About Maria


Applied Meteorology

**Age:** 18
**Hometown:** Fairfield (near Cincinnati), Ohio
**Favorite Movie:** Beauty & The Beast
**Favorite Band:** Rascal Flatts
**Career Goal:** Graduate in 4 years with a 4.0 GPA
**Interests:** Swimming and diving, traveling, shopping, photography, interior decorating

April 10, 2006

WoW!! Has this year EVER gone by SoOo fast!! I don’t know whether that’s good or bad, but I’m not gonna lie.. I’m REALLY looking forward to this four month long summer vacation. I think just about everyone I know is ready for a break from school about now.

Things have seemed to calm down, lately. Nothing else has decided to catch fire.. and I’m not falling apart any more, in the department of health. So, that’s good news!! I have torn my PCL, though.. it’s been confirmed by the specialist that the hospital referred me to. And I’m finally getting things covered by the insurance company dealing with the accident’s costs. So, that’s great news!! Where things will go from here in regards to surgery/rehabilitation, I don’t know, yet. I have to get an MRI before the final decision is made.. and though MRI’s are very miniscule in the chain of medicine, I’d prefer to get it done while at home, in Ohio. So, it looks like May 15ish should be the deciding date. Until then, it’s CRUTCHES!! Speaking of which, EVERYONE at Riddle seems to be on crutches, in a cast, etc. It’s absolutely ridiculous. In my sorority, alone, there are two of us on crutches.. one girl’s got her arm in a cast. It’s CRaZzZie. So, be safe doing whatever it is that SENIORS (or juniors) in high school do, these days!

I’ll be attatching a few pictures from the cruise for your enjoyment.. if you’d like to see more, send me an Instant Message (LiL sUnKiSS 1015), sometime.. I’d be glad to send them your way :o) I just can’t spend ALL morning attaching photo after photo to this e-mail.

As far as classes go, things are either going to get REALLY good or really bad, this week. I have a BIG test, today, in my speech class.. and I plan to study for that the hour beforehand in my MeTeoRoLoGY class. YIPES!! I also have a speech coming up on the 17th.. wish me luck! The speech is supposed to be persuasive.. and my topic of choice is “why students should study abroad”.. I was inspired by the one and only Jamie Leigh. She’s planning on studying abroad in Campache, Mexico, this summer. I’ve yet to decide if I’ll be joining her. She’s also the one in the cast.. so, her plans may change!! I’d really like to go, though. I was a foreign exchange student in my past. I went to Toluca, Mexico.. the city directly south of Mexico City. It was a great time.. I’d love to go back and see everyone, sometime.

In other classes, I didn’t do as well as I thought I’d done on the last meteorology exam. So, I’ve got the final to cram for in order to pull my grade back up. I’ve got a test in AT 300 (Air Traffic Control) on Friday. I have a study session with some of the guys in the Pike fraternity, Thursday night. I hope that goes well. Both of the guys are doing much better than I am in this class, though. So, I feel pretty comfortable :o)

I also had a paper due in a class, last Friday. I’ve yet to even read the plays that I’m to be writing this paper on. So, I’d best get started on that. I have until Friday before it’s actually considered late, though. That’s good!!

Life, other than all of this, is great. I’m having a great time with amazing friends. I went to a formal, this past week.. YaY PHI DELTA THETA!! And our Xi Man Competition (Alpha Xi Delta’s annual competition for the sorority’s sweetheart) was a success.. new sweetheart: Gizzie from Delta Chi!!

That’s it for now.. hope you enjoy the pictures!! Only one more journal entry left 🙁 I’ll miss ya’ll

March 28, 2006

This should be one great entry.. to say the least. For those of you who are not CNN addicts, this news may be new to you.. for the remainder of ya’ll, this is old, but I (along with 23 other amazing Alpha Xi Delta sisters and Sigma Chi brothers) was on the Princess cruise ship that caught fire at 3:00 in the morning, last week, on the way from the Grand Cayman Islands to Jamaica. Luckily, we are all 100% okay, if not better (we got an all expense-paid cruise out of it!!), but one person did die from a heart attack.. many people lost everything they had with them on the ship. And the fire was literally no more than ten doors down from where some of us girls were staying on the Aloha deck.

I have TONS of SPRiNG BReaK ’06 pictures, but am currently trying to compile them all. As soon as I do, probably this afternoon, I’ll send another e-mail. Hopefully, we can post them!!

As for the cruise, I had an amazing time when you get past the good 6 hours spent “sleeping” in a muster station (British for where you gather in an emergency). I saw some of the most beautiful places in the world.. had some great food and drinks.. made great friends. It was really a great time.

This coming weekend is initiation for my little sister and the three other Alpha Xi Delta new members. I’m really excited :o) I’ll be posting pictures of that in my next entry. Stay tuned for that!!

As far as the school life is going, things are doing pretty well for not having gone to class in two weeks due to SPRiNG BReaK and the car accident I got into the week prior. It was very minor, but I tore some stuff in my left knee.. leaving me on crutches until further notice (aka.. probably the summer).

I have a paper due in 2 weeks for my elective literature class.. I’m really far behind in reading, there. I also have two tests on this coming Wednesday: AT 300 (Introduction to Air Traffic Control) and WX 201 (Introduction to Meteorology). I’m feeling pretty confident about the meteorology test.. hoping to feel the same about AT after tonight. There are a lot of great guys in that class who I plan to spend some quality time with, later.

Prior to break, I started dating a guy, here. We decided to make things official the day I got back.. so, I believe I have a boyfriend (some cruise drama is complicating the situation, right now). And I’m very excited. I haven’t had a meaningful relationship in about 6 months, now.. so, I’m hoping that all goes well and we can work through these tough times to start a wonderful time together. I believe there are pictures of the two of us together (who took them.. and how to find them is the question), but as soon as I find them, I’ll post them, as well.

Other than that, not much is going on. I’m looking forward to summer, though. We’re planning our next cruise for May in honor of the graduating seniors.. and our 25% discount :o)

Have a great week, everyone!! Thanks to those of you who take time to e-mail (olivab46@erau.edu) and IM (LiL sUnKiSS 1015) me.. I appreciate your positive comments and enjoy attempting to answer your questions. Keep the feedback coming


March 10, 2006

So, once again, my journal entry is LATE. I thought I’d sent one in, guess I didn’t. Oh well!! Anyway, things have been REALLY rough, lately. I’ve been homesick a LOT more than previously.. and I have no motiviation to go to classes and do homework. Luckily, I’m not doing too bad, as of yet. I really need to get back on the ball, though.

This week is Big/Lil week for the sorority. I’m taking a LiL!! She’s super awesome, but I can’t say anymore until after Big/Lil revealing on Saturday. We’re going to Islands of Adventure in Orlando.. should be LOADS of fun.

Also, the PowerHouse Gym is reopening (it caught on fire!!) on Monday. So, thank God for that :o) I really need the money.. granted it’ll only be a week until I leave for the cruise, but.. one week is better than no weeks.

I’ve been sick, a lot, lately. So, my working out every day has ceased.. and my bad eating habits have kicked back in. So much for looking good for this cruise!! Hopefully one week at the gym will do something.. even if it’s a little bit. I could really use it.. plus, the free tanning is NEEDED!! I’m getting whiter by the second.

I have a speech due,tomorrow, that I’ve yet to write. I’d usually be stressing, but I’m so not in the mood to do it, yet. I guess I should get started on that after I send this in, though.

I gave up ice cream for Lent.. my favorite food EVER. It’s been so tough and I’m totally craving some, right now. One of my good friends is having a rough day.. so, I went to Einstein’s (downstairs) to buy him a pint of chocolate chip cookie dough.. and I would give anything to eat it. Now, all I need is a car, and for him to go back to his place, so I can give it to him :o) I hope he cheers up!!

Umm.. that’s about it for now. I hope everyone is getting their applications in and such. This is about the time, last year, that I started turning mine in!! Good luck with everything.. let me know if you have ANY questions at all :o)

February 24, 2006

SoOo.. back to being a little late, but not too late (thank God!!). I’ve been cutting myself some slack, lately.. been sick with a nasty cold for the past week or so, now. I lost my voice for a good 24 hours, last week. It was the most unusual experience, but I made the best of it!! I’m really starting to feel better.. hope to kick this by mid-week. I can’t afford to let it stick around any longer than that.

As far as life at Riddle is going, things have never been better. My relationships with close friends and the boyfriend are growing stronger and stronger each day. It’s so CRaZzZie how the littlest things can have the BIGGEST impact on life. All of my friends seem to be breaking up with their boyfriends and sulking over it.. really depressing, I know.. but someone has to be here for them. In fact, I thought I was going to join the club, last night.. lucky for me, my boyfriend is very dedicated to making this work.

On the academic side of life, things have been going well in some areas, bad in others. I got a 75% on my first pre-calculus test because of stupid little mistakes.. should’ve got an A without any trouble. I got a 94% on my first meteorology exam.. felt confident about it.. happy with the results. I don’t feel as bad about the AT 300 exam as I thought I would, but wish I’d studied more, now. Haven’t seen the results, yet, because I didn’t make it to any of my classes on Friday. Hoping to see a much prettier number than 75 on that, Wed. I got an A on my first paper in HU 142.. turned in another paper since.. hoping to see another A on that. Also got an A on my first speech. So, other than pre-calculus, things are going pretty well.

Started a new job, quit working at the Annual Fund. I wasn’t one for begging alumni for money. So, I started working the early shift at the PowerHouse Gym.. right down the street. I usually work open-9/noon three to five days a week. Open is 4:45.. not the best when you don’t get much sleep, but the benefits are AMAZING. I get to workout and tan for free. I love the classes that are offered, here. Personally, I’m in love with Tina’s Absolute Abs class on Mondays from 5-5:30 and Rhonda’s Turbo kick class on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.. they are SoOo much fun. I recommend getting physically involved to EVERYONE. It really lifts your spirits.

In addition to this new job, I’ve launched my modeling career. This weekend, I went to John Casablanca’s in Lake Mary (40 minutes west of Daytona) for an interview. Since I have to head home for the summer, I won’t be signing with them until August, but they want me.. and so does ExploreNet, the leading Internet agency. I’m not convinced, yet, that this is going to work out perfectly, but it worked for Faber. I watched him on MTV the other day.. CRaZzZie how small this world is.

Well, I still have 2.5 hours left, here, at the PowerHouse. Guess I should get on to more productive stuff.. like writing that paper I have due on Wednesday. Have a great next two weeks, everyone =:o)

February 9, 2006

Life at Riddle is going well. The classes are going great, so far. However, I feel as though the stress of taking 5 classes in one day is about to take its toll. I have a speech and paper due this Friday. Wish me luck!!

Other than that, things are great. I went to the beach, this weekend. It was beautiful out. The weather was near 80 and so sunny. If the water had only been warmer, it’d have been perfect.

I’ve been spending my free time, lately, job searching. I’m in need of money, seeing as how I emptied my bank account for a Spring Break cruise to the Carribbean with the sisters and Sigma Chi. I got hired at the Annual Fund, asking for money from alumni, but I’m not sure how that’s going to work out. I got my first pledge, last night, but it’s really stressful. I’m going to Abercrombie & Fitch, tonight.. and I applied at Red Lobster, earlier!!

Hope you all have a great week.. I may write, again, soon :o)

January 22, 2006

Hey, everyone!! Look who’s writing on time.. hard to believe, isn’t it?! Looks like I’m still holding true to my first new year’s resolution: turning journal entries in on time. Hopefully this will remain true throughout the remainder of the semester. I actually didn’t realize I had an entry due, this weekend. I just happened to check my e-mail when I got online.

Anyway, it’s Saturday morning. I just woke up and finished the pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream that I started, last night. It was DeLiCiouS.. and far from nutritious. However, I’ve been eating SoOo much healthier, this semester. I didn’t know it was possible, but if you surround yourself with the right people at this school, you can really get on the right track when it comes to diet. When I say diet, I don’t mean an actual only-eat-these-foods diet, rather diet as in my style of eating. I’m not all about dieting.. it usually lasts for an entire day or two.. a week if I’m feeling really determined!! However, my friend, Beth, bought me a work-out ball for Christmas. At first, I thought she was crazy. Now, though, I love the thing. I’ve been using it religiously since I’ve been back and feel like I’m in much better physical shape than when I left. I’m so proud!!

SoOo, enough of the babble.. onto the topic of interest: school. This semester is going very well, actually. I thought I’d try something new, taking all five of my classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. So far, I’m loving it. It feels great to have Tuesdays and Thursdays to myself. However, next week will be my first entire week of class. So, I shouldn’t judge too quickly!!

As far as classes are concerned though, I’m feeling rather confident about this upcoming semester. I’m taking a humanities elective at 9:15, introduction to meteorology at 10:30, speech (mandatory class for all Riddle students, FYI) at 11:45, introduction to ATC (air traffic control) at 1:00, and wrapping up my day with pre-calculus for aviation at 2:15. My humanities class is a good group of students.. a lot of in-class and out-of-class/online discussion goes on, and I really like it!! Meteorology is my major, so I’m very interested in my first of what I’m sure will be MANY meteorology classes. My professor, Mary Snow, is really energetic; I’d recommend her for everyone!! Speech class is really, really repetitive of my high school speech class. I’m really partial to my high school teacher, too. So, I don’t love the class, but it doesn’t seem as though it’ll be too miserable. Speech is a great way to learn more about people, if nothing else. Unlike most students at Embry-Riddle, I’d never even seen the letters a, t, and c together until last semester. But when my required AS 120 class took a tour of the ATC department, I was really intrigued and decided to adopt it as my minor. So, I have very little knowledge of anything going on in that class, but my professor is awesome. I feel like I’ll learn a lot from him. My pre-calculus class is actually my least favorite because, unlike MA 241 (calculus for engineers), it is EASY. I took pre-calculus in high school. I should’ve been ready for basic calculus. However, since I audited the math course I took, last semester, I had to start back somewhere. I guess I should’ve gone with basic calculus for aviation, but that’s alright. This should be a much-needed easy A. Plus, my teacher seems really cool. And one of my good friends from the dorm I was living in, last semester, is in there!!

As far as homework, this semester seems as though it’ll be a much lighter load than the previous. So far, I’ve had very little to do. I get the math homework done in class since we’re reviewing stuff I learned to do early on in high school. And other than the occasional test, the only out-of-class work I should have will be writing papers for my humanities course and writing three more speeches for speech class. Not too bad.

Now, about the sorority life!! Things are going very well this semester. I’m having a great time, already. I’m rooming with my twin, Mandy, in Stimpson, a very nice dorm on the far end of campus. So, she and I are beginning to establish a great relationship with each other. My big sister and I hung out the other night. I absolutely love Vicki. She’s like me in another body.. I don’t know where I’d be without her!! We haven’t had chapter since school’s been back in session because we should chapter on Monday nights, and we’ve yet to have classes on Monday. We had sisterhood, last weekend, at Vicki’s house. We just got together, ate, and watched 40 Year Old Virgin. That night, we went out to Chops for $1 martinis. I don’t drink, but it was still a great time!! Last night, we had a social with an on-campus fraternity, the Pikes. It was a dodgeball/BBQ-style event. I had a good time, met a few new people. Afterwards, the girls had an unofficial social with the same group of guys, but I chose to stay in and clean my messy dorm because my cousin and her family are coming in, TODAY!! They’re only going to be staying the night, but I cannot wait. They’ll be the first people to have visited me from Ohio since I started school, here. For SPRiNG BReaK, though, one of my other cousins and his roommate(s) may come down. That should be a lot of fun.

As far as upcoming events, the biggest thing on my list is, like most, SPRiNG BreaK. Our sorority and the Sigma Chi fraternity have a good 20-25 people going on a cruise to the West Carribbean for SEVEN days. I just about emptied my bank account, Tuesday night, but the entire trip was only $655. You really can’t pass that up. Everything besides alcohol is included in that price, too. So, I won’t have ANY expenses on the trip. I’m so excited. To reimburse myself for the money I spent, though, I’m picking up an extra job or two around Daytona. On Monday, I have a job interview at 5:15 for an on-campus job. If hired, I’ll be calling alumni and asking them to help support Riddle. Combined with this, I should be making a good $100/week. So, it’ll only take me about 6-8 weeks to earn the amount I just spent. Plus, I’m thinking about getting a job at Abercrombie & Fitch. Since I’m off on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I thought I’d see what I could do about getting a daytime job there. I hear they only work you two or three days a week, anyway. Plus, I’ll get a decent discount on clothes that I love. It’ll be really nice when it comes to shopping for curise-worthy attire. I don’t have a 2-piece, anymore. It was stolen from a hotel, last semester. Plus, I’m working on getting my belly-button pierced!! I just love having an income.

As far as the remainder of my weekend looks, I’m going to submit this, first. Then, I originally got online to get discussion board points for my humanities class. Then, I’m going to pick-up what little I still have laying around the dorm, make my bed, and take a quick shower. Then, I’m going to see what I can do about getting a car and riding to the mall to grab an application at A & F before my cousin and her parents get in around 1. They’re taking me out to dinner, tonight. I cannot wait.. a nice sit-down dinner sounds great, though I love on-campus dining. At 7, our boys’ basketball team has a game. Since our sorority supports them, I thought it’d be a fun experience taking my cousin and her family to the game. Then, though, I’m hoping her parents feel like getting to the hotel.. I want some quality time alone with the girl. You know what I mean!! I’m not sure what’s going on, tonight. I know that the sisters are having a social with the basketball team after the game. So, I may take her there.. or we may just chill at the beach. We’ll just have to wait and see, I guess.

I hope you all have a great weekend and next two weeks. And feel free to e-mail me with any questions: olivab46@erau.edu or on the discussion board. I’m actually getting quite a few.. I love hearing from you :o)

January 12, 2006

Happy New Year, everyone!! I hope you all had a great break.. however long it may have been :o) I’m a huge fan of the month-long vacation. Once again, I’d like to apologize for another late entry. My resolution: to get my journal entries in on time.

Well, my break wasn’t all too exciting, to be honest. I was sick for the whole thing. First doctor said I had a stomach ulcer.. too much stress in my life. Second doctor had no clue.. just changed the prescription. Sooo, in conclusion, I just wasted a lot of money.

Also, while I was at home, I worked through some difficulties with Monty. We’re back together and better than ever!! We even bought a CHiHuaHua puppy.. I’ve wanted one for as long as I can remember.

Christmas was great. I got a Furby.. always wanted one of those!! Plus, I got some other fun stuff like the 3×4 ft. poster my sister made me displaying an assortment of my swimming ribbons from previous years. Oh! And Jenny, my friend from BGSU (Ohio), bought me some AZD sandals. She’s a Chi Omega.. but I like her just the same as though she were one of my own sisters. As she says, we’re all Panhellenic sisters, anyway!!

Yes!! Phone call.. and that ringtone means Monty :o) I’ll write more in two weeks. Feel free to reach me by e-mail with any questions: olivab46@erau.edu.

December 22, 2005

Hey, guys!! Sorry this entry is SoOo late. I thought I sent one in, but it mustn’t have gone through. The Internet is such a wonderful thing, isn’t it?!

Anyway, I’m at home, now. Back in Ohio until next year. WoW!! That sounds scary if you don’t think about the fact that next year is just days away.
Speaking of next year, Christmas will be here in FOUR days. Where has time gone?!

I ended the semester with a 2.84 GPA. Not anywhere near as well as I was hoping, but I make do with it. If I pull something like a 3.13 next semester, I’ll pull a 3.0 for the year. I can do it!!

Overall, I got an A, a ton of B’s, and a C in that computer class I couldn’t get out of bed for. Good thing I dropped the 8:00 time slot for next semester. In fact, I’m going to try taking all of my classes on Monday/Wednesday/Friday!! I think it’ll be nice to have two days off.. to do homework and get a job, maybe. I’ll just have to sit through 5 hours of classes 3 days a week, but even at that it’s much better than high school :o).

Well, I hope you all have a great Holiday Season!! I’ll talk to you all next year!!!

December 1, 2005

Happy Holidays!! I hope everyone is having a great first week of December.. I’m sure many of you are enjoying the wonders of the snow and cold from up north that I’m SoOo happy to be missing, yet can’t wait to see on Christmas. It’s so hard to comprehend that it’s really snowing outside when I’m talking to someone from OH because it’s B-e-a-uTiFuL, here. I live for a white Christmas, but I hate being cold. So, going to school in Florida is perfect-o!! I can be warm/hot all year with the exception of Christmas.

Anyway, things are going great, here. I’d like to announce that I was initiated into the Alpha Xi Delta sorority on Saturday morning at 10:30. The past week has definitely been one of the best weeks of my life. I absolutely love each and every sister with all of my heart. We had a party to celebrate our initiation on Saturday night at Karrie’s house (beachside).. it was a great time. There were TONS of people :o)

Looking beyond the sorority aspect of my life, here, everything is going really well. I’m planning on finishing all of my HW assignments for the remainder of this year tonight. All I have left are an English paper and a PowerPoint presentation. WoOoHoOo!! This semester has been great, but SoOo stressful. I’m not one to handle stress very well, either. So, I’m glad it’s over. However, I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.. hands down, no questions asked. I love it, here. Daytona Beach is seriously my favorite place in the world.

I’m leaving for OH sometime after next Monday at 7. I’m supposed to turn in my English paper, the final, on Tuesday. However, I’m going to see what I can do about turning that in earlier because it’s ready!! So, I’m kinda hoping that I can leave that Monday or Tuesday night. Derek said he’d take me to Lexie’s. She lives just south of Atlanta. She’s my ride to OH. If that doesn’t work, I’m already set to ride with Judith and her friend. They’re heading to Chicago. So, they have to take 75 north through Atlanta, anyway!! I cannot wait to see Lexie. She’s my BEST friend in the entire world.. nothing she doesn’t know about me.

I’m finished with UNIV 101. I’m pretty sure I got an A. Actually, I just know without knowing!! Umm.. I have a final in AS 120, Wednesday at 10:15. Then, I have nothing until Saturday at 2:45.. my IT 109 final. So, Thursday night, I’m going to a party at a sister’s house. Next Monday, a week from today, I have final final exam.. I like how I used final two words in a row, there!! And, if I can turn my paper in early for COM 122, I’ll be finished at 7 on Monday night :o) HoOoRaY

I’d like to thank those of you who have taken time to e-mail me and ask me questions, lately. I hope I’ve been of some help. For those of you who don’t know, we have a discussion board, too. However, if e-mail works best for you: olivab46@erau.edu I also have a s/n on AIM: LiL sUnKiSS 1015 Have a safe and happy holiday!!

November 17, 2005

Hey, guys!! I hope all of my readers have had a great past two weeks. These past two weeks have been extremely busy for me. So busy, in fact, that I lost track of time. So, I’m sorry this entry is a bit late.

Last night, I had my first experience scheduling for classes. It is NOT easy.. some classes are closed, some aren’t offered for the spring semester, prerequisites aren’t always met.. it’s a mess. But, needless to say, I’m currently registered for 9 credit hours worth of class for the next semester. I’m taking AT 300 (air traffic control), COM 219 (speech), and WX 201 (Meteorology 1). A few things have changed since I last updated. I audited my Calculus 1 class. So, now I have to re-take pre-calc and calc. However, I changed my area of concentration from research to media. So, I no longer have to take math at the engineering level. I’m also going to minor in ATC. I hear it’s a great fall-back.

As far as my other classes are coming along, things are going pretty well. I’m definitely struggling through IT 109.. I do not like Access. And I don’t know the members of my group for my PowerPoint project. My grade is definitely dropping in there. My AS 120 grade is on the rise, though. And hopefully I can pull through this IT 109 class.

Tonight, I’m leaving for OH. But I’ll be back, this weekend. Already, I can’t wait to be back.. I don’t know how things in OH are gonna turn out. I miss everyone, but I love the girls, here. Bridget, one of the AZD alumni, is driving me up. I’m hoping to fly back on Friday!! We’ll see how that goes.

I’ve been really busy with the sorority, lately. We’ve had so much going on because initiation was scheduled for this Friday. However, it’s been rescheduled for Dec. 3 due to my trip home. Thank you SoOo much girls for holding off. I owe you all SoOo much.

Right now, I’m about to head over to Kelly’s room in O’Conner. We’re going to get a banner made for the AZD Holiday Dinner. Then, I’m coming back to get a shower and pack for the trip home. I’m not bringing much, if anything. We have a family dinner for the sorority at 5. Then, we’re going to take a nap before Bridget and I drive up. I should be home sometime tomorrow evening!!

I have so much more that I’d like to share with all of you, including pictures from formals. So, I’ll see what I can do about posting an extra entry over Thanksgiving Break or sometime when I’m less busy!! Hope ya’ll have a great Turkey Day 🙂