The Daytona 500 Weekend

Two weekends ago was the race weekend! Even though it is my second year living in Daytona Beach, I had never been to a race at the Daytona International Speedway. I had the opportunity to attend both races, the Xfinity Series Race, and the famous Daytona 500 race. My Dad and one of my uncle flew down to the Sunshine State for the event.

Daytona 500

Daytona 500

On Saturday morning, I toured the Sprint Cup Garage and Pit Road. It was my second time touring the garage and pit. The last time I went to a race was in 2011 at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas for the Formula 1 race. It is interesting because you can see everyone who is involved to make a race happen.It is not only the driver of the car that does all the job. Every member of the team has a different task to perform to ensure the team’s success in a race.

Joey Lugano's Ford Fusion in the garage

Joey Logano’s Ford Fusion in the garage

In the afternoon was the Xfinity Series Race. It consists of 120 laps and 300 miles. I just had the chance to see the first 30 laps has we had to go back to the hotel for dinner. At that time, I was already excited for the Daytona 500 the next morning. We ate dinner in the same room that Joey Logano of Team Penske did. I was not expecting that! Joey delivered a short speech and talked about some of the aspects of the race. For example, you don’t want to be to close to the car in front of you because it could give them a push forward.

Sunday was the big day. Before the race, we went down on the asphalt on the actual race track. It was impressive to see how inclined the road was at some places. We were even allowed to write on the yellow painted lines on the side of the track. There was a concert on the track before the start of the race. After the pre-race festivities, the National Anthem began and ended with the USAF Thunderbirds.

The Thunderbirds!

The Thunderbirds!

I thought overall that the race was long. It is 200 laps over a distance of 500 miles. I enjoyed the beginning of the race because I did not know to expect. However, I got bored in the middle of the race because nothing was happening, cars weren’t passing each other and there was not much action happening. I would say the last 20 laps were the most exciting, and they are the ones that I payed most attention to. The last lap was spectacular as nobody expected that Denny Hamlin would win. I enjoyed my first race weekend and hope to attend more those races in the future.

Until next time!


Contact the author at


Countdown to Spring Break

Happy Saturday everyone! It has been a crazy few weeks on my side so I do apologize for not writing a blog in a bit. However, I am back…and so are the bikes! The 75th Bike Week is here. Starting yesterday, bikes from all around the country have come down to Daytona Beach for Bike Week 2016. Fun for them, but the traffic is a little bit of a bother.

On the Space side of things, SpaceX finally launched their Falcon 9 with SES-9 yesterday at 18:35:00 on the dot! The original days of launch, last Wednesday and Thursday, I was actually at Kennedy Space Center on restricted ground about 2.8-3.0 miles away from the launch pad. She was sure a beauty! It was really cold there. Even though the rocket never lit, it was still a nice experience seeing a rocket up close. SpaceX then rescheduled for this past Sunday but at less than T-5 seconds and counting, the engines ignited but did not have enough trust to the launch was aborted. After all that mumbo jumbo, she finally launched last night and it was beautiful. I was in Port Orange at that time but seeing the light in the sky fade into a nice parabola into a geotransfer orbit was the best part of my day. I did find out that the satellite deployed nominally. Congratulations for another successful launch and deployment SpaceX!

Keeping on the subject of Space, I am really starting to get involved as a NASA Solar System Ambassador! I have been getting updated on teleconferences up the wazoo, as well as, starting to plan my events for SSA. It is going really well. I will soon have a lot more time on my hands, another story for another time, so I can focus more on SSA. I am excited for the future!

I also registered for Fall classes on Friday. I am super excited to be taking

  • Physics II for Engineers
  • Statics
  • Business Statistics
  • Technical Report Writing
  • Spacecraft Payloads
  • Human Factors in Space

Yep, that is 18 credits but I am up for the challenge!

This semester is certainly going by fast! I have a calculus test on Tuesday so I have been studying all day for that one. I will be taking a break later tonight for Dinner and a Tribute to Bon Jovi concert for the Family Fun Days in Port Orange. Other than that I have a paper due next week but nothing super heavy. I am really excited for Spring Break! On Friday, Josh (boyfriend) and I are leaving for Chicago. We are staying there until the following Tuesday. On that same week, we are going on a cruise Thursday-Sunday for my parent’s 20th wedding anniversary. Super excited for that! I am going to try and not gain 200 pounds from the all you can eat buffet! I will be sure to get my workout on!

That is what has been happening and what is about to happen in the life of Skye right now! The Countdown to Spring Break is definitely on!

Have a great one!

Quick Update

It’s been a busy few weeks at Embry-Riddle. For President’s Day/Valentine’s Day


A large heart made out of rose pedals at Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport

weekend, I went back home to Houston, Texas, and it was nice to spend the weekend with my family and local friends. Plus, I did receive some exciting news while en-route home for the weekend, but more will come later.

After I got back, I have been quite busy between work and school. This semester feels a bit different since I am taking a lot of my upper-level classes. This is the time where the rubber meets the road as in I am beginning to see how a lot of my classes connect; this helps keep my attention and engaged as many new connections are made.

Meanwhile, there are lots of big projects coming up. For example in my Airline-Airport Operations class, we are in small groups and will write a paper and give a presentation investigating something airline and airport related, and in my Business Information Systems class, we are writing about the “back end” of a business (which includes privacy policies, social media policies, software, and many other parts). Plus, we have started on our big Tech Report Research Paper.

The count down until Spring Break is on! Just one week to go.


Two Week Recap

These past two weeks have been full of excitement and memories! As I mentioned before, the Daytona 500 was two weekends ago. Luckily, the weather cooperated, and it was a beautiful day for some racing!

We woke up early on Sunday morning to walk over to the track. There were people and cars everywhere! The roads were all at a stand still. Thankfully, Embry-Riddle is close enough to the Speedway, so it wasn’t a bad walk at all. Once we got to the Speedway, we walked around and looked at all of the vendors. There were tons of merchandise tents, as well as a lot of food options. After a few hours of walking around, we went up to our seats and took in the sunshine and wonderful views.

Standing outside the Daytona International Speedway

Standing outside the Daytona International Speedway

After the Florida Georgia Line concert, and the driver introductions, it was time for the Thunderbirds to do a fly over! As always, it’s one of the coolest moments of the race. Sadly, my hometown driver, Kasey Kahne, didn’t win the 500, but it was still a fun experience! The last lap of the race was the most exciting part. I am already looking forward to the next Daytona 500!

The view of Turn 1 from our seats

The view of Turn 1 from our seats


Last weekend, the sorority which I am a member of, Sigma Sigma Sigma, had our formal. Normally formal is held at a hotel or resort, where you have a nice dinner and spend time with friends. This year, our sorority decided to do something different…

We went to the Crayola Experience in Orlando. It is a huge building that is all about Crayola Crayons. It was fun to do something out of the ordinary! We got to make and name our own crayons, see how crayons are made, and even take a picture that was turned into a coloring page!


It has been a great two weeks. Now it’s one more week until Spring Break! I can’t wait to head off to Nashville, South Florida, New York City, and Washington D.C. over break! I will let you know all about it!

Until next time,


Spotlight: Women’s Ambassador Program

As some of you may know from my previous blog posts, I am a member of the Women’s Ambassador Program at the Daytona Beach campus. The Women’s Ambassador Program is a program which is underneath the Admissions Office. Our mission is to encourage young girls to become interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math), as well as support women who are planning on attending, and already attend ERAU. We accomplish this mission through several different activities.

One of our passions is to help younger girls to become interested in aviation, science, and engineering. We realize that those fields are male-dominated, and want to encourage girls to strive for their dreams, even if they think that they are “boy jobs”. Throughout the year, we go to local schools to host events for the students. At these events we have the kids participate in activities that utilize science. Last year, we had them make catapults, and then had a competition for whose catapult could get the marshmallow the furthest. The kids really enjoyed the friendly competition, as well as getting to create their own mechanism. Earlier this year we went to a Girl Scouts event in Boston, where we made Goo for the girls to play with. They were all very interested in how it was made, and how they could create their own at home. It’s events like these, where we get to interact with children, that really motivate me to continue to be a Women’s Ambassador. I love to see young girls get excited about STEM fields.

In order to encourage women to attend ERAU, we reach out to accepted high school seniors. We do this by calling them once a week, as well as emailing them in the spring. During the months that we get to communicate with the girls, we learn a lot about them. Our job is to be a mentor or a big sister for each girl, so that they feel comfortable coming to ERAU. We want everyone to feel welcome, so we create friendships with the women, and meet them when they get to campus in the fall. This is one of the most rewarding parts of the role, since you feel a sense of pride when a girl you talked to makes the decision to attend Riddle. It is an even better feeling when you get to see them everyday on campus once they start classes. I see a few of my students from last year around campus, and it makes me happy to know that they are doing well, and enjoying ERAU.

Another way we are able to encourage women to attend ERAU is through Admissions events. We travel with the Admissions team to different ERAU receptions around the country, talking to the prospective students. I love that I am able to interact with students and their parents on a face-to-face level. The passion for the industry, that the prospective students have, blows me away. It is a rewarding feeling when a student I met at the reception ends up attending Embry-Riddle. Just the feeling that I was able to help them through part of the process is what makes being a Women’s Ambassador such a great position.

As the Spring semester is reaching its peak, I am excited to get in contact with more prospective students, both over the phone and in person at receptions. The Women’s Ambassador Program will continue to work hard to help new students find their new home at Embry-Riddle.

Until next time,


Thunderbirds Are Go!


Hello, hello! I hope everyone is doing ok. I’ve been severely busy so this whole “4 jobs plus school” thing is really starting to take its toll on me. If anyone has good time-management tips, please send them my way.

Some pretty cool stuff has happened in the past few days since my last update. Most notably the Thunderbirds came to campus a few days ago. They have been here since last Sunday, and it was no secret that they were in the area. The sound of an F-16 taking off is something that you do not forget, and if you somehow did not hear them, then the 3.5 magnitude earthquake that followed would definitely get your attention. I was sitting in physics the other day and the class stopped one we heard the engines spooled up: it’s intense.

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Watching all eight of them landing is also a sight to see. Because the Daytona International Speedway had recent exterior modifications, the Thunderbirds did a few flyovers with smoke for promotional photos. Also, watching he C-17 land, taxi to the left, and back up was also a sight to see.

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Recently, Touch-N-Go had their Casino Night where attendees were given $5,000 worth of casino chips to play for prizes. The prizes ranged from TVs and copies of Battlefront to a Frozen snow-cone maker and a popcorn maker. That was the first time I have ever “gambled,” and while I lost quite a bit of money, I would definitely do it again. Plus TNG had free pizza and drinks.

Aside from that, there isn’t anything else to report. I’ll see you all in another two weeks!


The Happiest Place on Earth

As an Orientation Ambassador and a Women’s Ambassador, incoming students always ask me the same question: What do you do for fun in Daytona Beach? During my freshman year here at Embry-Riddle, a lot of my weekend time was dedicated to doing homework or just lounging around campus. This year I have made a huge 180!

One day, my big (sorority) sister, Melani, and I were working in First Year Programs and discussing how much we missed going to Disney World and why we weren’t taking advantage of how close it was. Naturally, all this talk got us so excited that we spontaneously bought annual passes.

Luckily, our past two weekends haven’t been as busy as usual, so Melani and I were able to visit Epcot and Hollywood Studios, both of which made us feel like we were ten year olds again!

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Melani and I wearing our Minnie Ears!

We visited Epcot with our friends Conor and Zach and it was the best day I’ve had in a long time. The four of us got to go on Mission: Space, Epcot’s famous ride that actually makes you feel like you’re making a mission to Mars. The rest of the day we walked around and admired each country we came across. The best part was going to Japan and eating the best sushi!


Melani, Conor, Zach, and I at Epcot!

It was Melani’s first time visiting Hollywood Studios, so she thoroughly enjoyed every ride and show that we went on. We screamed on the Tower of Terror, sang till our throats were sore at the Frozen Sing-A-Long, and even got to meet different Disney characters! The highlight of my day was meeting Kylo Ren, the villain from Star Wars: The Force Awakens.


Dream come true!

So when incoming students ask me what a Riddle kid does for fun, I am not going to hesitate suggesting going to one of the theme parks in Orlando, especially Disney World! These past two weekends have served as a great break from the engineering world and I can’t wait to spend more time at the “Happiest Place on Earth”!

Spring Study Tips

Hey everyone!!

I hope you all had an amazing winter break and are ready to jump into the new spring semester! Since things around here have been moving pretty slowly for me, I thought it would be a great time to share some of my study tips. If you have bad study habits right now, it’s not too late to correct them!

  1. Study a few hours each day: This is a very important tip because college students have a tendency to procrastinate and cram right before a test. Doing this won’t help you! It is much more effective when you study for something over the course of several days, because your brain will absorb the material better. This includes reviewing old notes or making a quick study guide.
  2. Find your perfect atmosphere: When you study, make sure you find a spot that’s best for you. If you like quiet spaces, get a private study room so you won’t be disturbed. Once you find your place, study there consistently so your brain will recognize it as a study atmosphere. Don’t study on your bed, because your brain associates your bed with sleep and this will only make you drowsy while studying.
  3. Avoid interruptions: This is a big one for those who can’t escape their social life! Make sure you only use the technology that is necessary for your study session. Turn off your phone so you won’t be interrupted by text messages, phone calls, and social media. This will cut your study time down by a lot because you won’t be distracted.
  4. Take breaksOut of all the tips on this list, this is the one you should pay the most attention to! It is very important that you take breaks when you’re studying. When you find yourself daydreaming, take five minutes to stand up and stretch.This will make sure that your brain keeps absorbing the information you need!
  5. Stay organized: This is my favorite tip because my planner is my life! If you don’t already have a planner (either physical or technological), get one! Writing down your whole schedule and crossing things off as you do them will make you feel so accomplished. It’s also wise to color code everything (i.e. Math is green, Greek Life is pink, work is yellow) so that it appears more organized.
  6. Study groups: If you don’t already have a study group, make friends with the people in your classes and make one! Meeting with a group of people every week is a great idea because you get to bounce ideas off of each other and learn different study techniques.
  7. Make questions while you study: While you’re going through your homework, write down any questions you may have, that way you can ask your professor about them later. This will help you understand the material while also getting face time with your professor.
  8. Nourish your body: Eat healthy! A healthy body means a healthy mind, so eat things that are good for you, drink a lot of water, and keep your caffeine intake to a minimum. Although people use coffee as their go-to for studying, it will only help you for a short period of time and then make you crash.
  9. Stay positive: This may seem too obvious, but it is always a good idea to keep a positive attitude while you’re studying. If you are having negative thoughts, this will make you more stressed and your brain won’t absorb as much information!
  10. Learn shortcuts & strategies: When you’re studying, try to make visual cues and acronyms so that you can remember the information easier. Also, don’t hesitate to ask your professor for any study suggestions. The professor may give you information about your upcoming test, which will help you out a lot!


If you follow these ten important study tips, I guarantee your grades will go up and your semester will be a breeze!

Happy spring everyone!

End of the 6th Week

Happy Thursday everyone! It’s practically the end of the week. I like to call my Thursday’s “fake Fridays” due to the fact that I don’t have classes on Thursday’s, so happy fake Friday to me! So far this week has been going pretty well! No school this Monday due to Presidents day, an easy day on Tuesday but a lot of meetings following. Wednesday was great! We had the Society 4 S.P.A.C.E research/informative meeting. We even gained a couple new members.

Some of the research projects we are working on include an Aeroponics system for MEERs, a drone system for MEERS and the Mars research project. It is all going really well. On Space News with Skye I spoke about the Particles of Love: Quantum Mechanics, NSF’s LIGO Gravitational Waves, and Practical Advice for Aspiring Astronauts. It went really well and they were some pretty heavy topics so I am glad I covered them.

Other than that, this week and this weekend is consisting of homework, projects, research, and updating my website. Pretty crazy! I am excited for my classes though. I really am enjoying the book we are reading in Humanities. For once, it is not a half bad book. But, I will admit I LOVE the book I and reading in my intro to CSO class. It is called “The Higher Frontier.” I don’t want to spoil it but you should definitely read it!

One other note! If you have not registered for summer classes! Go and do it! Registration for current students opened February 10!

Couple of events are coming within the next few weeks. For starters, the big elephant in the room, the Daytona 500. For those of you going on Sunday be safe and have fun! I know a lot of Riddle kids are volunteers or workers for the 500 so feel free to say hi!

Next Wednesday SpaceX is launching SES-9 onboard the Falcon 9. I am glad to say that I will be two and a half miles away from the launch pad when this baby comes up, so I am pretty excited!

This Friday at 8:00p in the Student Center, Touch and Go Productions is hosting a casino night in the student center! Go have fun and win some money (hopefully)!

In two weeks, the City of Port Orange is hosting a Family Fun Springfest. It starts Thursday March 3 and ends Sunday March 6. They have a bunch of events, concerts, rides, competitions, movie night and much more! I do plan on attending so I will let you all know how it goes!

And so too be in about 3 weeks, we have spring break folks! Keep up the hard work and keep pushing!

Embry-Riddle Career Services

It’s been another busy few weeks in Sunny Florida!

Career Services put on its second annual Government Agency and Non-Profit Career Fair and its almost time for the first test of the semester in most of my classes.

On February 11, the Government Agency and Non-Profit Career Fair took place; this Career Fair is a bit different from our Career Expo in the fall. For starters, it’s smaller than the Expo, and it is a bit more specialized which allows students to have the opportunity to speak face-to-face with government agencies and non-profits. More than 20 agencies attended the event, including NASA, the Peace Corps, the Federal Aviation Administration, Center for Space Nuclear Research, and the Federal Bureau of Investigators (FBI). Even as a Business major, it is worthwhile to attend as there are opportunities with the FBI and a few airports that attended the event.

I really enjoy being a part of the Career Services team and helping our at the Career Fair. A lot of work goes into the events, and it starts well before the Career Fair and Industry/Career Expo.

Program Managers hold “prep sessions” in the evenings to help prepare students for the events. During these mini-workshops, they assist with elevator pitches, review resumes, and provide general advice on navigating the Expo. Although, students can go to the office to schedule an appointment with their Program Manager to receive career/internship advisement, resume help, mock interviews, and many other services. Also, there are resources on the website, including sample resumes, and it is also worthwhile to read spotlight stories from alumni, Career Services staff, and even current students on the Going Places blog.

Back in May 2013, I was a prospective student who hoped to attend Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University to pursue an aviation business degree. I followed Career Services on Twitter as I wanted to start learning more about the department and some of the events they put on, and on one early Saturday morning, Embry-Riddle Career Services followed me back on Twitter. I sent a Direct Message (DM) thanking them for following me as well as to see if they had any recommendations as to who would be a good contact to learn more about the admissions process; Monday morning, I received an email from an Admissions Counselor seeing how he could best answer my questions, and he was a huge help through the whole process. I never imagined how much interacting with Career Services on Twitter could help me, and I never would have thought that I would eventually become a Student Assistant for them about a year ago.

I really enjoy having the opportunity to work with the staff and the opportunity to assist my fellow students.

Even as an incoming freshman or perspective student, the Career Services Staff is happy to help!