people you speak with with a company have all been in your shoes before. They understand how stressful it is! Just relax and be yourself.

– Be excited! Get excited about each of the companies you speak with. Even those you don’t plan on speaking with! You want to be excited about what you do and completing your goals. Show off who you are and the companies will love that. Be different and unique.

– Don’t be afraid to go see other companies and ask if they might have a job position in your field. You never know which companies may surprise you!


That’s it for now! Until next time and best of luck!

Blue skies,

~ Emmy

Industry/Career Expo Reminders

The Industry/Career Expo is less than a week away! It is the time of the year where more than 100 companies come on campus to recruit students for co-ops, internships, and full-time positions. The event will be held at the ICI on Thursday, October 6 between 09:00 and 16:00. I’m taking this time to give you a few reminders about the annual event.

Fast Pass pick up: Get your Fast Pass early to avoid long lines a the day of the event. It just takes a few seconds! Until October 5, stop by Career Services with your Eagle Card to get your Fast Pass.

Download the Embry-Riddle Career Fair Plus app: The app is available on Google Play and the iTunes App Store. You will have access to the list of employers, which includes their company description, the job positions available, and any type of work authorizations required. The app also offers a map of the fair so you will not get lost the day of the event.

Do some research: Get to know the companies you are interested in working for. Navigate on their websites to know what jobs are currently offered and what are the requirements. Review the job requirements and qualifications. Companies want you to show them that you are interested in working for their company.

Review your resume: Take a look at your resume one last time to make sure that it is properly formatted and free of spelling errors.

Practice interviews: Get together with a friend and simulate an interview. Practice answering questions about the company or about the position you would like to work for.

Attend the info sessions: You should attend the information sessions of the companies you are interested in. From past experience, many of them gives you important tips such as how to approach an employer and how to shake hands. Below is the schedule of the Company Information Sessions prior to the Industry/Career Expo.


Don’t wait until the day before: Be well prepared and don’t wait the night before the Expo to complete all the items mentioned above. If you are not sure about something and have a question, contact Career Services by phone at 386 226-6053 or by email at

Click here to get the full list on how to successfully prepare for the Industry/Career Expo.

Good luck!


First Few Weeks of the Fall 2016 Semester

Hello there!

I’m getting back into the swing of things at school; it has not been too bad of an adjustment going from working all the time to going back to being a student after my summer internship. 14332979_965948856864735_4286756368951495946_n

So far, the Fall 2016 semester is off to a great start! I am taking a lot of fun/interesting courses: Organizational Behavior, Corporate Finance, the Joy of Science, Technology and the Modern Civilization (an upper-level humanities course), and Economics of Air Transportation.

This semester has a bit of a different feel compared to my first semester at Riddle two years ago. My courses this semester require a lot more reading, but they provide a nice way to challenge the way I think. For example in my humanities course, we are analyzing why people post things on social media and how deeply the message is rooted in the medium (the social platform that is being used to send the message…Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc). Since I have a bit of a social background, it has been fascinating have these discussions in class and through our assignments because it is something that I have never thought of.

Team work has also become a lot more frequent; in three out of my five classes this semester, I have completed at least one assignment that required groups, and it is only the end of the third week! However, this is a great way to gain some experience working in a team, and based on the interviews for internships, a question about team work came up in every single one.

The Career Services Office has been very busy! We are getting ready to host the annual Industry/Career Expo on October 6 with 101 different companies attending! I feel like a little kid again waiting for Christmas morning to finally come as October 6 quickly approaches. The week of the Industry/Career Expo is always my favorite because it is a great way to meet and network with alumni, watch other students get interviews for internships and jobs, and see an awesome event come together!

I am also working as a Peer Mentor in a University 101 course this semester; this is a class that freshman take usually their first semester at Embry-Riddle. It’s a fun class that helps prepare you for your time at Riddle. From Academic Study Plans to hearing from different offices on campus to making a resume, the class covers quite a bit. It has been a lot of fun working as a Peer Mentor, and it has reminded my of my freshman year quite a bit and how the last two years at Riddle have been awesome!

It’s going to be a busy semester, but I am fully energized and ready to enjoy it!

Until next time!


Preparing for the Industry/Career Expo

Are you interested at an internship, co-op, or full-time job opportunity? If yes, you should definitely attend this year’s Industry/Career Expo! The event will take place on Thursday October 6, 2016 between 09:00 and 16:00 at the ICI Center. The Industry/Career Expo is open to all Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University students and alumni.

Delta Air Lines MD90 on takeoff roll at Daytona Beach International Airport. (Credits: Nicolas Bernier)

A Delta Air Lines MD90 on takeoff roll at Daytona Beach International Airport. (Credits: Nicolas Bernier)

All major airlines of the United States will be there including Alaska Airlines, Allegiant Air, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, JetBlue Airways, Southwest Airlines, and United Airlines. Many aircraft manufacturers will attend the event such as The Boeing Company, Embraer, Gulfstream, Piper, and Textron. There will also be various flight schools, aircraft suppliers, and government organizations. Click here for the complete list of registered companies.

How to prepare?

  • Do some research about the employers you are interested in working for. Go and visit their websites to learn more about what they do and what types of candidates they are looking for.
  • Get your resume reviewed a few weeks before by the Career Services Office. Don’t wait until the last minute as they are very busy. Click here for resume tips!
  • Practice your elevator speech that you will use to introduce yourself to the employers. You should briefly describe yourself by saying your name and major and also your strengths, past achievements, and career interests related to the organization.
  • Practice interviewing before you come to the event. The Career Services Office offers mock interviews for current students and alumni within one year of graduation who are interested on working on their interview skills. Click here for interviewing tips and sample questions!
  • During the event, you should look professional. You should wear clean, pressed business attire and be properly groomed.
  • You should bring your EagleCard, a notepad/portfolio to take notes and to hold copies of your resumes, a list of the companies you are interested in, and business cards.
  • Following the event, you should send thank you notes to the employers you had significant interaction with or whom you interviewed with.

For more information about the event and how to successfully prepare for it, please visit the Career Services webpage.

Until next time!


So Many Resumes…

Let me start off by saying I have never seen so many resumes before in my life!

This past week was Embry-Riddle’s Fall 2015 Career Expo! Everyone on campus was wearing their most professional attire, printing out their neat resumes, and carrying around leather-bound notepads. There were well-known engineering companies there, like NASA, Gulfstream, Rolls Royce, Rockwell Collins, and Boeing, along with plenty of airlines. In other words, it was a Riddle students dreamland.

This was my first time attending the Career Expo on campus, so it was definitely a new experience and I was a bit nervous. I tried to assemble my nicest outfit to give the impression that I was older than a sophomore in college and put as many engineering projects on my resume as I could. Let me also include that during this week I also caught the cold that was going around campus, so lucky me!


Me and my Sigma sister, Frankie, at the Career Expo!

I started off the Career Expo by attending as many info sessions as my schedule would permit. I talked to some people at Gulfstream’s Mix & Mingle, and then attended GE Aviation’s info session later that night. This was a great idea because I learned more about these companies and what they wanted from their internship and co-op candidates!

The next day was the real thing! This was when the companies gathered in the ICI Center and set up their booths. For some companies there were lines all the way down to the door! My friend Matt and I both walked around the Expo together, telling each other about the companies we wanted to talk to and giving each other moral support. I talked to GE Aviation, RocaTech Solutions, Textron, and The Spaceship Company. This was a great experience for me because I got to work on my people skills, talking to complete strangers about my engineering experience and where I wanted to go in the industry.

At the end of the Career Expo, I came out (somewhat) victorious! I received a call later that night from GE Aviation and they told me that they wanted to interview me the next day. I almost freaked out at just the chance of being interviewed by such an amazing aviation company! During my interview with them, we talked about Orientation Team and icebreakers, and also about my experience in Haiti and what mangoes were. My interviewer had me describe what a mango was because he said he was a “Doritos” kind of guy. Overall, I think the interview went extremely well! In about a week or so, I will know whether or not I will be GE Aviation’s newest intern!

Fingers crossed!!