And my final admissions event- ever…
Preview Day has come and gone, being scheduled last weekend. I worked from 7:30 AM to 4 PM on Saturday alone, which was a long day- but totally worth it. One of my favorite parts about being an ambassador is getting to meet new people, and I met a lot of people during the Preview Days!
I started working on Friday from 11 AM to 2:30, standing in the front of the Student Union and answering questions. Mostly I was giving directions, but I got to see a few students that I’d talked to before through ZeeMee and accepted student receptions. It was a lot of fun! I loved seeing how busy the Union was.
The Aviation Professionals Collegiate Group (APCG) had also brought a historic DC-3 to campus for Preview Days. It’s owned by Missionary Flights International, and they graciously allowed students to tour it in small groups. The DC-3 was also used to train students for their multi-engine ratings back at ERAU back in the 1960s, so the aircraft type has history with the university, too.
Of course I took the opportunity to tour the airplane! Every time something new comes to campus, I’m happy to wait in line (or sign up online!) to tour it. I’ve seen a F-15 and Boeing 747 that way, and they’re two unforgettable experiences that I’m glad I had.
The DC-3 tour was structured similar to the other tours. I checked in, got a ramp badge, and waited for an escort out to the flight line. Since it’s technically airport property, everyone needs to be supervised. The DC-3 was sitting in a fenced area, and students were free to explore anywhere within the fence. I started by doing a full walkaround of the aircraft before heading inside to see the seats and flight deck. It’s a tailwheel aircraft, so I was walking up an incline while I was inside.
After the tour, I hit Starbucks before heading to class. My senior design class meets from 4-6 PM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and I wanted a little extra pick-me-up before my one and only class. That night I went to bed early since I was also scheduled to work from 7:30 AM to around 2 PM.
My first shift, from 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM, was working with the aerospace engineering department. As a member of the Aerospace Engineering Student Advisory Board, I spoke to students and their families about the curriculum one-on-one. The most frequently asked questions were about the different tracks (we have four!), how I liked it (I’ve loved it!), and if I had a job lined up (yes- at Boeing in Southern California!). Just like in previous years, students and their families have had some awesome questions that I also asked as an admitted student. Unfortunately, since I was a May 2020 high school graduate, I never got a Preview Day.
After that, I ended up going back to the admissions building to collect materials for my second shift. That was working the information fair for the Women’s Ambassadors, and we had free stuff and handouts to give away. I collected the stuff before heading back to our assigned table, which was next to the housing department, and I spoke to students who approached the table about our program, my personal experience, and what I did at ERAU.
The information fair ended at 2 PM, and when done, I cleaned up. While I was done with my scheduled shift I was still happy to assist, and ended up at the Henderson Welcome Center near the photo booth and T-shirt handout desk. I helped there for the next two hours- giving away T-shirts, taking photos of families, and even walking some people to places on campus. It was a lot of fun, and I definitely got my exercise in!
If you ever have the opportunity to attend Preview Day, I highly suggest it. I know it’s not possible for everyone, especially if you live far away- but it’s a great look at the university to see if it’s the right fit for you. I’ve really enjoyed my time here, and although I’m graduating, I hope to see you at ERAU one day. Until then, I’ll see you in the next post!