Autumn Break – Part 1

The Embry-Riddle autumn break marks the median of the fall semester. Some students use this time to go back home with their family that they haven’t seen since the end of August. Students sometimes spend the long weekend and try to catch up with the workload or even to get a little bit ahead. I always tell myself that I will catch up on everything during Fall Break and Thanksgiving but it never happens. I do get some work done, but not as much as I want!

Famous "Fly Delta Jets" sign at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Int. Airport.

Famous “Fly Delta Jets” sign at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Int. Airport.

My break started on the afternoon of the last day of classes. My journey started at  Daytona Beach International (Regional) Airport and was scheduled to end when I land in Montreal, my final destination. It was my first time using the TSA PreCheck lane at the Daytona airport (it was inaugurated at the end of September). It allows trusted travelers flying in the U.S. with expedited security screening. Passengers enrolled in the program do not need to remove shoes, laptops, liquids, belt, and light jackets. Something I like in small airports such as Daytona is that it only takes a few minutes to get seated at the gate from the time passengers enter the terminal.

My first leg to Atlanta was uneventful with the exception of a few bumps while approaching ATL. I think it was my first time connecting in Atlanta without having to take the Plane Train to get to my next flight in a different concourse. This time, my next flight was only five gates away! My next stop was New York LaGuardia, an outdated airport where the average taxi time before takeoff is about 45 minute. Thanks to the $4 billion plan, announced in July, to replace the airport completely. Although the airport has many negative aspects, I like the variety of restaurants they have for a domestic airport. They also have a small supermarket and a food court in concourse D offering many dining options for connecting passengers. The flight from LaGuardia to Montreal was only a short 52 minutes from wheels up to touchdown. As we approached the end of the flight, the captain made an announcement to the cabin: “Good evening from the flight deck ladies and gentlemen, we have started our initial descent in the Montreal area. The visibility in Montreal is great with gusty winds and a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius (39 degrees Fahrenheit).” I was only wearing jeans and a t-shirt and did not have a coat. I felt the cold right when I got out of the aircraft!

Flying over Brooklyn a few moments before touching down on runway 31 at LGA.

Flying over Brooklyn a few moments before touching down on runway 31 at LaGuardia.

The reason I flew three legs instead of two is that I want to get more segments and miles to get Silver Medallion® status on Delta Air Lines. In Part 2, I will tell you a little bit about the exciting things I did back home.


Famous People – Anniversaries – Space – Excitement!


Look! I found the Death Star’s superlaser!

Hello, hello! I hope everyone’s been well! Not a lot has happened so I apologize for lying in my last update.


I’ve never seen so many people in the quad before.

I guess the biggest elephant in the room was that Embry-Riddle’s 50th birthday in Daytona Beach was last Friday. The gala, dubbed “Operation Bootstrap 2.0” (in reference to Operation Bootstrap which was the name given to Embry-Riddle’s massive move from Miami to Daytona Beach) was incredibly large and attracted many people. There were zip lines, food carts, a large “mob shot” (a group photo), and fireworks. I, unfortunately, could not stay for the whole thing, but from what I could see, it was awesome!


It’s like I’m at Coachella…or Glastonbury…or Lollapalooza…

Ermergerd it's Amelia Rose Earhart!

Ermergerd it’s Amelia Rose Earhart!

Another highlight was that Amelia Rose Earhart recently spoke at Riddle. She was here for the Presidential Speaker Series we have on campus every week or so. I was very disappointed because not many people showed up. Considering the event was free and her contributions to the world of aviation have gone unnoticed, I’d thought the Willy Miller Center would’ve been a mad house. Anyway, Earhart’s presentation was wonderful regardless. She is very passionate about flying and I believe anyone sitting in the audience that night felt that.




It’s hard to not look awkward in pictures.


My friend Christopher Nguyen (no we’re not related) who’s soon to be the world’s first FAA certified suborbital flight instructor!


Some random cosmonaut I found. (He’s not really a cosmonaut)

Recently, I was allowed the opportunity to visit PoSSUM, Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere, a team of students and faculty conducting high altitude research. I met with some really cool people and got to see not only the suborbital flight simulator and pressure suits in action, I also randomly met Patty Wagstaff!


I’m still really confused with how Patty Wagstaff just happened to show up.

I think the last “major” thing that happened was me finding myself in a movie theater crowded with Riddle students watching The Martian. The movie was absolutely fantastic so if any of you are on the fence about it, do it. Matt Damon really nailed Mark Watney’s character and this might get him an Oscar.

That’s it for now. I think the next update might be fun since I’m in the process of getting accredited to go see ULA’s (United Launch Alliance) Atlas V rocket launch from Cape Canaveral October 30th. Also, I’m planning on seeing Bridge of Spies with a few friends which also looks really good. 2015 really is the year for movies I’ll tell you what.

So on that bombshell (?), take care everyone, and I’ll see you on Sol 29!


Biomechanical/medical Engineering

In the Mechanical Engineering department at Embry-Riddle, a new track has opened up. The current tracks were Robotics, Clean Energy, and High Performance Vehicles. It is time to welcome a new track: Biomechanical/Medical Engineering! I am proud to say I am in that track! Since it is a new track here at Riddle, there is a lot to get involved in and learn from. Dr. Eduardo Divo heads the track and the program here at ERAU. The technical definition of Biomechanical Engineering (according to Wikipedia) is that it is “a bioengineering sub discipline, which applies principles of mechanical engineering to biological systems and stems from the scientific discipline of biomechanics. Topics of interest in the field include biomedical engineering and agricultural engineering.” Basically, it deals with a bunch of different aspects, in particular, fluids.

As all of you engineering students know here at Riddle the “gauntlet” is fluids, solids, and dynamics. Well, if you plan to be in the Biomechanical track, pay attention in fluids! Biomechanical has a range of topics it covers but one of the main ones it ties into includes biomedical. It deals with biology and medicine. Usually pertaining to the human body. For example, one of the projects biomechanical/medical engineering is working on here at hypoRiddle include the Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, or HLHS, is “one of the most complex cardiac defects seen in the newborn and remains probably the most challenging to manage of all congenital heart defects. It is one of a
group of cardiac anomalies that can be grouped together under the description single ventricle defects” (Cincinnati Children’s). Basically, when babies are born with HLHS their whole left side of the heart is underdeveloped. Since the left side of the heart can’t effectively pump blood to the body, the right side of the heart has to pump blood both to the lungs and to the rest of the body. In order to fix this issue, the newborn must go through a series of 3 surgeries 6 months apart. The first surgery has to occur within 5 days of birth or else the baby will not survive. Now that you have a little bit of a background, we as engineers here at Riddle are trying to improve the second surgery in the series to make it more efficient. Partnering with UCF and Dr. William DeCampli, we are creating a new cardiovascular flow loop to help achieve maximum flow from the heart to the body. Through computational fluid dynamic and analysis models and lots of hard work, we hope that this new method can save little newborns lives all around the world.

I personally love working on this project and working with the computations and complications of this project. It is tough going through the process and hearing more no’s then yes’s but that is what us engineers do. We solve problems and build the future. That is what it is all about. If I can make someone’s life better through problem solving and engineering, I am happy.

If you would like to know more about Biomechanical/medical engineering, contact Dr. Eduardo Divo in the Mechanical Engineering department.

Already Half of the Semester

I can’t believe we have already been through half of the fall semester. First, let’s go back to the beginning of the semester back in August.

About a week before the beginning of classes, I left Montreal, Canada and drove all the way south to Florida. The 1,400 miles drive takes 20 hours without traffic (I wish it took us 20 hours). Trust me, there is a lot of traffic between the New York area and Baltimore.

This year, I am living in an apartment with one of my friends. I spent a good amount of the week getting settled in the apartment which is 10 minute away from campus. I also spent many hours building IKEA furnitures. I built my bed, my dresser, the kitchen table, four chairs, and the sofa. Thanks to my mom for packing a small drill in my luggages.

I like living in an apartment off campus because I can have my own room and I am able to cook whenever I want. One thing I miss living on campus is the proximity. If I had a question on an assignment, I could just walk a few steps and knock on my friend’s door. The College of Business computer lab and the library were also a close reach.

For the fall semester, I have decided to take 18 credit hours. I am taking Speech, Western Humanities II (Renaissance to Postmodern), Airline Management, Business Law, Transportation Principles, and International Business.

Speech is definitely not my favorite class even though I know it will help me to develop skills to become a better public speaker. As of today, we have done four speeches.

The humanities class is also not in my top classes. Some of the material we are going over in class is the same than my history class from my sophomore year of high school. This class should be easy, but I already forgot the material from high school.

Airline Management is certainly my favorite class because it is an area I want to work for after I graduate from Embry-Riddle. So far, we learned about network structures (point-to-point and hub-and-spoke system), time banks, and important measures such as available seat-miles (ASMs) and revenue passenger-miles (RPMs). Now, we have just started talking about revenue management.

My longest class is Business Law with a duration of 3 hours, and we only have a break of five minute during the class. The good thing about this class is that we only meet once a week on every Monday.

In Transportation Principles, we have learned about the railroads and ports. I hope the aviation part comes soon because this is what I like the most.

My last class on my schedule is International Business. We are doing a project where we act as a U.S. based company selling a video game system trying to sell our product in foreign countries. I decided to pick Mexico since it borders the United States.

Well, this is all about my classes. I am enjoying my semester so far but I look forward to Fall Break so I can rest  for a few days.

Until next time!


So Many Resumes…

Let me start off by saying I have never seen so many resumes before in my life!

This past week was Embry-Riddle’s Fall 2015 Career Expo! Everyone on campus was wearing their most professional attire, printing out their neat resumes, and carrying around leather-bound notepads. There were well-known engineering companies there, like NASA, Gulfstream, Rolls Royce, Rockwell Collins, and Boeing, along with plenty of airlines. In other words, it was a Riddle students dreamland.

This was my first time attending the Career Expo on campus, so it was definitely a new experience and I was a bit nervous. I tried to assemble my nicest outfit to give the impression that I was older than a sophomore in college and put as many engineering projects on my resume as I could. Let me also include that during this week I also caught the cold that was going around campus, so lucky me!


Me and my Sigma sister, Frankie, at the Career Expo!

I started off the Career Expo by attending as many info sessions as my schedule would permit. I talked to some people at Gulfstream’s Mix & Mingle, and then attended GE Aviation’s info session later that night. This was a great idea because I learned more about these companies and what they wanted from their internship and co-op candidates!

The next day was the real thing! This was when the companies gathered in the ICI Center and set up their booths. For some companies there were lines all the way down to the door! My friend Matt and I both walked around the Expo together, telling each other about the companies we wanted to talk to and giving each other moral support. I talked to GE Aviation, RocaTech Solutions, Textron, and The Spaceship Company. This was a great experience for me because I got to work on my people skills, talking to complete strangers about my engineering experience and where I wanted to go in the industry.

At the end of the Career Expo, I came out (somewhat) victorious! I received a call later that night from GE Aviation and they told me that they wanted to interview me the next day. I almost freaked out at just the chance of being interviewed by such an amazing aviation company! During my interview with them, we talked about Orientation Team and icebreakers, and also about my experience in Haiti and what mangoes were. My interviewer had me describe what a mango was because he said he was a “Doritos” kind of guy. Overall, I think the interview went extremely well! In about a week or so, I will know whether or not I will be GE Aviation’s newest intern!

Fingers crossed!!

Embry-Riddle’s Industry/Career Expo

If I were to sum up the week of Embry-Riddle’s Industry/Career Expo, I may break out into song, signing one of Andy Williams’ Christmas tunes: “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” Why?! There are so many reasons why, but for the last two years, I have eagerly awaited the week.

Embry-Riddle’s Career Services Office puts on the Industry/Career Expo at both the Prescott and Daytona Beach campuses every Fall, and at both events, there are dozens and dozens of employers–from many different industries–looking for their next potential interns or full-time employees. Leading up to the Expo, which takes place in the middle of the week, there are lots of company information sessions which are great opportunities to meet and network with employers, many of whom are ERAU Alumni, and to learn about some of the companies.

This year’s Industry/Career Expo was going to be a unique one for me as this would be the first one that I would be working as a Student Assistant and Career Services Student Ambassador for; so much planning and coordination goes into putting on the Expo, and it was an honor to be a part of the team who puts on the Expo.11215746_769888943137395_5927697590377692568_n

The big week all started after classes and work on Monday, October 5 at the Republic Airways information session. I was able to learn a lot about this regional airline, even though I was a business major and they typically recruit a lot more Aeronautical Science (pilots) than business majors from ERAU.

Tuesday was one of the busier days as, after class and work, I was tasked with helping with the United and Delta Air Lines information sessions. Like the Republic info session, it was great to learn more about these companies and potential internship opportunities. The Delta information session did have an interesting twist to it as one of the representatives provided a lot of good feedback on what not to do at the Expo like do not keep shaking the person’s had for a very long time nor ask the company what they have to offer you.

And finally Wednesday arrived, and it was show time. There were 97 companies with booths in the ICI Center (where the basketball and volleyball teams play). Wednesday was an awesome day filled with talking to company representatives about potential opportunities, catching up with old friends, and helping the Career Services staff with things as they came up. It was a very long day, but it was so cool to see all of the months of preparation finally come together and to hear about students’ success at the Expo.

Thursday was a much quieter day, and boy, that was welcomed, especially walking more than five miles at the Expo the day before. Although, I had the opportunity to return back to the ICI Center for an interview where a team helped transform it into an interview area as soon as the Expo ended Wednesday night. Friday was even more quiet which was nice as I was able to catch up on some studying and homework and go over a fantastic week.

The Industry/Career Expo is truly an awesome event that helps make ERAU unique, as you have representatives and recruiters from dozens of aerospace companies in one room, and there is a decent chance that one of them could employ you after school or host you as an intern. It’s a great way to network and learn about so many different options that we have after school, especially as life is just beginning.

Until next time,


Countdown to Fall Break & Rainbows and Rain

Let the Countdown for Fall Break begin! T-6 days and counting!

Hello hello! It’s Friday! Finally! Last day of the school week and it has been a crazy one! This week was “career week.” With companies coming and doing presentations every day, career services checking resumes, and the career expo, ERAU has never looked so good!


Today Operation Bootstrap 2.0 takes place at 4:00p. Lucky for you if you have classes past 3:00p, you don’t have them today! After 3:00p, the focus turns to Operation Bootstrap 2.0. (In my case, this is when you wish you had classes after 3:00p. All of mine and at 1:50p.) When I was walking on campus this morning, its was all hustle and bustle even at 8:00a. Tents are being put up, entertainment is being put out, and everyone is hard at work! There is even a white picket fense in the front ‘yard’ of COAS. That is something you don’t see everyday! 😛

Between classes and activities, this is our last full week before fall break, and yes I am excited! It is about time for a break from straight school! From our last break (Labor Day) to Fall Break is the longest time span with no days off; and let me tell you it has gone fast! Next week, the last day of classes is Wednesday. I cannot wait! I think it’s about time for us kiddos to have a break. Within the past few weeks it seems like everyone is giving exams, papers, and final projects. It has been non-stop. A break will surely be nice!

If you are looking for things to do during fall break, there is a lot you can do! Here on campus you can buy discounted tickets to Disney, Universal, Daytona Lagoon, and my personal favorite, Kennedy Space Center! Thanks Riddle! Be safe this break, but have fun!

Rainbows and Rain

Rainbow1The weather has been super nice this past week! Cooler weather and somewhat clear skies. It has rained practically every other day. If you haven’t seen the rainbows yet, you are missing out! There have been at least two rainbows alone this week! I have seen then from the 4th floor of the COAS and even snapped some pictures.

There is supposed to be another coldRainbow2 front coming in this weekend so more cool weather hitting campus soon! I will be sure to snap pictures if any other rainbows decide to show their face!

For you Riddle kids: make sure you have your umbrellas handy at all times! Prepare for wet shoes and cool weather to follow! Have fun at Operation Bootstrap 2.0 today!

Traveling the U.S. with ERAU

Hello, again! It has been a few weeks since I have written about my life, but that is mostly because my life has been so insanely busy lately! Between midterm tests, activities, and meetings, I have had hardly any time to myself. However, it is time that I fill everyone in on what I have been up to.

The most exciting thing that has happened in my life, since my last writing, is that I was able to travel to Dallas, TX and Boston, MA with ERAU Admissions. As you may know, I am a part of the Women’s Ambassador Program, which is a group of current female students at ERAU, who work to promote women in STEM careers. We are able to travel with Admissions to the Embry-Riddle Prospective Student Presentations, to talk about our experiences at ERAU Daytona Beach.

We left on a Friday afternoon for Dallas, TX. I got on the plane in Daytona excited for a weekend filled with travel. After a couple flights, we finally made it to Dallas. We stayed at the largest hotel I have ever been to in my life, the Gaylord Texan. It was like its own city! Words and pictures do not even describe the atmosphere inside that hotel. Once we dropped off our stuff in our rooms, we were able to meet up with other ERAU Admissions Counselors and go for dinner at an amazing Tex-Mex place! Seriously, Tex-Mex is incredible. I was also able to catch a glimpse of a beautiful, red Texas sunset, which was the perfect end to the night.

The exterior of the Gaylord Texan. It's huge!

The exterior of the Gaylord Texan. It’s huge!

A picture of the interior of the hotel. There was a river through the middle!

A picture of the interior of the hotel. There was a river through the middle!

The next day, we hosted the Prospective Students Event at the hotel. We had a great turn out, and I was thrilled to be able to speak at my first event. I spoke about my experiences as an intern at Sea-Tac International Airport in Seattle. I was also able to talk about fun things to do around Daytona Beach. I absolutely loved getting to speak to high school students about why they want to attend ERAU, and why they love the degree they are going to pursue. I saw so much passion and potential in those students, it reignited my love of Embry-Riddle. All in all, the event went smoothly. But, we had a plane to catch, so we had to run from the event to the airport. Thankfully we made it with plenty of time to grab a bite to eat! Next stop, Boston, Massachusetts!

After a long evening of travel, we made it to Boston just after midnight. To our surprise, we stepped out of the airport, and we were freezing! It was only about 55 degrees, however, we are used to the Florida sunshine! Once we got into our warm hotel rooms, it was time for bed so we could prepare for an early morning.

In the morning, we woke up and headed downtown to where the event was taking place. We got to the hotel, set up, grabbed a coffee, and set out to tour around Boston as much as we could. We decided to walk up to Paul Revere’s house, since it was so close. Word of advice to the ladies: DO NOT wear heels walking around the streets of Boston. Cobblestone roads and sidewalks to not pair well with heels. Once we took a few pictures of the house, we walked down the street to Modern Pastry, which is apparently a very popular pastry shop. Of course, since it was my first time in Boston, I had to get a cannoli. It was delicious! I’m craving another one just thinking about it.

The street that Paul Revere lived on. The brown house is his!

The street that Paul Revere lived on. The brown house is his!

Delicious treats at Modern Pastry

Delicious treats at Modern Pastry

The event in Boston was another successful one, although, I had a flight to catch, so I had to leave quickly. Leaving the city, I realized that it was nice to experience fall in New England, that I miss crisp, cool air, and that Boston is an incredible city. I am so lucky that I get to travel back to Boston next weekend!

Myself in the streets of Boston

Myself in the streets of Boston before the event

After a long night of flying, once again, I finally made it back to good ole’ Daytona Beach. It is always nice to get away for a weekend, and I realized it was just what I needed. I am continuously blessed with the opportunities I have at ERAU, and I cannot wait to see what other opportunities will arise over the rest of the semester.

Happy travels, and until next time,


Giving Up Our Letters to Help You Find Yours

The most stressful and exciting week in a sorority girl’s semester has finally come to a close! A couple of weeks ago, many young women from Embry-Riddle’s Daytona Beach campus found out which sorority they were meant to be in and ran home! For anyone who doesn’t know anything about Greek Life, I’ll give you a little overview…

Every semester, the Panhellenic sororities on campus hold recruitment for potential new members! “Which sororities are on the Daytona Beach campus?” you may be asking. Our location has three sororities to choose from: Alpha Xi Delta, Theta Phi Alpha, and Sigma Sigma Sigma. Although all three are very different, they are all great because of their values and philanthropies. The process is simple, the potential new members (or PNMs as we like to call them), go to the events that are held by each sorority, and eventually go through a mutual selection process to find out which one is their home!

Now since I am a sophomore who is already in a sorority, some might be wondering how all of this involves me. I was one of the fifteen young ladies on campus that was given the important job of being a Recruitment Guide, also known as a Rho Gamma. As a Rho Gamma, it is our job to help our PNMs with anything they need during recruitment. This ranges from supporting them when they decide which sorority they want to be in, helping them choose what they want to wear for each event, or even giving them a mint if they think their breath is smelling bad!


My Recruitment Group!

Being a Rho Gamma was great, but there was one catch to the position. In order for us to support our PNMs without being biased toward our own sorority, we had to disaffiliate weeks before school began. This disaffiliation included never wearing letters in public, taking down all of our pictures
that showed which sorority we belonged to, and never talking to our sisters! For me, this was the hardest thing imaginable, because I currently live with several sisters in our sorority house and it was difficult not being able to talk to the people who you are the closest to.


All the Rho Gammas running home after the Rho Gamma Reveal!

As I look back on my weeks as a Rho Gamma, I can truly say it was one of the most special things I have ever experienced. I was able to see the other side of recruitment, something I went through when I joined my sorority last spring. I bonded with Panhellenic women from other organizations on campus and learned more about their sororities. And the most special thing of all, I helped new members find their home, the organization that will help them grow into the women they are meant to be. Deciding to give up my letters to help them find theirs was probably the best decision I have ever made.


Finally back with my sorority!

Go Greek!

Life @ Riddle & A Word or Two of Advice

Between family members, friends, and even some people looking into Ridde, they all ask me how I have been. Well here is the truth. I love ERAU. I love the classes, environment, and involvement. I’ve been a student here for 5 months now and I feel like I have been here for years! Being a dual major with a minor is a lot of work. I have had people doubt me and question why. Dual majoring is not for everyone. It takes a lot of work and there are a few late nights, but it is worth it!

ERAU has a lot of events and activities to get involved in. Recently, there was a farmers market here on campus. They come once a semester and there truly is something for everyone! Purses, honey, kettle corn, flowers, the list goes on. A few other activities include Rush Week, Touch-N-Go Thursday Night Movies, and Operation Bootstrap 2.0. Every Thursday, Touch N Go Productions hosts a movie night. It is free for students and a lot of fun. Some of the most recent films they showed was “Ted 2,” “Jurassic World,” “Tomorrowland,” and “Minions.” Whether you like all the movies or just a few, they usually have a great variety throughout the semester. One time, they even showed “Top Gun” in an aircraft hangar! That is the ultimate “Top Gun” movie experience right there! Operation Bootstrap 2.0 is happening this Friday. Our school embarked on the journey from Miami to Daytona Beach 50 years ago calling it Operation Bootstrap. Packing up 31 trucks, volunteers helped with the move back in April 1965. This Friday at 4:00 pm, students will be able to compete in challenges, take the largest ERAU group photo, and enjoy fireworks later on in the night! It is sure to be a fun event! ERAU makes sure you work hard but also play hard when necessary. Yesterday, we had our career expo. Nearly 100 companies came to the ICI Center (ERAU Fieldhouse) to talk to students about their companies. Some even offered interviews! Some companies that came included NASA, Boeing, The Spaceship Company, Delta, and a whole lot more! Everyone dressed up and it was a truly fun and engaging event.

When it is time for business, ERAU has all the resources you could ever ask for; and they are free! A^2 is a free tutoring center with tutoring labs. The subjects covered include Math, Physical Sciences, and Writing. However, that is not the only place you can get tutoring. You can ask your professors, peer mentors, or classmates! ERAU even has Supplemental Instruction for certain classes as well. There are a bunch of resources you can use! Don’t be afraid to use them!

Want to learn a language? No problem, clubs and classes are offered so you can learn Russian, Japanese, and even Spanish! There are a lot of activities and organizations available to you on campus. You can even check out ERAU Connection for all the 130+ clubs and organizations on campus. You will find something that interests you. Myself, I found 5.

There are a lot of things that you can get involved with and learn at Riddle. So much so you might not even want to leave. Personally, I love learning. When I first came to Riddle, I could not decide what minor I wanted to do. There were so many available. I settled on Space Studies because I want to be an astronaut. But there are so many others to choose from; and I am indecisive! Going to college is a journey. One that you will remember for the rest of your life. Take your time and enjoy it. No, you will not enjoy every moment and you will not like every single class you take, but that is college. Work hard but have fun. Find the balance. #GoERAU