Welcome to the New Semester

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Spring 2016 semester! Sorry it has taken me a while to write a blog, I have been super sick for the past week, but I am getting better. This semester is exciting for me. I am taking five classes: Speech, Physics, Calculus, Humanities and Commercial Space Ops Seminar. On Monday’s and Friday’s I am 8:00a to 12:00p, which is really awesome because it gives me a chance to go home and get homework done and more time to relax at night. On Tuesday’s I have once class from 9:45a to 11:00a and Wednesday’s 8:00a – 12:00p and 1:00p – 2:00p. Luckily, I have Thursday’s off so I really am enjoying this semester. In particular, I really am enjoying my Humanities class. It is HU145 for McKee. The theme is music, which is really awesome considering that it’s not literature or hard core history. We get to read a couple books on music and actually listen to old time music.

On the other hand, I am currently a Mechanical Engineering and Human Factors Psychology major…I am most likely going to be switching my HF major to Commercial Space Operations. That is why I am taking the CSO 101 seminar class to see what it is all about. I am taking it with Lance Erickson, the man who wrote the program. He is retiring after this semester so I lucked out with that. I really am enjoying the class. There are a lot of interesting jobs that really interest me. Plus, it is about space and space is my life.

Speaking about space, I was recently named a NASA Solar System Ambassador (SSA) for 2016. I get to do four giant speeches a year! It is totally awesome. I get my own name badge and everything! Once I know more information on it I will be sure to write about it.

As for the new semester, a lot awaits. New classes, new starts, new teachers, and new chances. Most importantly there are new opportunities. Personally for me, I am excited for the new opportunities: NASA SSA, classes, and possible connections. There is an endless number of things that can happen in someone’s life and a new year and new semester sets a perfect tone for that.

Have a great semester everyone!

A New Semester Is Taking Off

Hello readers!

We have just started the spring semester and it’s almost February. The first few days of classes are never too busy. The professors usually go over the course syllabus, schedule, exams (oh no!), and other important things relevant to the class. For most of us, after the first week, we start to learn new material and get our first assignments. Winter break is now over and the work load starts to kick-in!

This semester, I am taking 6 classes including an online class. My schedule is very even; I am taking two classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and three classes on the other days.

I start the beginning of each week with International Aviation Management (BA 426). I already had the professor before so I know what to expect in the class and how she teaches. We started to learn some history on aviation worldwide, such as the first airmail routes, aviation during wars, and different international policies.

After my morning class, I go home for a short period of time, and then head back to campus for my last class of the day, Corporate Finance  (BA 332). As I get closer to school, I usually see an American Eagle CRJ 900 land! Like my BA 426 class, I already took the professor for this class. I took Dr. J’s Macroeconomics class during my first semester of college. He is one of my favorite professors I have taken at Embry-Riddle.

The next day is a busier day as I attend three classes in a row. I start with Airport Management (BA 310). During our last class, we took a short field trip to the AMS building close to the flight line. The building offers a great view of the Daytona International Airport. Our assignment consisted of finding different objects on the field. It was an easy assignment!

After that, I have an elective class, Airline-Airport Operations (BA 327). This class is a mix of Airline Management and Airport Management classes. We learn how airlines and airports work with each other in the industry.

My last class on campus is Managerial Accounting (BA 312). It is usually the class students take after Financial Accounting. It is not my favorite class at this time, but maybe it’ll change by the end of the semester, we never know.

The online class I am taking is Organizational Behavior (MGMT 317). There were no more seats available on the class offered on campus, so I decided to take it through the Worldwide campus. I took an online class last summer and it’s pretty much the same format than the class I’m currently taking. During this semester, I’ll write a story to describe the differences between online and regular classes. They both have their ups and downs.

On my next blog, I will go over some interesting events I attended during the winter break. Hope everyone has a great week!


Contact the author at berniern@my.erau.edu

Winter Break: Round Two

Hello, hello again! I can’t believe that it’s been almost two weeks since winter break ended…at least I wish it was winter since I didn’t get any snow back in New Jersey.

On my flight to New Jersey, I had a 30 minute layover in Charlotte, North Carolina which, at the time, didn’t seem so bad. That was until I realized my flight from Daytona departed 30 minutes later than expected, and I had to cross two terminals. Long story short, I did not make my connection to Newark so I had to wait 2 hours to board another flight.

Once I finally made it home, I pretty much spent a majority of my time playing Fallout 4, hanging out with friends and family, traveling to New York City: the usual.

2016 brings with it not only a new semester, but definitely a new year. Everyone always talks about things they’ll do for their “New Year’s Resolutions,” but I really do feel that 2016 will be different.

Well for starters, I’m now The Avion’s advertising manager which means I’m also a member of Embry-Riddle’s Student Government Association. I’m pretty excited to say the least. It’s a big responsibility but people have faith in me, faith that I won’t bankrupt the newspaper, so I might as well give it a shot.

With me being advertising manager, that brings my total of on-campus jobs to 4, which is quite extreme. I don’t know how, but I need some way of paying the bills! Maybe this semester will be a good place to practice time management.

Well that’s it for me. Hopefully I’ll have some fun stuff to report back on once the next post comes out. Until then, stay curious and welcome back to Riddle everyone.

Let the Spring 2016 Begin!

Let the Spring 2016 semester begin! We just finished our first week of Spring 2016 classes (a whole three days!), and it is quite nice to start getting back into the swing of things.

This semester, I am taking five classes which is a typical load for most students. I am taking Airline/Airport Operations, Managerial Accounting, Technical Report Writing, Business Information Systems, and Business Quantitate Methods. Sounds a bit scary right?! In the end, everything seems fairly manageable.IMG_3916

Most of my classes are considered upper-level classes which means that we will start learning more and developing specific skills for our major. For example, Business Quantitative Methods is similar to a statistics class, but there is a twist to it; in the class, we will look at building models, examining relationships/correlations, and using statistics while using Microsoft Excel. These will be very important skills to learn since Microsoft Excel is used by many, many, many companies, especially on the business side.

Also, this semester seems to be filled with many more projects, papers, and presentations than ever before which is cool as we will get to apply what we learn rather than just taking a multiple choice test.

So far, it seems that my favorite class will be Airline/Airport Operations; in this class, we will examine how airlines and airports both operate as well as how they work together to get people from point A to point B.

Stay tuned!


Winter Break in Thailand

Hello, everyone! It’s been awhile since I have written a post, but I was very busy over the last month! I hope everyone had an awesome break, and is ready to resume classes! I decided it would be fun to let you know what I did for part of my winter break.

The highlight of my break was getting to travel to Thailand for the first time!! I have never been off of North America, so it was a definite culture shock to travel to Southeast Asia. I went with my boyfriend and his family. The purpose of the trip was to attend one of their friends’ weddings in Bangkok.

We started our trip by flying from Orlando to Seattle. I spent one night at home in Seattle and then headed to the airport again in the morning. We flew to Vancouver, Canada, and then had another connection in Seoul, South Korea, before we reached Bangkok, Thailand. We flew Korean Airlines, which turned out to be an amazing experience. Their hospitality was incredible. I would definitely recommend them if you are flying to Asia. We also got to fly on some pretty cool jets! I was so excited to fly on a Boeing 777-200 and an Airbus A380-800. I had never been on a plane that big!

After a full 24 hours of traveling, we finally made it to our hotel in Bangkok. I was surprised at how westernized the hotel was. I was expecting something incredibly different. After we were rested, we spent our first day at a popular weekend market just outside of downtown. The market had 8,000+ vendors, and had everything you could imagine! We spent hours looking at all of the food, clothing, flowers, and gifts that were for sale. I was amazed how people navigated around inside of the market… It was like a maze! Later that day I got to eat my first authentic Thai meal. We ate some food from a street vendor, which was actually better than I expected. I was shocked at how inexpensive everything was in Thailand. We could get a full meal for 100 Baht, or $3.00 USD. It was awesome!

Inside the weekend market

Inside the weekend market

That night we went to the wedding. I had no idea what to expect, since I had never been to a Thai wedding before. It was held in one of the hotel ballrooms, and was very beautiful. There were probably 200-300 people in attendance, and almost everyone was standing the whole time. Their wedding cake was 13 tiers high! We later realized that the top was fake, so it was really only 3 tiers of actual cake. I still do not really know what happened at the wedding, since it was all in Thai, however, everyone seemed very happy, and that’s all that really matters in the end!

Over the next few days, we spent a lot of time exploring the culture of Thailand. We visited various palaces and wats (temples), and even the ancient kingdom of Ayutthaya (once the capital of Thailand). All of them were covered in real gold. It was incredible. There were statues of Buddha everywhere, since he is a big part of their culture and religion. We also got to take a longboat tour of a small island in Thailand. I loved this tour because we got to see the authenticity of Thailand, rather than just the westernized city buildings. We got to see many houses on the river, as well as stop at markets along the water. I was very intrigued by their simple way of life.

A building on the grounds of the Grand Palace in Bangkok

A building on the grounds of the Grand Palace in Bangkok

Houses on the river

Houses on the river

Ayuttha, the ancient capital of Thailand

Ayutthaya, the ancient capital of Thailand

One of my favorite parts of the entire trip was getting to visit my boyfriend’s old foster home, and foster family. He was adopted from Thailand when he was very young, and is very fortunate to get to go back to see his foster parents. We drove out to the countryside to their house, and all piled out of our 8 passenger van. I cannot even begin to describe the joy his foster mom had when she saw her “son” walking up the road. Even though we did not speak the same language, emotion spoke louder than words during the hour we spent with them. I was truly touched by the kindness and the overwhelming joy that was felt by everyone that day. I believe I will never forget that experience.

Walking down the road to the foster home

Walking down the road to the foster home

After four days in Bangkok, we flew down to Phuket, which is a popular tourist destination. It is a small island south of the mainland in Thailand. It was the most beautiful place I have ever been. We stayed in a town called Patong Beach, which is located in a little inlet. Our resort was incredible. Our hotel room was literally right on the beach, so we slept with the patio door open to listen to the sound of the waves. It was truly paradise.

The view from the resort in Phuket, featuring my coconut.

The view from the resort in Phuket, featuring my coconut.

While we were in Phuket, we took part in several different adventures. The first was a boat tour around the Andaman Sea, on Christmas Day. It honestly didn’t feel like Christmas at all, besides the fact that the boat drivers said ‘Merry Christmas’.The water was crystal clear, and the rock islands stuck out of the water all around us. However, it was a Christmas well spent. The boat tour was an entire day trip. We got to go snorkeling, climb through a cave, go canoeing, see ancient cave drawings, eat lunch on the floating town of Koh Panyi Pang Nga, visit James Bond Island, as well as feed monkeys! Needless to say, it was the experience of a lifetime. The last stop we made was on a small uninhabited island. Once we pulled up to the beach, we saw five monkeys hanging out on the sand. We got to feed them pineapple and watermelon, however we had to keep our distance.

In a small cove during the boat tour

In a small cove during the boat tour

The infamous floating soccer field

The infamous floating soccer field

The last two adventures we took were scuba diving and elephant riding. Scuba diving in Thailand was officially checked off of my bucket list, but just barely. I almost didn’t complete the dives because I got so seasick on the hour and a half boat ride to the dive location. Thankfully, once we made it to the location, the waters were calm and my sickness subsided. We completed two dives that day, and got to see so many tropical fish, and even an eel!! The water was so warm some people didn’t even use a wetsuit. Once we completed the dives, I was eager to get in the water for one last time, and sad that we had to leave.

Scuba diving in the Andaman Sea

Scuba diving in the Andaman Sea

The last day we spent in Phuket was full of elephants. We drove up the hills to an elephant camp. We got to feed baby elephants, as well as drink authentic Thai tea, before we rode. Riding the elephant was surprisingly scarier than I thought it would be. It was two people to an elephant, and I felt like I was going to slide off the top of him the entire time. We rode them through a forest on the edge of a hill, and although it was scary, the views were spectacular. What I thought was crazy was that each elephant lives with their trainer their entire life!! The trainers cannot leave for more than a week per year because the elephant will get very sad. I had no idea!

After we got off of the elephant

After we got off of the elephant

Posing with another elephant from earlier in the trip

Posing with another elephant from earlier in the trip

After all of the amazing adventures in Thailand, I was so sad to leave. Thailand is such an amazing country, filled with very happy people. I feel so blessed to have been able to travel there, and will count down the days until I am able to visit again.

Until next time,




A Quick Winter Vacation Update

Happy New Year Folks!

Here is a quick update on my winter break. After the Christmas celebrations, my family and I flew to South Florida. My parents rented a condo in the Palm Beach area until March. We spent about a week there and I felt like home since Daytona Beach is only 190 miles up north.

During my stay in Florida, I went to the BB&T in Sunrise to watch the hockey game between the Montreal Canadiens and the Florida Panthers. This classic matchup happens annually before the end of the year.

This game is very special for both teams. This game happens at the end of the year because there are many Eastern Canadian hockey fans that fly to South Florida to enjoy the warm weather. The arena is usually filled up when the Canadiens are in town. However, the attendance is of only about 50% on average during other regular season games.

During the National Anthem before puck drop, there were more fans singing the “Oh Canada” than the US Anthem! The Canadian National Anthem was even sang in French. I would actually say there are more Canadiens fans in the stands than the local team. There are a lot of noise and cheers when the Canadiens score a goal. Way more than the Panthers!

We ended up losing the game, but it was still fun to be there!

A few days before New Year’s Eve, some of our Texan friends came to visit us for a few days in Florida. I haven’t seen the family for the past year in a half. The last time I saw them before I moved back to Montreal, after I graduated college in San Antonio. It was great to spend some time with them even though it was only for a few days. We played golf and celebrated the beginning of 2016 with them!

One night, we all ate dinner at “Chez L’Épicier,” a French Canadian restaurant owned by a reputed chef. Even some of the waiters spoke French! Below is a picture of one of the dessert they have on their menu. It is called “The Club Sandwich.” Carved pieces of cake replace the sandwich, fried pieces of pineapple act as the fries, and shredded honeydew melon plays the role of the coleslaw. It was delicious!

The Club Sandwich

The Club Sandwich

I’m currently writing this story at 33,000 feet above sea level on my way to Canada. I will spend the end of the week up north before returning to Daytona. I plan to see my friends and go ski in the cold weather!

Until next time!


Winter Break

It’s almost time for the Spring 2016 semester to begin which means that the end of Winter Break is near. It has been nice to be off for a few weeks, but I am looking forward to classes beginning.

After my last final on Wednesday, December 9, I worked the rest of the week in Career Services which was actually a lot of fun as I was able to help out a lot with all of the internship paperwork. Plus, it is a unique experience being on campus when most of the students are away, and even the squirrels disappear. Although, I couldn’t wait to go home that Saturday, but unfortunately, some weather impacted my flight which caused me to have to stay until Sunday morning.

With my extra afternoon in Daytona Beach, I wanted to make the most of it. I hopped in my car and drove out to Ponce Inlet and visited the Light House. It was a nice sunny and warm afternoon, and I was treated to some spectacular views. I am glad that I had some extra time in Daytona Beach as who knows when I would have made it out to the light house or explored Ponce Inlet.


Finally, Sunday morning came around, and I was able to fly back home. There, I spent about a week running errands and hanging out with my friends, but then it was back to South Florida for a week for a family vacation.



After returning home, I enjoyed about a week-and-a-half at home, spending most of it with friends, but then in what seemed like a blink of an eye, I was boarding my flight to return back to Daytona Beach.


I hope everybody had a very Happy Holidays and has a great 2016! Stay tuned!

2015 Stories: Delta SkyMiles Medallion Benefits

Over the past year, I flew a lot on Delta Air Lines. I boarded 35 flights with the air carrier and half of those flights were to Atlanta. “How come have you been to Atlanta so many times this year?” my friends ask me. I actually never visited Atlanta in my whole life. I have only been through the airport to connect to my next flight.

I started to accumulate all my blading passes!

I started to accumulate all my boarding passes!

For those who did not know, Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport is home of Delta and is the busiest airport in the world. It will welcome its 100th million passenger of the of the year, by the end of December.

Since the beginning of 2015, I have accumulated numerous flights and miles with Delta, and over Thanksgiving break, I got my first frequent flyer status! I became Silver Medallion with Delta and at the same time, SkyTeam® Elite, since the airline is in the SkyTeam® alliance.

There are many great benefits that come along with the status, but first, lets discuss how to reach the status. To become Silver (lowest status), a customer needs 25,000 Qualification Miles (MQMs) or 30 Qualification Segments (MQSs). Customers also need to spend more than $3,000 every year with Delta. Those numbers increase by a lot for the other upper level statuses.

There are many advantages of being Silver Medallion® with Delta. Here are some of them.

The first perk is to be able to be added for free to the upgrade list for a First Class seat. Who doesn’t like to fly upfront with wider seats and greater legroom?

It is often rare to get upgraded as a Silver. One time, I was 39/41 on the upgrade list and there were only four seats available. There is another option if you want to have extra legroom and sip beer, wine, or spirits and snack on premium snacks. At time of check-in, you can select a Comfort+™ seat if there is availability. These seats are located between First Class and Main Cabin. A passenger upgrading its seat to Comfort+™ will spend up to $55 on a one-way flight between Daytona Beach and Atlanta.

Passengers also benefit from 2 extra miles per dollar spent. For example, if my roundtrip ticket from Daytona Beach to Atlanta was $800, I would get 1,600 bonus miles added to the amount of base miles for the trip.

One of my favorite (favourite for my Canadian readers) perk is the waived baggage fees. You can get a checked-baggage free of charge. This saves $50 round-trip per person.

At the airport, passengers can enjoy expedited check-in using the Sky Priority lane. Customers can also benefit from priority boarding and the order depends on the seat selected:

  • PREM: First Class customers
  • SKY: Delta Comfort+™
  • Zone 1: Silver Medallion®
  • Zone 2: Main Cabin

Now you know the main benefits of having a Silver status with Delta Air Lines. If you travel a lot, flying with the same airline might lead you to a frequent flyer status!

Until next time!



It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Being in Florida during December, it is hard for me to get into the Christmas spirit. All of the palm trees, 80 degree days, and flip flops are not what you picture when you think of the holidays. However, I have found a few places in Florida that are full of Christmas cheer.

Over Thanksgiving break, I went to Disney World for a couple days. Of course, Disney is always decked out for the holidays! The parks have incredible Christmas trees and decorations, while Disney Springs has amazing Christmas themed merchandise. One of my favorite things to do is to go to all of the resorts to look at the gingerbread houses. They are incredible! The one at the Grand Floridian is a working sweet shop! They sell gingerbread cookies, chocolates, and gingerbread houses. I also enjoy looking at the gingerbread carousel that is at the Beach Resort. Another one of my favorites is the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights at Hollywood Studios, which is where they decorate an entire street in the park with Christmas lights. All of the lights dance along with the Christmas music that is playing. The street is always packed with people wanting to get some Christmas cheer. This is my favorite holiday activity to do in Florida, as it is always a good time. Sadly, this is the last year that Disney is putting on the light display, due to the new additions to the park that are being built.

Christmas tree at the Animal Kingdom

Christmas tree at the Animal Kingdom


Decorations in the Magic Kingdom

Decorations in the Magic Kingdom

Decorations in the Contemporary Resort

Decorations in the Contemporary Resort

Gingerbread house in the Grand Floridian Resort

Gingerbread house in the Grand Floridian Resort

Chocolate from the gingerbread house

Chocolate from the gingerbread house

Gingerbread carousel in the Beach Resort

Gingerbread carousel in the Beach Resort

Osborne Spectacle of Lights

Osborne Spectacle of Dancing Lights

Once Finals were over, I headed up to St. Augustine to see their Night of Lights. The entire historic district is decorated with Christmas lights. You can walk around the city and look at the lights, or ride on one of the trolleys. I had never been to the Night of Lights before, so it was fun to see something new. There were a lot of visitors walking around, all enjoying the Christmas music and lights. After, I had to go to the Milkshake and Waffle Bar for a Nutella and Banana milkshake. They’re delicious.

Christmas tree in St. Augustine

Christmas tree in St. Augustine

One evening I went down to the Halifax River to watch the Christmas Boat Parade. It is a parade that the Yacht Club puts on, which includes approximately 30 boats that are decorated in lights. I was amazed at the amount of people who were out by the river watching. I had never experienced a Christmas boat parade before, as I am normally in Washington during December. It was a cool experience, and a fun, free way to get in the holiday spirit!

Most recently, I traveled to Fort Myers for the weekend and saw the Edison and Ford Estates lights. Each of the houses are decorated for Christmas, as well as the entire property. It was interesting to be able to see inside of the houses, while also getting in the Christmas spirit. I learned a lot about the two inventors, who both resided in Florida just over 100 years ago.The Estate is a beautiful piece of property on the river in Fort Myers, and is decorated every year for Christmas. I would definitely recommend going!

Inside Henry Ford's house

Inside Henry Ford’s house

As of now, there are only 11 days until Christmas, and I am sure I will find even more fun things to do before then! It may be weird singing “Winter Wonderland” while driving in Daytona Beach on an 80 degree December day, but there are many ways to get into the Christmas spirit in Florida… you might just have to look at little harder to find them!

Wishing you a happy holiday season!



It’s a Wrap!

The 2015 Fall semester has just ended! After a stressful week and a half of studying and testing, you can now relax for more than a month until school starts again in mid-January! If you did not know, ERAU has added an extra week of break this year compared to the previous years.

My last final was on Tuesday and it had a speech. As I mentioned in a post in October, Speech is definitely not my easiest and favorite class since I am shy and dislike public speaking. My last final consisted of an impromptu speech. The professor makes you pick a few topics from a bag. You decide which topic you want to talk about and you have three minutes to prepare to present in front of the class. Trust me, it goes by very fast. The subject I selected was for communities to be more bicycles friendly. Can we find peace? I just had the time to write the few key points I wanted to talk about that it was already my turn to get up to the podium. About half way through my speech, I ran out of ideas and paused for about 25 seconds without knowing what to say. Then my professor suggested me that I could just sum up my speech. I felt so bad about my speech when I back to my seat. I got my grade a few days later and I did not do bad at all to my surprise! I was happy about it.

I was lucky to get to spend the rest of the week in warm Florida before heading back home in the cold for most of the break. Hey there is no snow yet at least! I will spend some time during Christmas Eve and Christmas to see my extended family, which I do not see often. A few days later, my family and I will board a plane bound to the Sunshine State to spend a week and a half in the West Palm Beach area. We rented a condo until March! I will definitely head there some time with my friends next semester. Just before the New Year, there is always a hockey game between the Montreal Canadiens and the Florida Panthers in Sunrise, FL. We bought ticket to watch the game. It is interesting to see that there are more fans cheering for Montreal than the local team. That is because many Canadians travel to Southern Florida to escape the cold winter.

After New Year, I have decided that I will go back to Canada for a few days since we will still have two weeks of vacation before school starts. When I come back to Daytona before classes start, I might go visit the Carolina Aviation Museum with my friend Jack. The Airbus A320 that safely landed in the Hudson River in January 2009 sits at the museum. Can’t wait to see it!

Sunset from above on my flight from Fort Lauderdale to Atlanta.

Sunset from above on my flight from Fort Lauderdale to Atlanta.

Well I’m about to board my next flight to Montreal. Now, I would like you to sit back, relax, and enjoy this month of deserved vacation. Come back well rested to Daytona Beach in January and be ready to start the next semester!

Until next time!
