The Next Chapter

Hello There,

While talking to my dad yesterday, he asked “how does it feel?” I really did not have an answer to that question as I have been busy wrapping everything up school-wise and finalizing the next chapter of my life.

With graduation being about 72 hours away, I guess I would say that it feels surreal. It is kind of hard to believe that I arrived at Riddle just over three years ago, and now, I have achieved the goal of attending college (to get a degree) and will be entering the workforce next month.

The last month-and-a-half feels like a blur; classes kept me very busy; I was trying to finalize the job search; and just trying to enjoy my last few weeks as a college student.

One thing that I learned about the job search is that it is not easy, but I really enjoyed the experience. I say it is not easy because you always have to be “on” in which you are finding what you want to apply for, juggling lots of communications to set up interviews, actually being interviewed, and taking care of lots of follow-up details. I was always making sure that my communication with prospective employers was friendly, error free, and that I was flexible enough to schedule interviews. (A special shoutout to all the folks in Career Services who are pros at this and give great advice!)

In September/October, I was busy applying to a few positions that interested me. I was then lucky to have several phone interviews to see if I would make it to the next round of interviews. In early November, I had several in-person interviews in which I traveled to the headquarters of a few companies for multiple in person interviews.

Going to the headquarters and having the in-person interviews was by far my favorite part; while yes they were interviews, they did allow me to network and just have great conversations about the working world.

Finally, right after Thanksgiving, I started receiving job offers, and the decision of where I would end up after college became extremely difficult.

I remember back to 2014 when it was time to officially commit to college, it was a simple decision–Embry-Riddle. I knew this is where I wanted to go as I could take my passion for aviation and combine it with a good business background to get an Aviation Business degree! However, determining where I would end up post-graduation was difficult in that there were lots of factors to consider and there were really great offers available.

While I have kept it is a secret for the last few blog posts, I am excited to finally say that I will be going back to the Delta Air Lines Network Planning department full-time! I am very much excited for the opportunity, but I am looking forward to having some time off to travel, relax, and get ready for the next chapter over the next few weeks.

End of semester is almost here!

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re well and had a great Thanksgiving Break! I went to New Hampshire with my boyfriend, Brent, to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family. It was really fun. I went Black Friday shopping with his mum and some of her friends. We started at 1:30 am and didn’t end until 12:30 pm!!! We got really good deals. One of things I bought was  Keurig, and I’m super excited to use it soon!

We also had a Holiday Party on November 30th for Women’s Ambassador Program, where we decorated cookies. We all wore ugly Christmas sweaters and listened to carols to get in the Christmas spirit! It was a lot of fun, especially since it was my first time baking cookies AND decorating them!!!


I hope you all finish up this semester strong. Winter break is almost here! Good luck in everything!

Until next time,


Student Model Highlight

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re well! I apologize for being away for a bit. Classes are hectic since professors are trying to wrap up the semester. Women’s Ambassador Program had a breast cancer awareness fundraiser during the Embry Riddle’s Women Volleyball game held on November 3rd. We raised a lot of money and are hoping to create a lot of awareness among our eagles!

The following week, I was offered to be a student model where the Marketing Department of Riddle is working on filming current students who are willing to share their experiences with prospective students.  Some of the questions asked were about my major, involvement on campus, internships and why I chose ERAU. It was super fun, and I got to share about my experiences at Riddle so far.

I hope you all have a fantastic week!

Until next time,


Less Than One Month Till Graduation

Hello There,

It is officially 28 days until graduation, but only 10 of those are class days (not including exam days)! It’s crazy how only two presentations and five tests lie between my and obtaining my degree. Plus, my University 101 class that I was a peer mentor finished so now I have a lot of free time on my hands!

University 101 is a class that just about all first-year students take (typically during their first semester). However, Aeronautical Science, Aviation Business, and Business students take a different version of the class. It might seem like it is not a fun or exciting class, but it is definitely an important one to take.

Throughout the semester, a variety of Embry-Riddle staff members come into the class as guest speakers to talk about the services their departments provide (ranging from Financial Aid to Campus Safety). In addition to that, there are several modules that go over Embry-Riddle’s policies and procedures, including on academic integrity, diversity, etc. Plus, we talk about fun stuff like the Industry/Career Expo, as well as campus involvement.

We also discuss and work on the Academic Study Plans which is where students take their academic requirements and plan out their best estimate of when they will take certain classes. Now, it is not set in stone, but it is a good way for First-Year Students to be made aware of what is ahead of them and plan for success.

The past week has been quite busy as I have been “on the road.” More on why I have been traveling a lot soon, but as I write this, I’m beginning my third trip in a week as I’m headed back to Houston for Thanksgiving.

One thing I am thankful for this Thanksgiving is a fun and memorable three-and-a-half years at Embry-Riddle!

Happy Thanksgiving,


Simply Clean 9: Destination Daytona

It’s that time of year again to gather all car enthusiasts to one location for a special day of meeting new people, showing off your ride and helping out those in need. Put on by Air Lift PerformanceBC Racing North America and BC Forged NA at Destination Daytona, an amazing venue that houses restaurants, bars, a hotel and much more! This event produced generous amount of donations from show participants over the last 5 years, over 3,000+ lbs of hygiene/non perishable food items were collected to help the homeless. The donations were given to Pathways To Care “a not-for-profit assisted living facility which provides recuperative care to homeless men & women recovering from an acute illness of injury”. It was an amazing car show for a good cause. Hope to see some more ERAU students there next year!


T-39 Days Until Graduation

Hello There,

It is finally starting to set in that there are just 39 days to go until graduation; only 16 of those are class days for me (partly due to almost a week off for Thanksgiving, interviews, weekends, etc.).

During my time as a student, I have learned that how busy I have been comes in waves. For example, we usually have big homework assignments due and/or tests the last week of September or the first week of October. In addition to that, there is also the Industry/Career Expo among other campus events. Then, classes are kind of quiet mid-to-late-October as Fall Break comes and goes. The last week of October and first week of November tend to be busy with the second round of tests/projects/major homework assignments. Then, it is quiet for a bit until just after Thanksgiving as more projects/large homework assignments are due, and it will be time for finals. Although I am an aviation business major, this seems to be relatively true for most degree programs.

When you are a graduating senior, you also have to factor in time for the job search process and traveling for interviews too! More on that to come next month…

In other news, I worked with the marketing department to create a promotional video for prospective students earlier this week. It provided a great way to reflect on my time at ERAU, and it was a fun experience.

Until next time,


Wanna Go Fast Ocala

Wanna Go Fast Ocala 2017, held at the Jumbolair Airport located in Ocala, Florida, nestled in the Horse Capital of the World, took place October 28 & 29. Participants were given a chance to take their vehicles top speed down Jumbolair’s private 7550 foot runway and race door-to-door against the competitor of their choice. I was thrilled to attend and capture this great footage. Check it out!

Fall Break

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re well! I hope those who were job hunting or looking to do an internship for next summer were successful during the Expo. I talked to a few companies during my volunteer shifts with Career Services. I did win the Instagram Expo Challenge! My prize was that I could give $100 to any student organization on campus. I gave it to the Women’s Ambassador Program since I am a Coordinator for it, and I really love what we do!

On the 13th through 15th, I traveled to Washington D.C. and Chicago with the Admissions Department at Daytona and Prescott to help promote Embry-Riddle. I represented the Daytona Beach Campus as a Coordinator for the Women’s Ambassador Program. There were two other students as well from the Prescott campus. I got to present myself in front of around 200 people in D.C. and about a 100 in Chicago and share my college experiences. Talking to the parents and the possible future eagles was a great experience! We also got to tour the National Mall and see the National Geographic Museum in D.C.

During my fall break, I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth and 2 of my permanent teeth removed since they grew out of my gums. I still have 5 of my baby teeth, three on top and two on the bottom. I was pretty much loopy the entire day after my surgery, but I am starting to do better.

I hope you all had a great Fall break!

Until next time,


Mid-Semester Update


We are a bit more than halfway through the semester, but since we missed about a week of classes due to Hurricane Irma last month, most of our classes just had mid-terms last week and earlier this week.

The semester seems to just be cruising right along. We had our

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Fall Break just last weekend in which I returned to Houston to continue the re-building efforts post-Hurricane Harvey. Now at the time of writing this, it is about 53 days until graduation, and there are even less days of class left! Boy, time sure does fly!

Being a graduating senior is quite nice; it has been fun looking for and interviewing for full-time positions as well as enjoying my last few months of being a college student before I enter into the “real-world.” There is also a lot to juggle being a graduating senior due to the job searching, interviews, school work, working, and just being a college student!

There is not a whole lot left this semester, and I have no doubt the last part of it will fly by.

Stay tuned…