November 25, 2004

Hello, I’ve just had another mixed couple of weeks. Last weekend we won the regional tournament held here at Riddle. It all started last Friday night (11/12) when we beat St. Thomas 3-0 in the semi-final and then we went on to beat Northwood in the finals on Saturday. This victory was sweetened by the fact that they were the only team to beat us in the conference during the season; and sweetened further more because they are the only team in the Conference without any sportsmanship what so ever. In the three games we played against them throughout the season, they had a man sent off in every game, including three sent off in the final.

So it was off to Kansas for Nationals, Olathe, to be more exact. It has never been one of my life long dreams to go to Kansas, and I found out why this week. It is in the middle of nowhere, it is freezing, and more importantly it is very boring. I hope I am not offending anyone, that’s not my intention. But if you are from Olathe, I am sure that you are aware of this already. And if you aren’t, you are kidding no one but yourself. I suppose that this is not a bad place to hold the national finals as there are sure to be no distractions for the athletes as the night life in Kansas seems to be non- existent, as well as any sort of crowd at the games. I think I am just bitter because I am back so soon. And the reason that I am back so soon is because we got beat in our first game. I won’t bore you with the in’s and out’s of the game but I will give you a brief outline of how our season came to an abrupt end on Wednesday.

We started off brightly, and were in a commanding position at the half time interval, yet the score board did not reflect this fact, as it was still 0-0. When we came out for the second half, we conceded an early goal just 5 minutes after the break. A bad decision by the referee, but I am getting used to bad referees over here as it is the norm. Then, deservedly so, we equalized with about twenty minutes to go and were in the ascendancy, and I felt we would go on to win the game from here. But football being the cruel game it is, it wasn’t to be. We conceded a goal, not for the first time, with a mere 10 minutes to go. We did not stop battling right up until the last whistle, all in vain none the less, and just like that our season was ended. A hard one to swallow, purely because of the fact that they were not a good side by any stretch of the imagination, and 9 times out of ten we would have beaten them. Knock out tournaments are funny like that.

Anyway, still tired from a long days traveling yesterday, I had my first day back in class today. The disappointment of losing was worsened when I was informed of how much work I have to catch up on for Monday. Overall it has not been a bad season, I mean we won the conference pretty comfortably and we came through the Regional as well. You cannot rest on your laurels, and I think that we have established ourselves as a very good team over the past few seasons. I say this because of the reputation that I heard about before I came here, but I think that next season we will take that next step and win a national title. It would be great to win it next year, especially as they are going to be held at Riddle next year.

It is going to be a grim month now without any football. I have finals to look forward, but then it is home for Christmas, thank God. To finish this entry I would like to wish our seniors the best of luck with whatever they decide to do and say thanks to them for a good season. They are a good bunch of lads, Justin Crawford (JCA), Phil Murray (Muz), Clifton Phillips W, and last, but definitely not least, Christian (In The Lead) Masson.

November 25, 2004

Hello to all the journal readers out there. Well, I guess you can say my journal hasn’t been the most exciting lately, if ever, but the truth is that, more often than not, I tend to devote more time to school and studies rather than fun. I’ll try to remember all that I did because I’ll be honest, there is a lot of stuff that happens around here that I just forget to talk about; but on with the journal, exciting, boring, or what not, I’ll try to tend to your interests as best I can.

For the boring school stuff first, it continues to take its toll. I’m not doing too well in the same classes I was struggling in before and it might be lack of interest or something, but I just can’t find the way to raise my grade. We got a few more weeks, three and a half to be exact, so I’m going into overdrive to try and finish up on a strong note. I’ve had five research papers to do and two group projects, so the professors around here really know how to keep us busy. I’ll be honest, I never did like group projects because it puts you at the helm of others, if I could say, it leaves you to either follow or lead. Honestly, group projects are something I always hated because those who were willing to work actually did, while those who never did anything were given the same grade as the rest of the group due to it being a ‘group’ project. I guess that probably didn’t make much sense, but yeah, point is, I hate group projects.

On another note, I am happy that there are only about three and a half weeks left. Slowly but surely, I will get to go back home to California, hang out with friends, family, and others. I will not be going back home for Thanksgiving due to a lack of money. Believe me, lack of money is something I’ve experienced more than ever here at Riddle. If I was to make a recommendation, it would be to buy all airline tickets early. I actually got a good deal to fly back before next semester: One way ticket from Los Angeles to Daytona Beach for $120. I don’t know about you guys, but that to me was a hell of a deal. The longer you are at Riddle, the more frugal you will get. I remember when I would be willing to pay the $300 for a nice flight in a 767 from Los Angeles to Orlando. Well, those days are quickly fading away, now I am forced to look for cheaper things as I realize money ‘doesn’t grow on trees.’ There will be a tuition increase for Riddle next year, as most of the US colleges are doing, but from what I saw it wasn’t going to be too large. We already pay a lot to begin with so most were not happy with the change. I’ll be honest with you in saying that much that is either incurred upon us here and even certain rules and regulations, such as fines for certain things that one does, I don’t really agree with. I think some of the stuff that goes on around here is unnecessary, but I’m here for an education and that is pretty much all I’m doing here.

Flight time has been increasing for me. I will be finishing up within the next few weeks with my first part of the Private Pilot course, and in doing so, I will be pushing my schedule and wallet to the limit. I haven’t had too many problems with flying, minus my horrible crosswind landings, but everything else has been a piece of cake. I look forward to getting my Private Pilot License when I return in the spring. I will then go into the multi-engine course and get my multi-engine rating.

I haven’t been to many parties while I’ve been here. I was never too much of a party guy to begin with, but most of the stuff that goes on around here, ‘party-wise,’ I tend not to attend. I have been out by and to the beach, which is fairly fun, but since I don’t have a car, I feel deprived. Back home I had a car and a car makes life much simpler. I could actually go anywhere at anytime without worrying about others. Now I have to tag along and go along with others, believe me, at times it makes it much harder to even go to the store for something you need. If you have a car, try to bring it, parking isn’t the greatest here, but you’ll be thankful you have a car. You’ll be able to get away when you need to. Like I’ve said before, I look forward to heading to Orlando, Jacksonville, etc. when I can. We also fly on the weekends here, so at times it’s impossible to go somewhere because we have to go flying. With life going on around you, sometimes it is hard to go out, have fun, even relax, but I’ll have that all back again once December 17 rolls around (day I go back home).

Well, as I bring this journal to an end and if you are still reading, have a happy Thanksgiving and what not. Someone did write in the forums that we needed to talk about parties more and the college life. Well, as for me, I am getting my you know what kicked in a few of my classes, if you were in my spot, would you go out and party? I know some people would answer yes without hesitation, but I’m on the other side of that one. Unfortunately, this has been my worst semester academically since I could ever remember. The last thing on my mind is partying. Sorry for not being able to share that with you, but I am sure other journal writers could give you some aspect on that. If anyone has any other types of questions or concerns, feel free to write in the forums. Happy Thanksgiving!

November 25, 2004

Hey everyone! Well this has yet again been a crazy time for me! School is just crazy. Sometimes I feel like I just want to just say I quit. I mean I love it here at Embry-Riddle. I love the fact that I get to wake up every morning and realize that I am here at the school instead of being back in Ohio. I mean around now I am starting to somewhat miss home. There are just so many things that are going on right now back at home that it seems like I should be there helping.

I have talked to my friends less now since I have been so busy with school work. I miss them so much because they understand me and just know how I am. But I really love my new friends here at Embry-Riddle. They are now like my first family here and I love being around them. I mean some of my friends here seem like I have known them since like elementary school because I know them so well!

Like I said the work is becoming a bit much. I came to college with the mindset of doing well, yet still having a social life. It seems really hard now to balance the two with the homework and tests piling up. All I need to do is make it through this week and I can finally relax. I will more than likely be here for Thanksgiving Break doing make up homework and studying for exams. I have learned now to not wait until the last minute to finish things that need to be completed…I also know that I want to make Exam Week as simple as possible! Wish me luck everyone and have a great Thanksgiving Holiday! Talk to you all soon! ‘Adios!’

November 25, 2004

Hey guys!!! How’s it going out there in Journal land? Well, it’s that time of year again. Thanksgiving time. Time for turkey and sleep (you know that’s all you’re going to do, hehe). We’re all finishing up some work before we go on break. Not that we aren’t going to have anything to do over break, because I have two fairly decent projects and LOTS of homework. I’m not kidding, hours upon hours of homework. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if we didn’t have those blasted hurricanes to begin the semester with. But, then again it probably would be just as bad, haha. We’ve all been registering for classes also. I always feel like the semester is a long way from being over until you have to register for the next semester, then you know there’s not much more left. It’s definitely a good feeling.

Well we only have a little less than a month left of classes. Which means it’s that last push for the end. There’s plenty of stuff to do around here, that’s for sure. I’m looking forward to next semester. I’ve only been in Florida during spring semester months once for Spring Break. I’m hoping that it stays warm here in Daytona. It has been about 75-80 during the days and chilly, 50-60, at night. Kinda stinks because when you’re out late you don’t want to have to wear a jacket, but it’s a good idea. I am so not used to being in FL still. I keep thinking, it’s late November, it should be a lot colder than this. Where are the 30 degree mornings?? Where are the leaves blowing around on the roadways?? Tennessee is very different. I’m staying in Daytona for Thanksgiving, but at least I’ll get that good ole feeling of wintertime back in Knoxville when I go home for Christmas. My friends and I haven’t been doing much around here. Once it gets too cold to go to the beach, we can’t find a whole lot to do that doesn’t take money. After all, we’re all broke college students. I blame the tuition! But, ERAU is pretty much the best place to get a high paying job from, and after all, isn’t that why we’re going to college anyways?! Anyways guys, I’m outta here for now. I’ll talk to you all before Christmas. Later folks.

November 25, 2004

Thanksgiving break is fast upon us, and the last two weeks have done well in reminding me of the not-so-distant end of term. Classes and projects are all gearing down for the end of the semester. Overall, it’s a good time of the year as it gives many of us the chance and motivation to refocus just before grades are set and final.

Most classes that have a three test and final exam system are either taking their final in-class test soon or already have. I know my last-minute physics studies are accompanied by others’ efforts to cram for calculus and the like. Others are working on major term papers (here they usually top out at near 7 pages double-spaced) or projects. Most of all this is due before the Thanksgiving holiday so that the break can be spent celebrating, relaxing, and prepping for the final two-week stretch that’s patiently waiting on our doorstep. Surprisingly enough, the upcoming break also marks a point when certain classes come near their end of teaching material. When most professors have been cramming intensely all semester to catch up from the hurricanes, it’s refreshing to have a few blocks where we students are not as pressed to make up three weeks of missed course time.

The last few weeks have been particularly busy for myself care of performances with color guard, extra research efforts I’ve taken on, as well as having been commissioned for additional projects to help out various organizations. And I think I had my 21st birthday in there somewhere, but it’s all been such a blur that the only evidence of that has been the strange stockpile of my new underage friends!

The color guard performance was a last-minute bit for a Marine Appreciation Dinner sponsored by the local Navy League. The team pulled off the presentation amazingly well for the 3 hour per day, 4 days of practice we had available combined with an on-the-spot adapted presentation plan. Those few of us who have remained through the semester are becoming quite dedicated and exhilarated by our work and the practices are getting more fun now that we’re comfortable with each other and know what we’re doing. Thankfully a second color guard for the Quarterdeck Ball was unnecessary, or we’d never have left that practice lot. The Quarterdeck Ball itself was fantastic. I got the opportunity to sit next to one of my favorite upper class midshipmen, the Cadet Colonel of the AFROTC Detachment, as well as converse briefly with the guest of honor, a former Marine Colonel and aviator who helped me significantly by providing source material for my upcoming editorial for the NROTC Newsletter. More than that, I’ve noticed many of the new midshipmen have gotten closer, more comfortable, and more cordial with the older midshipmen since the event, so it was a grand success at building camaraderie. At the event, an upper class midshipman also anointed me the new Unit Photographer, presumably just for the evening, though knowing the trend my trigger finger will be used elsewhere frequently. It’s very reassuring and satisfying to know that my experience and know-how is able to help out the Unit so much in so many different ways. Hopefully my abilities can be put to very solid use throughout my career here.

Outside the assigned research papers, I’ve proposed an independent research paper for my Flight Physiology class just to give me some further understanding and direct analysis of the theories at hand. I would have liked to have done similarly with other classes as well, however the thought of writing a brief thesis paper for my classes only recently reformed in my head and these were something I was fond of doing for political science back at the University of Northern Colorado. In a further tip of the hat to the Navy side of things, another research project, mostly for personal information, has centered on High Lord Admiral Nelson, Admiral Spruance, and Colonel Bogdanos in something of an attempt at understanding exceptional leadership in a variety of stances and how motivating in the age of sail might apply to today’s turbine engine fleet.

Outside the aforementioned photographer job, I’ve also very excitedly been given the go ahead to pursue a small project to form a record of the Unit and Battalion staff’s bios for both midshipmen and visitors to read and learn about the leadership of the Unit. More than just a bit of material for guests to become acquainted with the staff, it would allow the midshipmen to know from what exceptional experience their superiors come, as well as form a record of the Unit’s history and heritage. What better time to start such an effort than now, just before the last two years’ staff depart.

On the home front, I’ve been running into a good many issues with my roommate that are unlikely to be resolved lest both of us significantly change our basic natures. As such, I’ve been keeping my eyes open for alternatives and it sounds like, since I’m a transfer student, I have the option to move to an upperclassman dorm. It’s a very strong option since I’d have the chance to interact with students more of my own age and maturity level. There’s also the possibility of moving into a rent-free house that’s a very rare opportunity and might work out better in the long run for a lot of reasons, not the least of which being financial.

Probably best to leave things there for now. Thanks to everyone for reading, especially those fellow midshipmen and classmates who’ll never let me live this down. Here’s to yeh, lads! Onwards + upwards, David

November 11, 2004

Hey everyone! Well unlike so many people who went to the homecoming festivities over the weekend, I was sleeping! Lately I have been feeling so tired that all I can do is sleep. I did get to see the new Disney/Pixar movie The Incredibles and that was the highlight of my weekend (that and the hot fudge brownie sundae that I had afterwards).

On Thursday night I went to Cape Canaveral to see the next rocket launch go off at around 12:45. Mike, Brian from my floor and a few other guys all rushed to get to the rocket launch on time. We got there with like 2 minutes to spare and then the rocket like never went off! We waited there for like another half hour or so and found out that the launch had been cancelled! I was crushed out of everyone because I haven’t been to the Kennedy Space Center Area since I was 9 so I was really looking forward to it! Well I know that there will be others…

Oh there was the annual career fair at the school this past week! I went with some people from my EP 101 class, and the only booth that interested me was of the United Space Alliance. They are the major contractors for NASA. We passed by their building on the way to see the rocket launch. I told Mike and Brian that this is where I am going to be working soon! I have to be at least a sophomore to a junior I think in order to get a CO-OP. But after talking to the people at the booth, it had hit me that I am just another step closer to becoming an astronaut!

As for school, it’s going well. Just recently took a chemistry exam and I am feeling more confident about how I did this time! All my other classes are just running smoothly right now and nothing is becoming too overwhelming at the present moment! Ok well I’ll keep you all updated on how I am doing and I will talk to you all soon! Bye!

November 11, 2004

This has been a fast couple of weeks…hectic to say the least! The work load has been piling up and it seems like I can never take just a few minutes to relax. After my last entry, I had Cord Night for S.O. It was one crazy night, can’t say much about it, but you should check it out for yourself. It was probably the toughest thing I’ve ever been through but it was well worth it, and the end result made up for the rest. But I did eventually earn my white shoulder cord (and later the privilege to wear it..don’t get me started…), and it definitely gives me a sense of feeling and looking Sierra Hotel ( ask a ROTC kid)! We had a couple of parades and presented the colors at the homecoming game, with many more to do coming up, including Colin Powell possibly…huzzah!

My President Won..My President Won…just had to throw that in here somewhere.

I had my second speech in COM219 today…which was, hopefully, better than the last. Cross your fingers for me. I think I have about 3,521,635 papers due this week, so I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving. All Freshmen have to take a College Success class their first semester, which is nice because it lightens the load and ends a few weeks early…so when I come back from Thanksgiving, I’ll only have one class Tues/Thurs. I’m thinking of going home to NJ..I haven’t been back yet and I really miss it. I want to take a road trip with my friends from here, but when I get there, it looks like a lot of my friends won’t be home so I haven’t decided yet.

I spent the weekend of Halloween volunteering for the Bush campaign. I got paid to walk around and hand out Republican voter guides, so that was pretty cool. I ended up getting roped into volunteering outside the polls on 11/2, but at least I finished out my ROTC volunteer hours. I also worked the Career Expo and the new student Open House this week. Then we had homecoming and a 3-day weekend with an awesome comedy show by some of the Whose Line is it Anyway? guys. A lot of alumni and parents showed up, along with a big group of prospective students, so it was kinda odd to have all these extra people around while everyone here was trying to get their party on. I hope they didn’t get the wrong impression.. I had a lot of fun Thursday and Friday night, but then I ended up falling off a roof, so I took it easy Saturday night. As you can see, Riddle has been a pretty busy little slice of Florida.

The weather is getting a bit cooler, which means it’s almost time for spring registration, and I’ll actually get to start on my ATM minor. I hope to start flying soon, but I haven’t found the maybe over Christmas?

My friend Aztrand down the hall reads this, and he brought me some macaroni and cheese, so he is currently my hero, and I’d like to tell him hello.

November 11, 2004

Hey out there! How are you all? I’m ok. School’s wearing down on me. Staying up late nights doing physics homework that looks as though it’s never getting done. Or maybe it’s writing those lovely Java programs that of course just want to keep having errors. No matter how much gets done, there is still a load of junk left to do. I like the good old days of High School. There was a little bit of homework, and a lot of time to socialize. Those were the good old days.

Man, it has started getting “cold” here. When I went back home to TN a few weeks ago it was mid 50’s in the middle of the day (ewww). When you’re used to that kind of weather it’s no big deal. But when you’ve been in Florida since last May you kinda get used to much, much warmer weather. We just had a cold front come through and our low temps are in the lower 60’s / upper 50’s with daytime temps in the upper 70’s to mid 80’s. During the day it’s nice, but those volleyball games at night can kinda get chilly when you’re ready to go home.

It’s homecoming time around Riddle. There’s all kinds of things to do. Comedy shows with some people from “Whose Line is it Anyway,” parades, parties, movies (well, those are every week), and lots of other stuff. What all did I do you might ask? Well, none of it really. I went to Orlando and chilled with the Walt Disney World College Program. It’s always fun at the happiest place on earth. “Have a Magical Day!” (I said that a lot when I worked there). I still have some complementary passes to Disney (park hoppers) and I think I’m going to go on Wednesday and check out the Epcot: International Food and Wine Festival. Well, at least the food part of it 🙂 Plus, you always have to go to Magic Kingdom and Disney/MGM Studios. I miss working in hospitality/tourism. It’s a lot of fun. I didn’t think it would be before I worked there, but it really is.

Anyways (I got off on a side tangent). The semester is coming down towards the end. We still have quite a while to go, but all the teachers are already starting to talk about what is going to be on the final exams and what we should do to prepare for them. I don’t like the sound of that. Not too fun if you ask me. I don’t enjoy finals, but it’s a necessary evil. I’ve noticed that teachers here seem to give like one, maybe two tests during the semester which is just wrong. On the outside this may seem like a good idea. But when implemented, it is really bad because if you don’t do too well on one test you are pretty much screwed when it comes to your grade. The finals are of course harder so there’s a pretty good chance there that they will lower your grade even more. Also, registration for classes for spring has started. That’ll be loads of fun to try to figure out what to take. BOooo! OH well. What can I say? Later!

November 11, 2004

Hello, I would like to start off this week by congratulating the Women’s Soccer team of ERAU for winning the Regional final. I missed the game itself because we were traveling back from our own game, but by all accounts it was a great performance. All being well we can replicate their achievement next week in our own Regional finals here at Riddle. We finished off the conference with a 2-0 win over Savannah, with a less than convincing performance.

Going off sport for a bit, I hope everyone had a good Halloween. After our game the majority of the team got dressed in costume and went to the frat party, me and one of the lads went as Scooby Doo and Shaggy, (we got them last minute and they were the only ones left). Usually I am not very keen on Fancy Dress but by the time it came around to putting it on I already had a few drinks, so I didn’t really care what I looked like. It turned out to be another good night, some great costumes. Although I did spend most of the night taking care of someone who had a few too many, and I wouldn’t like to mention any names but if you see anyone walking around campus with no eyebrows at all you will know who I am talking about. I regretted it a lot on Sunday morning when I had to hand out candy to kids all day for the events put on by the college, in the student village and around Doolittle.

I went to my first basketball game on Friday when Riddle won their season opener against Linden State pretty convincingly. I’m not sure about the standards of basketball here but it looked a bit easy for them, although after talking to one of the lads off the team last night, he said it will get a lot harder than Friday’s game. The Pre-game entertainment and the player’s introductions before the game were pretty good, not to mention the big crowd. It’s pretty obvious to see that soccer hasn’t really taken off in the U.S. yet and may never be able to compete with the likes of American Football, Baseball, and Basketball. This is plain to see if you have gone to a game of soccer and a game of basketball at Embry Riddle. Women’s soccer is an exception of course, but I think there is an ulterior motive behind a lot of the crowd that attend the women’s soccer games considering that this is a predominantly male college.

I picked my classes for next semester on Friday and I will be glad not to have to start at 8 and 8:15 every day after Christmas. I put the majority of my classes on Tuesday/Thursday to give myself a long weekend. I’m looking forward to next semester, not as much training as our spring season is less hectic, and more time to do a few different things, like kick boxing or something.

Anyway apart from that everything else is quiet so will speak to you all again in 2 weeks, hopefully as a Regional champion. I hope that a few of you can make it. Take care.

November 11, 2004

Well, first of all, let me start off by explaining to you that this week I may not be the best source for help, especially if you came to Embry-Riddle’s open house on November 6 or to any of the homecoming events throughout this last weekend, or if you are looking for any information about the events. I went back home to Southern California this weekend and had a ton of fun. For those of you that came to Riddle to visit, I hope you liked your experience here and hope that it has answered most of the many questions that surround us when we are trying to choose a school.

First of all, let me begin by saying that my classes are really starting to dish out the work now. I got quite a few papers to write, some of which I intend to start soon this week and others that I’ll be forced to start soon enough due to lack of time. My grades in most of my classes are acceptable, but I am hoping that within the next few weeks my grades will show a significant jump. I guess if I was to offer any advice to incoming students that are new to college, it would be to learn how to read and comprehend. Comprehension will be tested over and over again, and for some classes, reading a book is all the homework you will receive, so read and remember!

Lastly, for activities, I’ve been doing the usual stuff, which is just hanging out and going to places here and there. I guess I can say I haven’t been anywhere too exciting. I do want to go down to Orlando and Miami soon though, definitely before the spring break rush, to visit and see these places. Life here so far has been filled with surprises. You never truly know what you are going to see throughout the course of a day, but I’m sure, after time, that one becomes accustomed to seeing many of the “weird” things I’ve seen. Biketoberfest was in Daytona Beach a few weeks ago and man was that crazy. I even heard the attendance wasn’t as high as other years, but it didn’t seem like it. With bikers everywhere, the roads were congested, it was quite hectic, but it was fun seeing many bikes and motorcycles I had never even known existed.

Daytona has been quite an experience for me. It is definitely different, rather different, from California style and culture. Food, music, and culture differs greatly from one coast to the other, but I have no complaints. It’s been great here at Riddle so far. I will be flying twice this upcoming week and I got a SIM (Simulator) tomorrow morning at 6 AM. For all of you high school students who are preparing to make your choice for college, go with what you feel suits you best. Don’t let anything hold you back from pursuing what it is you’ve always wanted to do. Weigh the pros and cons of each of the schools you are looking for and choose the one that is the most beneficial. Trust me, you’ll find yourself finding more pros for the one you truly want to attend. Most of all, good luck on making your choice and hope that your choice for college is the right one for you.