Hey Friends!
It’s that time of the year again! Recruitment for all of the Greek organizations here on campus! It was a year ago that I went through the recruitment process and it was one of the best decisions I have made since being here at school! Throughout the recruitment process we are able to meet lots of new girls around the Embry-Riddle community and express to them what being a part of Sigma Sigma Sigma is all about.
There are many different stereotypes affiliated with fraternities and sororities. Many people think that a sorority is just about “paying for your friends, partying, and hazing” but these things are far from the truth. For my sisters and I, being a part of Tri-Sigma, is about being a part of something bigger than ourselves.
Sisterhood: I have a group of women that push me to be a better version of myself. No matter where I am, I can reach out to any one of my sisters and I know that they will be there for me. We all joined Tri-Sigma for many different reasons but we stayed because we all found something that we loved in the organization and in each other.

Myself, my sisters Maddy, and Melanie, and our newest members Rachel and Lindsey!
Philanthropy: One of the most important aspects of our organization is how we give back. We host many different events on campus that give back to our philanthropy, The Sigma Sigma Sigma Foundation and the Robbie Page Memorial Fund. We also support our local philanthropy the Domestic Abuse Council, which is very near and dear to my heart. Not only do we serve the community but we serve each and every one of our sisters, by making them more outstanding members of this community.

Jordan, myself, and Alissa at our first recruitment event!
Academics: Currently we have the highest sorority GPA on campus which we are all very proud of! We understand that being a part of Sigma is important, but we also understand that above all we are here for our education, and that is the most important thing. Without education, we can not uphold the values that we stand for as Tri-Sigma women.

First Class family at Bid Day!
Fun: Lastly, Sigma Sigma Sigma has provided me with the most fun that I have had while being at college. I have met so many different people in and outside of the Greek community because of Sigma. We also are much more active in on campus events, and participate in different events like greek week! (a competition between all the different greek organizations)

My fellow Women’s Ambassador Lindsey and I at bid day! Welcome to the sisterhood 🙂

Sigmas having fun at yoga together!!
Recruitment every semester is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on why I joined the organization as well as share my experiences with other women around the Embry-Riddle community. Two of my fellow Women’s Ambassadors made the decision to come out for recruitment this semester and are now two of the newest members of Sigma! I couldn’t be happier to welcome these amazing women into our organizations and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for them.

Ambassadors Kalina, myself and Lindsey at our first recruitment event!
While juggling all of the organizations that am involved in as well as my three jobs on campus and school, things can definitely get overwhelming! It important to remember first why we are all here at school.. its for school! My involvement with the Women’s Ambassador Program, and Sigma Sigma Sigma would not be possible without first making my academics a priority! We are just about half way through this semester and that means that classes are definitely beginning to pick up! It’s time to start cracking down and making sure that my work does not begin to suffer! I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to get involved on campus. For me, these organizations give me a lot of the motivation and support that I need to get through the stressful times of school! I’ll make sure to keep you updated on all the exciting experiences I have with everything I’m involved in while being down here at Embry-Riddle!
Until Next Time!