The idea of skipping classes could be unimaginable to some of you. Or it could be an everyday occurrence. Everyone has a different way of going about life, and I think that’s the beauty of being in college. I think sometimes we forget the idea of having free will. We are allowed to do whatever we’d like. However, this doesn’t mean we won’t face consequences.
Most people attend college from 18 years old to 22 years old. In my opinion, there’s a big difference between being 18 and being 22. I am at a halfway point in that span, but I’ve realized that I would not have become a better person since being 18 if I didn’t practice free will.
It’s important to remember that while we are students, we are also people. It’s okay to take a break, especially during college, before getting a real-world, real-adult job. In fact, it’s important to take breaks. Remembering of course that skipping class all the time may not result in the best grades, but maybe a few days of a break isn’t too bad, especially if you plan ahead.
I knew I would be leaving town and heading to Boston, MA, but also knew I would miss about 2 and a half days of class. That’s a pretty significant amount of time. But, all I had to do was reach out to each of my professors and let them know the situation. Most of the time, if you are willing to work ahead and put in a little extra effort to make sure you don’t get behind when you miss class, your professors will help you out too. I might be missing a few days of class, but it doesn’t feel like it. Yes, I am working a little more than normal right before my trip, but that means I get to enjoy my trip and stay on track.
Since I’ve mentioned my trip so much, I might as well share my journey.
My day started at 8 am, when I woke up, got myself ready for the day, and headed to the union for breakfast. After hanging out with a few of my friends who were awake and in the union as well, I headed off to my first class of the day, Airline Marketing. After class, which ended around 11 am, I headed back to the union for lunch and some light socializing, then back to my room in New Residence Hall 2. At this point, it’s around 12:30 pm. Here’s where skipping class comes in… I finished packing up for my trip and got in the car and drove home to Jacksonville Beach, despite knowing I had class at 2:15 and 3:45. I arrived home around 2 pm and spent some time with my family as they began to return home from school and work. I didn’t feel bad about missing class; my professors already knew and I was able to prepare by working ahead of time. My mom, sister, and I departed our home at the beaches and headed to Jacksonville International Airport, where we’d be getting on the evening flight to Boston Logan International Airport. Before you ask, no I don’t know what plane I flew on and I don’t know what other kinds of planes were at the airport either. I like to look at planes, but my knowledge of them stops there.
Growing up in Florida, I’ve never really seen the trees change colors in the fall, like they do in movies. I only know what ‘fall’ looks like because of what I’ve seen in movies or TV. So understandably, I’m pretty excited to head to beautiful New England and get a taste of autumn. On Friday, my sister and mom and I explored historic Salem, right in time for Halloween. Obviously, given I was in Salem, MA, I skipped class on Friday too. But all is good! I had planned ahead of time to make sure I didn’t miss too much. I was supposed to take a quiz in Corporate Finance this day, but luckily, I let my professor know I wouldn’t be in class and he allowed me to take the quiz before I left town.
- This is what I’m talking about when I say plan ahead… If you’re gonna miss class for a little trip, just let someone know!
Salem was beautiful and also incredibly educational. I learned plenty about the Salem Witch Trials, and the general ‘spookiness’ of the town, especially around Halloween.

I loved seeing the colors of the trees all throughout Salem, but I really didn’t know it could get even more colorful! The next day, Saturday (no classes skipped) I went apple picking at Red Apple Farms! I truly got a taste of fall through freshly picked apples, an apple cider slushie, and apple cider donuts. What I’ve gathered from this trip is that the taste of fall must just be apple cider, and honestly? I’m okay with that. After apple picking, we headed into Mount Wachusett, where we rode the ski lift. (There was no snow or skiing, it was just a fun ride up and down the mountain.) This was a completely new concept to me- I’ve seen mountains, but I’ve never been in the mountains.

I truly had a lovely time experiencing these typical New England fall activities, and then woke up Sunday morning to a gray sky and all-day drizzles. But that’s okay!
Sunday (also no classes skipped) was a day spent exploring my mom’s hometown. I got to connect more with where she’s from, thus connecting with her a little more. I gained a new understanding of where I come from, in a sense. I met some of my family that, truth be told, I didn’t even know I had. It is always interesting to hear my mom’s stories from her childhood, but to get to see the places she mentions was something I could never imagine. It’s almost like I was watching a movie of my mom’s life… weird. Anyways, exploring her hometown was a lot of driving around and some personal stories, so I won’t share much more. On to Monday!
Monday was another gray and rainy day, and it got cold. I was definitely ready to head back to Florida for a sunny, 80° day. Luckily for me, our flight back to Jacksonville was Monday morning. It did require a 4:45 am wake up call, but at least there’s plenty of Dunkin’s to stop at on the way to the airport. Our flight was a little delayed, but that’s alright. We made it back to Jacksonville around 11 am, and back home around 11:45 am. After arriving home, I said goodbye to my mom and sister, and got in my car to drive back to Daytona. At this point, I have again skipped my Monday classes. But no worries! I planned ahead!
I got back to Daytona around 1:30pm on Monday and business continued as usual. I got some lunch in the union and did some homework, then I headed off to the Housing and Residence Life’s Halloween Carnival, where I made snow cones for everyone visiting! After that, I headed to the Student Union to watch Tri Sigma’s Halloween Fashion Show, which was a blast, per usual. As the night came to a close, I got myself ready for bed and said goodnight to Daytona Beach.
I suppose the moral of this story is that it’s okay to skip class sometimes. But it’s important to plan ahead.
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” (Ferris Bueller)
Ferris was on to something. Maybe he skipped class for some silly reasons, but hey, everyone needs a break sometimes. If I had decided not to go on this trip because I had class, I would be sitting here still unsure of what trees really look like in the fall, what fresh apple cider tastes like, and who my mom’s family is and what her hometown is like.
I’m glad I skipped class, but I definitely made it easier on myself by planning ahead. What I’m trying to say here is that you should miss a class or two, for a break for yourself. Just plan ahead and you’ll be good to go!
I hope you enjoyed hearing about my trip and seeing the photos I managed to take. Hang in there, the Fall 2023 semester is almost over.