SoOo.. back to being a little late, but not too late (thank God!!). I’ve been cutting myself some slack, lately.. been sick with a nasty cold for the past week or so, now. I lost my voice for a good 24 hours, last week. It was the most unusual experience, but I made the best of it!! I’m really starting to feel better.. hope to kick this by mid-week. I can’t afford to let it stick around any longer than that.
As far as life at Riddle is going, things have never been better. My relationships with close friends and the boyfriend are growing stronger and stronger each day. It’s so CRaZzZie how the littlest things can have the BIGGEST impact on life. All of my friends seem to be breaking up with their boyfriends and sulking over it.. really depressing, I know.. but someone has to be here for them. In fact, I thought I was going to join the club, last night.. lucky for me, my boyfriend is very dedicated to making this work.
On the academic side of life, things have been going well in some areas, bad in others. I got a 75% on my first pre-calculus test because of stupid little mistakes.. should’ve got an A without any trouble. I got a 94% on my first meteorology exam.. felt confident about it.. happy with the results. I don’t feel as bad about the AT 300 exam as I thought I would, but wish I’d studied more, now. Haven’t seen the results, yet, because I didn’t make it to any of my classes on Friday. Hoping to see a much prettier number than 75 on that, Wed. I got an A on my first paper in HU 142.. turned in another paper since.. hoping to see another A on that. Also got an A on my first speech. So, other than pre-calculus, things are going pretty well.
Started a new job, quit working at the Annual Fund. I wasn’t one for begging alumni for money. So, I started working the early shift at the PowerHouse Gym.. right down the street. I usually work open-9/noon three to five days a week. Open is 4:45.. not the best when you don’t get much sleep, but the benefits are AMAZING. I get to workout and tan for free. I love the classes that are offered, here. Personally, I’m in love with Tina’s Absolute Abs class on Mondays from 5-5:30 and Rhonda’s Turbo kick class on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.. they are SoOo much fun. I recommend getting physically involved to EVERYONE. It really lifts your spirits.
In addition to this new job, I’ve launched my modeling career. This weekend, I went to John Casablanca’s in Lake Mary (40 minutes west of Daytona) for an interview. Since I have to head home for the summer, I won’t be signing with them until August, but they want me.. and so does ExploreNet, the leading Internet agency. I’m not convinced, yet, that this is going to work out perfectly, but it worked for Faber. I watched him on MTV the other day.. CRaZzZie how small this world is.
Well, I still have 2.5 hours left, here, at the PowerHouse. Guess I should get on to more productive stuff.. like writing that paper I have due on Wednesday. Have a great next two weeks, everyone =:o)