About Blanca


Safety Science

**Age:** 25
**Hometown:** Los Angeles, CA

October 9 – October 13

I had a lot of sorority stuff to do this week. I also had a psychology test to study for. One of my professors assigned a last minute homework assignment. I was furious getting it at 10 at night when I have the class at 11 the next day. I wrote him an e-mail and asked him if he can give the homework a little bit earlier. He did give an extension but I could have worked on the homework on Sunday night. My study hours for my psychology test were just cut short because I had to do this homework assignment.

I went to the International Society of Air Safety Investigators (ISASI) meeting. They have a couple of events, but I don’t think I can go to any of them. Their homecoming theme is Jimmy Buffet(?).

I also went to a Creating Resumes/Cover Letters presentation. I learned a couple of pointers on how to improve my resume. We have a two day career fair coming up during Homecoming week. There is a list of companies coming on the ERAU careers website. I am planning on attending to see what kind of careers I may have with my Safety Science major. Also I would to see if any of them would offer internships for the summer.

On Friday, all my professors gave me a study day. A break is what I have been wanting for the last couple of weeks. I definitely picked up my room and unpacked three huge boxes. Also I did a little bit of homework and researched some of the companies that were on the career website. I also did a DVD work out video which my roommate (Amy) took to her friend’s sleepover. Cheese and I were supposed to go to the Hockey Game but he took too long (he says it was because he thought I was going to take long (they are always blaming the girls), so we just decided to drop by my friend, Adrien’s house who was having people over because her best friend was visiting her.

October 6 – October 8

On Friday, Dave (Cheese) and I just watched the movie Munich. I wanted to catch up on sleep and unpack for a bit but what can I do, I am a slacker.

On Saturday, we left to Vero Beach to hang out with some of my friends who live there. I hadn’t seen them since May. Mikey and Rachael took us to Captain Hiram’s which is a restaurant and a Sand Bar.

We then went back to their house and watched Chappelle’s Show while we waited for the rest of the people to be ready to go to West Palm Beach. While we were waiting we decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory and then we were going to go bar hopping.

West Palm Beach is a different experience from Daytona Beach. Most of the cars we saw were BMWs, Jaguars, Porsches, limos, and classic cars to name a few. It’s a high end area. We walked around while we waited for our table at Cheesecake Factory to be ready. There was a concert in the middle of the area. The town was full of people. After we ate, we proceeded to go to the bars.

The bars were empty. I don’t know where the people were. Apparently, there is usually a cover charge and a dress code but they weren’t enforcing it that night in any of the bars. I am not sure what the age requirement is to get in. We were all over the age of 21. The drinks were very expensive. Advise: If you ever go to West Palm Beach make sure you were nice clothes/ dress to impress (no flip flops or tennis shoes) and bring tons of money if you want to drink and eat.

We left Sunday afternoon. I did some homework and read for my psychology test on Wednesday. I also hung out with some of the sisters and had Cheese Fondue and watched TV.

October 5

I finally got my parking pass. Woohoo!!! They were nice enough to give me one. My registration card is still in process but I finally had proof that I had one. The girls that were helping me were actually really nice.

Also I got a card from Vicki. I was surprised to receive mail. It was so nice of her to send me a card. She has been very helpful in trying to make sure I am calm and not freaking out about my tests. It is very hard for me to be going through this by myself. I am in a place where I don’t know anyone and everything is new to me. I don’t have close friends yet that I talk to every day. (Hence, the reason why I highly encourage people to live on campus.) Her letter made my day because even though I may not know her well, she is willing to help me out in any way she can. I find strength in people’s willingness to help me.

I am finally free!!! I actually don’t have anything due tomorrow. My next test is on Wednesday. I am happy to know that I can breathe and take some time to relax. I went to the Alpha Phi Omega meeting and then went to Uno’s and hung out with the APO brothers for a bit. We played Trivia games and ate food. They have half priced appetizers at night. It is good that I finally get to talk to someone other than myself.

I hope everyone has a great night.

October 4

I presented my speech today. I was so nervous at first that all that was coming out of my mouth was “ummm ummm.” One of my classmates that was sitting in front of me whispered “Wow! She’s nervous.” I just grabbed my outline and just started giving an informative speech about the St. Louis Arch. Towards the end of my speech, I was feeling a little bit more comfortable and I think the ending was great. I just need to focus on the beginning of the speech.

I also went to Orlando last minute to pick up a dresser I bought from craigslist. I had a lot of meetings to go to but I need this dresser so I can finally unpack my boxes. I realized that I have more clothes than what I actually thought and there was no way I was going to unpack it. My room is messy as it is right now. I am working on it. The reason why I didn’t go to Walmart or Target to buy one is because I didn’t want to have to build it. I just want to get an already made one. This dresser is real wood and it’s really nice too. I personally believe I got a good deal out of it.

I unfortunately missed all my meetings. The trip was longer than I thought and Cheese’s truck doesn’t really go that fast. Also the area where we (Amy and I) went to pick it up was called Avalon Park. I thought I was in Lala Land. The houses were gorgeous and some of them had Halloween decorations put up. Actually the person I bought the dresser from went to one of the Embry-Riddle Extended Campus somewhere in Europe. It gave me hope that someday I’ll have a beautiful house.

Amy and I finally got home. She actually had to leave for a night flight. Cheese and I unloaded the dresser from the car and put it in the living room. I had meteorology homework to do and school gets priority over the dresser.

October 3

I studied for a little bit for my meteorology test. I actually still have a big headache. I know I at least got half of them right. I am hoping I get more than half of them correct.

Now I have to focus on my speech presentation I have due tomorrow. I am not sure exactly how I am going to say everything. I have a little bit of a problem with transitions. I don’t really like giving speeches. I get so nervous that I feel that I am never going to be prepared. I also hope the people find the St. Louis Arch interesting. I think the one thing about this class that is different from the rest of my classes is that we are a unique group of people.

We are not necessarily friends but we feel comfortable around each other in class. We talk about the most random things. Of course the boys always complain how there aren’t enough girls in the school and they think of creative majors that they think would attract girls to come to Embry-Riddle. One of them was actually Aviation Nursing. Another one is that one of the guys showed up wearing his Spongebob Squarepants pajamas. We just started talking about Spongebob and how they had a show where they questioned his sexuality. Yes I know; it’s random.

As much, as I don’t like my Speech class because I don’t like speaking in front of people I really enjoy this class. Also the professor has a sense of humor too. She wants to make sure we learn the material she teaches us plus she wants us to improve in our speaking skills. She reminds us that we will be giving presentations once we get into the work force and I agree.

October 2

After going to bed late on Sunday night and waking up early to catch my flight back to Orlando, I rush back to Daytona Beach to make sure I arrive to my Introduction to Psychology class on time. After my Psychology class, I have a test to make up in my business management class. I asked the professor if I can grab something to drink because I hadn’t eaten anything yet. I just grab a drink because the rest of the snack machines require you to have money in your Eagle Card. I haven’t put money on it, but as soon as I get some, I am going to put at least $100 on it. I took my test and she graded it on the spot. I did really well on it.

Also I became an official pledge of Alpha Xi Delta. I went to their meeting and they had someone from one of the other fraternities speak about Up Until Dawn. They do fundraisers to help children with cancer. One of the guys started showing a video about a little boy with brain tumor and I just started crying. I had to leave the room. Normally I don’t act like that but my test is coming up. Many of my family members on my mom’s side have cancer. My uncle and my grandpa both died from cancer. Two of my uncles and my aunt are currently fighting their cancer battles. I am scared to receive bad news when I do take the test.

Vicki is definitely being supportive. She said she was willing to go with me or have some of the other sisters come with me to take the test. I will have to wait and see how I am feeling that day.

I am pretty much crushed for the rest of the night and I have a huge meteorology test tomorrow. I have read all the chapters but the study guide questions seem pretty hard. I guess I’ll wake up early to study for it.

September 29 – October 2

St. Louis has been exciting. I am so tired and drained though. I have been really busy with everything that I am trying to just make sure I am holding on. The first thing I did in St. Louis was go to the arch. I didn’t go all the way to the top because it was raining. I bought some books about the arch and took pictures of it so I can use it for my project. I have an informative speech due on Wednesday.

I went to the Homecoming game at my old college on Saturday and that was exciting. I met up with an Embry-Riddle graduate, Will who just moved there and is working for the government. We watched the game and fireworks and then I showed him a little bit of the city. I also went shopping for a white dress and white shoes. I basically spent $18 for a dress and shoes. I love bargain shopping. I have my Pledge-In on Monday for Alpha Xi Delta.

If you have any questions, let me know.

September 25 – September 28

This week has been busy. I have been basically working on homework and studying for upcoming tests. I have a business management, meteorology, and safety sciences tests coming up within a week. I also have had quizzes in psychology and homework in meteorology to do. I also have an informative speech to write. I am planning on talking about the St. Louis Arch. I haven’t found any information in the library about it so I am worried about it. Good thing I am going to St. Louis this weekend.

September 24

I am going to be an Alpha Xi Delta!!! I am so excited. My roommate is going to be a Sigma Sigma Sigma. I am happy for everyone. We went out for ice cream and got to know each other.

September 18 – September 23

I had my first exam of the semester. It was in my Intro to Psychology class. I think I passed it. I am just hoping I got a B. Some of the questions definitely stumped me.

This week was sorority recruitment week. I actually never pictured myself as a sorority girl, actually neither do my friends. I decided to try it out and see if I like it and I dragged my roommate to come with me. I was excited to be meeting girls. The three sororities had different themes and you would go into different locations to interact with them. They are all unique and fun. I would rather do this at least once a week for the rest of the school year. I love girls’ night out. I know I took them for granted for the last couple of decades but now I treasure every moment.

Yes, the boys (the ones I interact with) at school are nice. They don’t give me any problems for the most part. 😛