Happy February everyone! I’m currently blogging from Daytona Beach, and it’s been very cold and rainy the past two weeks! While other parts of the country are experiencing extreme cold fronts and snow, Florida gets – you guess it… rain! Despite it being very chilly lately I am excited about February. So excited, that I have officially changed my background on my laptop home screen for the second time this month. My go-to selection for background images (that feels almost like making your bed, but digitally) is TheEveryGirl Tech Backgrounds. The little things in life truly make the biggest difference in helping me feel excited and energized throughout my days, no matter how busy.
Additionally, Air Force ROTC had it’s first beach Physical Training (PT) session of the semester! Pre-COVID era, beach PT events were very common, and were my personal favorite as they are a lot of fun! Getting salty, sandy, and sweaty while the sun rises with your Air Force family never gets old. Plus, running on the beach is such a challenge and a great workout!
In other news, AFROTC Leadership Laboratories (LLABs) and PT sessions have been going well, and despite the copious amounts of afternoon rain, the sunrises on campus lately have been stunning too!
In other news, I’ve been keeping up with my new StairMaster routine lately too! I’ve finished watching Luca and have started Happy Feet on Disney+. The Disney animated movies are so happy and adorable, definitely my favorite films to watch when decompressing!

While I do enjoy cold rainy days every once in a while. I tend to feel more energized and productive when the usual Florida sunshine is vibrant and bright. I hope hot weather comes back soon! Hopefully I will find some free time to go surfing in the upcoming weeks! Will keep you posted, keep on keeping on folks, report back soon!