We Are the Society 4 S.P.A.C.E.

Dear Space Lovers,

We are Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s (ERAU) Society 4 Space Privatization and Commercial Exploration, or Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. for short. Founded in the fall of 2007, the Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. has become ERAU’s space organization! With over 75 active members, we grow and learn each and every semester. The Society 4 S.P.A.C.E’s mission focuses on a few things: conducting research, hosting events, and raising awareness. Our main goal is to educate the minds of today on tomorrow’s challenges.

We are heavily involved on a community as well as a national level. Whether it is hosting events on campus or attending conferences, we strive to raise awareness in any way possible. Some of the past events we have hosted on campus include “Women in Zero G,” “Yuri’s Night,” and “Give Me Space.” Some of the conferences that we attend each year include the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference, Creative Arts and Sciences (CASE) Conference, and the Aviation, Aeronautics, and Aerospace International Research (A³iR) Conference at our sister school in Prescott, Arizona.

For “Women in Zero G,” we honored the first American woman in space, the one and only Sally Ride. At the event, we informed participants of what Society 4 S.P.A.C.E.’s mission is as well as ongoing research, which was followed by the movie “Gravity”. We also had a member of ERAU’s board of trustees and former NASA Astronaut, Nicole Stott who was scheduled to Skype in during the event, but due to an event at NASA she was unable to be present. “Yuri’s Night” is something we have done every year in the spring semester. The event celebrated Yuri Gargarin’s flight into space. Being the first cosmonaut and first man in space, it is a ‘must-celebrate’ event. During this event we had three main guest speakers: Edward Mango, former program manager for the Commercial Crew Program (CCP); Mr. Ronald Caswell, former docent at NASA’s KSC; and Dr. Sergey V. Drakunov, Assistant Dean of Research at ERAU. At the “Give Me Space” event, our main goal was to promote space and promote the Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. We watched the movie October Sky and entertained our participants with the fascinating topic of space.

SpaceLOGOWe hope to attend and host several more events and conferences this year as well as hosting “Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. presents The Martian.” Through event planning and persistence, we are striving once again for greatness.

As stated before, we are heavily invested in research. Currently, we have three research projects being worked on. The first is our Atmospheric Weather Balloon for Near Space Research. The Atmospheric Weather Balloon for Near Space Research, is a small cube that will be tethered to an eight foot diameter helium balloon capable of holding 365 cubic feet of helium. This massive balloon will be able to carry our cube up to 100,000-120,000 feet. Once the balloon bursts, the cube will freefall back to Earth with the parachute deployment system to land the cube safely back on the Earth’s surface. Inside the cube are multiple sensors that will record key data as it ascends and descends through the different layers of Earth’s atmosphere. We will be able to recover the cube via GPS once the cube lands. Since we will not know the landing location exactly, we created a MATLAB simulation that allows us to generalize the possible landing site. The Atmospheric Weather Balloon for Near Space Research is complete and we are now waiting on a launch date.

The second research project is the Autonomous Satellite Recovery Vehicle or ASVR. The ASVR is a machine styled after a quad-copter that was designed with folding arms. The folding design is key because it allows it to fit inside a rocket. For this feature, we teamed up with the rocket club here on campus (IRFSEDS). With their help, they assured us it was possible to fit the ASVR inside a rocket. Attached to the ASRV are numerous sensors that acquire data such as temperature, humidity, pressure, wind direction, and many other functions of the atmosphere. Once the rocket hits apogee, the ASRV will be ejected and begin free falling. As it free falls, all the necessary data will be collected until the ASRV hits the altitude of 1,000 feet. Once it does this, the parachute will be released slowing the ASRV’s velocity speed to a suitable range where the engines can ignite. Once the engines do so, the ASRV will fly, autonomously, to the prerecorded GPS waypoint, which the pilot chooses before launch. Once the Atmospheric Weather Balloon for Near Space Research was launched and instrumentation was proven to collect and transmit the data, the idea was to install the instrumentation into the ASRV, which would allow the ASRV to collect the data and fly back to us instead of looking for the landing site of the cube.

Our third project is our newest project. It is a collaboration between ERAU and NASA. Dr. Sergey V. Drakunov, Assistant Dean of Research at ERAU, contacted Francisco Pastrana, President for Society 4 S.P.A.C.E., and proposed the idea of building and testing a new propulsion system for an autonomous drone created by NASA. The Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. will be helping him develop the propulsion system as well as testing it. Possible propulsion systems we have looked at include: a steam engine for water vapor propulsion in worlds like Europa, Jupiter’s moon and a cold gas propulsion system using local resources like CO2, which is available in Mars atmosphere. Solar energy can be used to suppress this gas as well as fuel the tanks for long duration exploration. The basic idea of Mars exploration is to map the lava tunnels that NASA could use to build a city under the surface protecting it from harmful cosmic radiation. We look forward to working with NASA on this project.

The Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. thrives off of encouragement and the passion to learn. Whether it is building a hotel in space, or sending the first person to Mars, the Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. will pave the road for space privatization and commercial exploration.

If you are a space lover, join the Society 4 S.P.A.C.E. today!

The End of Summer

Once I completed my internship at Aéroports de Montréal at the end of July, I had about two weeks of vacation left before heading to Daytona Beach. My brother and I welcomed some of our friends from Texas that came to visit us for the weekend.

During their visit, we went to the Osheaga Art and Music Festival in Montreal. The festival takes place over a period of three days where more than 100 artists performed. We were there on the last day of the show and saw The Black Keys, ALT-J, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, Charli XCX, and Tove Lo. It is not possible to see all of the artists because they perform on six different scenes simultaneously. It is fun because you don’t have to stay at one scene and watch the whole show; you can walk around and see different things.


Group picture in front of the Osheaga splatter paint wall!

After a great weekend filled with music, we all headed to the airport at 4:30AM  to catch early morning flights. Some of the friends were heading back home in the Lone Star State while another was flying back to school in Boston. My family and I were flying to Jacksonville (JAX) with a connection in Atlanta (I don’t think I can count how many times I have been through ATL!).

When we landed in JAX, I almost felt like it was home since Daytona was only 100 miles south. We drove for about an hour north following the East Coast of Florida and Georgia. Our final destination was Sea Island, GA. We decided to make this trip because the area was reputed for its golf courses. There are also many other activities to do there since the ocean is a few steps away. Other than playing a few rounds of golf, we went paddle boarding, and skeet shooting.

Sea Island

Sea Island, GA

The few days spent in Sea Island went by so fast, as we were already seated in the plane on our way back to Canada. My brother and I spent the last the week home so we could prepare and pack all the baggage we had to bring for our upcoming Sophomore year of college.

View from the Delta SkyClub Sky Deck in Concourse F. Hartsfield-Jackson has the largest control tower in North America, and 4th in the world.

View from the Delta SkyClub Sky Deck in Concourse F. Hartsfield-Jackson has the largest control tower in North America, and 4th in the world.

Next week, I will go over my arrival in the Daytona Beach area before classes started! Enjoy the extra pictures of Osheaga below.











Simulation Space: The Mobile Extreme Environment Research Station

Love Space? Love your Major? Love Construction, Design or anything else? Join MEERS!

The Mobile Extreme Environment Research Station (MEERS) is a student-run project to design and build a mobile laboratory made out of a 1976 31-foot Airstream trailer for the purpose of testing and advancing space technologies.

The primary goal of this unique project is to employ solar power generation, aeroponics (a food-growth process using fertilizer-infused water mist to nourish plant roots without the need for soil) and water filtration/reclamation to create a “stand alone” facility that can operate for at least two weeks without resupply.

MEERS is comprised of three teams: Design, Construction, and Budget & Outreach. Join one or join all!

When complete, MEERS will provide crew quarters for four individuals, a galley, hygiene facilities, and workstations to facilitate data collection, science, and communication with an off-site MEERS Mission Control (MCC) center. Because MEERS is mobile, the facility can be transported to any location in the United States to support research.

MEERS has involved over 100 students from Human Factors, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aviation Maintenance Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and more through class-related projects. Outside of class, over 20 students volunteer their time and effort to renovate MEERS, develop marketing and fundraising efforts, and submit to local and national scientific conferences.

No matter what major you are or what background you have, MEERS is the perfect research project for you!

Join us in this one-of-a-kind opportunity to promote student research in habitat design and space technologies and inspire generations of future space researchers.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jason Kring

Department of Human Factors

Project Manager: Tim Disher

Graduate Human Factors Student

Minor Updates

Hello, hello! I hope everyone is doing well. The past two weeks have been a killer for me, especially with all of my classes starting to kick into high gear. There’s nothing really important to report on sadly (I know, it’s really depressing), so it’s gonna be one of those updates.

In the past two weeks, I had to write a precis (yeah, I still don’t know what that is) for my SIM 200 about in-flight simulation which in of itself is a really cool topic to read up on. On top of that paper, I had to compile a rhetorical analysis for HU 143, my intro to rhetoric class. I did amazingly well on my precis considering I never wrote one before, and I did ok on the rhetorical analysis, which I also have never written before.

My PS160, physics II, test was fun and so was my MA 242, calc II, test. In COM 219, speech, I had to give a narrative speech and I did well on that. Now I’m preparing to deliver my informative speech on photography in a few weeks in conjunction with studying for this Friday’s test.

I will say that my SIM 200 class is very interesting. One week I was in the GAT trainer, which is a disorientation simulator, and ran through two disorientation tests. Only 13 more and I can be certified…for something! Another week we went into the simulation bay to look at Riddle’s Level D CRJ 200 full-flight simulator. This thing is massive and thinking about the price of this thing makes my head hurt.


This thing is ridiculously small…


…really small.


Look at it! Look at this machine!

In the extra-curricular activities life, I’ve contributed a few written articles for The Avion, which is weird because I don’t like writing at all. I’m a better photographer than a writer, but people say otherwise so maybe I have an act for both?


I recently had the opportunity to attend one of the volleyball games which was fun! Good job Lady Eagles!

Working at the Digital Studio as a tutor is fun. I’ve gotten to meet some really cool people and learned a lot of new skills. I’m really excited to see where that goes.

I’m sorry if this update was short, and maybe boring, I promising to find interesting things to write about next time! Until then, be curious, ask questions, and watch Doctor Who.


This past Sunday was the “super lunar eclipse”…or at least it was supposed to be since we couldn’t see anything thanks to the clouds.

The Work Load

I can’t believe that it is already October! The first full month of school flew by. This semester, I am taking Speech, Financial Accounting, Marketing, Microeconomics, and Statistics, and I am working quite a bit in the Career Services Office as a student assistant. It is definitely a full load, but so far, it has been easy to handle; since I did survive a week of four tests and one speech due last week, I think I can handle just about anything at this point.

Towards the end of summer, I was a bit concerned with starting classes again as I did not think that I would remember how to study or really even have the motivation to study, but surprisingly, the transition was quite easy; taking interesting classes does help!

In my speech class, we are learning a lot about delivery and helping relive stress that we get when having to speak publicly. Public speaking is not really my thing as I definielty prefer writing, but so far, I am enjoying the class. Most, if not all, students will have to take the class, but it is definitely worth it as it will help you communicate and listen better.

My Financial Accounting, Marketing, and Microeconomics classes are all core business classes, and even if you are minoring in business, it is likely you will have to take them. These three classes are my favorite by far as all of my teachers make relative connections to what is going on the real world, and in Microeconomics, we are required to scan the Wall Street Journal; yes this may sound boring, but it is crucial to know what is going on in the world. Out of these three classes, Marketing is definitely the most fun as examine consumer behavior as well as how companies try to target and segment customers; plus, watching commercials provides nice breaks!

Meanwhile in Career Services, we are gearing up for our big Industry Career Expo that is Wednesday, October 7. There will be 99 employers on campus from all facets of the aviation industry as well as other industries all recruiting for interns and full time opportunities. I’ve been busy polishing my shoes, ironing my suit, and cleaning up the resume as I have a feeling that it will be a great experience. More on this soon!

Well, I have to run to Statistics. Until next time,


Getting Involved 101

The biggest piece of advice that people tell you when you get to college is “get involved.” Anyone can tell you to get involved, but the real questions are ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ When you go out to get a job, any job at all, they will look at your education and what your skills are, but one question every company wants to know is “What did you do outside of class/school?” If you have nothing to demonstrate, you are less likely to get hired. Reason being is that there may be hundreds of people applying for that same position. Some will have more qualifications then the next person, but those qualifications will set them apart from you. “What makes you unique?” Getting involved and being able to say that you worked on ‘this’ and did ‘that’ sets you apart from everyone else.

How do you get involved? Here at Embry-Riddle, we have more than 130 clubs and organizations that will help you do just that. Even professors and students can help you get involved in research and final senior design projects. It sounds that simple and it is that simple. The only thing standing in your way is you. If you say every day that you want to get involved and you are going to get involved, but then you don’t, you are the one not letting yourself get involved. ERAU just had its Student Activities Fair where all the clubs and organizations lined up all the way from the library and down Legacy walk to show what they were all about. Students were able to learn about the club/organization and join if they pleased.

As a freshman coming in the Summer A term, I was already involved on the NASA NEEMO project and the MEERS project before I became an official ‘student’; but there was more I wanted to get involved in. Talking to some of the professors and graduate students on both the HF and ME side, I found out about some interesting research projects. Just by putting myself out there and showing that I am interested, a hard worker, and willing to work, they welcomed me in with open arms. Now I am in multiple clubs, organizations, and research projects…Human Factors & Ergonomics Society, Human Performance in Extreme Environments, Society 4 S.P.A.C.E, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and more!

Getting involved is great! You get to learn and experience new things as well as meet new people. It is great to put your involvement on your resume. However, a couple mistakes that people are likely to make are getting too involved, and getting involved just to get involved. Although college is known to be the best time of your life, you still have to focus in academics. Getting involved too much can cause you to pay less attention to academics and put them on the back burner. Academics come first. Also, when you get involved in something, make sure that you want to get involved. Don’t just get involved because you think it will look good on your résumé, get involved because you are truly passionate about it. There are plenty of things to get involved with on campus.

People ask me all the time, “how do you do it?” “How do you balance, academics, involvement, and socialization?” Honestly, academics come first. Whenever I get a homework assignment, I don’t procrastinate; I get it done. Every day I lay out what I need to do. Homework and studying comes first. Then I move on the clubs and organizations and then finally everything involving “Astro Skye.” It is all about balance. Some people have a higher tolerance than others, it depends on the person. So whether you are at ERAU now, or are a future student, get involved!

Year Two is Cleared for Take Off

It’s been a long and semi-eventful summer, but I am ready for my second year at Embry-Riddle to take off.

A week after returning back home to Texas, I attended the Phoenix International Aviation Symposium on behalf of Airways in Phoenix, AZ. At the symposium, more than a hundred aviation professionals from all different facets of the commercial airline industry listen to several different panels over two days in which the status of the industry, trends, and the future are all discussed (and sometimes even debated). It was a fascinating two days to hear from the different professionals, and it was really cool to meet several folks in the industry I had been pen pals with.

After Phoenix, it was off to Cleveland, Ohio for the annual Regional Airline Association convention. The Regional Airline Association (RAA) was founded in 1975, and it is a North America business association that represents regional airlines and their employees, regional airline aircraft manufacturers, and all of the suppliers. The association represents, lobbies, and supports its members before many government organizations such as the FAA, U.S. Congress, and the Department of Transportation.


The view of Cleveland while on approach.

RAA has more than two dozen airline members and about 150 other members. It’s a large undertaking to represent these companies, especially when more than 13,000 regional flights a day. To say the least, I was quite excited to attend as this would be my first real exposure to the regional side of the airline industry.

During the first day of the convention, we heard from Bombardier, Embrear, and Mitsubushi; each manufacturer provided program updates and talked to the media on the future. The next day, several regional airline executives spoke to the media about the current state of their respective airlines and dug a little into the pilot shortage. If you want to read more of a re-cap of the event, you can check out my story on the Embry-Riddle Career Services Blog here. It was also really inspiring to meet several executives such as Ryan Gumm (the CEO of Endeavor Air) who are alumni taking their education and passion to the regional side of the airline industry.

The Airways Magazine team at Airliners International

The Airways Magazine team at Airliners International

In June, I traveled to Atlanta, Georgia for the annual world’s largest airline collectible show to help represent Airways magazine. It was two days filled with catching up with lots of friends that I’ve met at the other shows, meeting a few folks at Delta, and shopping till I dropped. It was a great way to end three years working as an airline journalist.

After these three events, the rest of the summer was fairly uneventful as I had to take some time off for health reasons, but now, I’m back in Daytona and all settled into an apartment off campus with two of my friends. It is nice to live off campus and have my own room, a full kitchen, and a lot more space. Although, I’m already missing my seven minute walk to class!

Now, the semester is in full swing, and I have a good feeling that it’s going to be a good semester! More coming soon.

Until next time,



Preparing astronauts for space is no easy task. With thousands of hours of training and little rest for the busy, NASA makes sure that astronauts are fully prepared in each and every way possible. One way NASA trains astronauts* is through the NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations, or NEEMO. The NASA NEEMO missions are based in Key Largo, FL. 6.2 miles (5.4 nautical miles) out and 62 feet (19 meters) deep stands Aquarius. The world’s ONLY underwater laboratory in existence.

Astronauts will call Aquarius their home anywhere from one to two weeks. Once inside, the astronauts – now referred to as aquanauts – will conduct science experiments, research, testing, and even some extravehicular activities, or EVAs. The closest simulation to actual microgravity is being underwater. Conducting EVAs underwater allows rookie astronauts to somewhat experience the feeling of weightlessness without actually being weightless. That’s why the Neutral Buoyancy Lab, or NBL, comes in handy. EVAs conducted during the NASA NEEMO missions test out new equipment, team work, and even EVAs that might be conducted on Mars.

The commander of the NEEMO 20 mission is ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano. Parmitano is a veteran spaceflyer spending a total of 166 days living and working on board the International Space Station (ISS) during Expedition 36 and 37. Parmitano is no rookie when it comes to EVAs. He conducted two during his visit to the space station. Parmitano will be joined by NASA astronaut Serena Aunon, NASA EVA Management Office engineer David Coan, and JAXA astronaut Norishige “Nemo” Kanai.

This mission in particular will focus on “evaluating tools and techniques being tested for future spacewalks on a variety of surfaces and gravity levels ranging from asteroids to the moons of Mars and the Martian surface.” 1The mission will also “test time delays in communications due to the distance of potential mission destinations. The crew also will assess hardware sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA) that allows crew members to read the next step in a procedure without taking their hands or eyes away from the task using a tablet, a smartphone and a head-mounted interface.” 2

Going into an extreme environment is no easy task and safety is key. Precautions are always taken and certified divers are always around just in case of an emergency, but the astronauts are well trained. Training for a NASA NEEMO mission starts about a month in advance, but the actual heavy duty training begins one week before splashdown. As I mentioned before, mission length varies but for the NEEMO 20 mission, it will last 2 weeks.

I was lucky enough to take part in the NASA NEEMO 20 mission. Embry-Riddle students and faculty were invited to be a part of the Mission Support Team. (Clearly an offer I could NOT turn down) I went down to Key Largo, FL Monday July 13th, 2015 through Wednesday July 15th, 2015. On Tuesday July 14th, 2015 I spent the whole day at the FIU Aquarius Reef Base. I met the NEEMO 20 crew along with the mission director Marc Reagan, and members of the mission support team: Barbara Janoiko, Jason Poffenberger, NEEMO 19 aquanaut Herve Stevenin, and a lot more! I also got the chance to meet the developer of NEEMO and NEEMO 1 aquanaut, Bill Todd, once again. I helped with the training of the astronauts as well as being an extra hand on base.

The NASA NEEMO missions are another way that NASA prepares astronauts and mission support teams for future space exploration missions. The outreach of the astronauts and everyone involved is absolutely incredible.

To Luca Parmitano: enjoy your vampire slaying tool 😉

Special thanks to…

  • Nye & Robert Schwartz for their continued love and support.
  • Jason Kring & Bill Todd for the opportunity to take part in the NASA NEEMO 20 mission.
  • Kati Anglin for guiding me through the process and teaching me new things.
  • The NEEMO 20 crew for taking the time to talk to everyone including myself
  • The NEEMO 20 crew for answering all my questions, especially Luca.
  • The NEEMO 20 mission support team.

*Not every astronaut participates in these missions and some astronauts who do are already space veterans.

For more information on the NASA NEEMO program, visit:


And We’re Back!

Hello, hello! After a much needed 4-5 month hiatus, we’re back! And I’m not just talking about me being back on the blogging scene, but rather everyone coming back to Embry-Riddle. So on that note, welcome back returning students and faculty, and hello to the new students and faculty getting their start at Embry-Riddle this semester!

This summer has been a jam-packed one for sure. With things ranging from collegiate visits and parades to work and traveling, Summer 2015 may have been my most productive summer to date.


Summer 2015 also marked the time where I started taking “artsy” pictures.

With victory and triumph in my veins after conquering the spring semester, I boarded my flight bound from Orlando, Florida (MCO) to Newark, New Jersey (EWR) and rode the train home once I got to New Jersey. It was probably 1AM when I finally got to my house on May 1st. Unfortunately for me, most of my friends were still in school/college. Needless to say, I did not spend May wisely and spent most of my time at home. (Whoops.) I did however, visit my high school to catch up with some teachers and friends. I even spoke to a few freshmen classes about college and how to prepare for the next 4-5 years of their lives.

Suddenly June came barreling in, and I suddenly found myself in a chaotic ballet of commitments and unexpected events. My sister’s orientation for Penn State University was during the first week of June so I had to put off working in New York City until the week after. Despite the logistics, 4-hour drive, and uncomfortable hotel beds, it was a fun time. Most importantly, my sister enjoyed the school which is what really mattered.


I guess Penn State ran out of rock climbing walls.

With Penn State’s orientation over and my sister finishing high school in 2 weeks, I went back to work in New York City. Not much has changed since I left last summer, but it was still nice to go back to work in place that was familiar to me. The atmosphere and pacing is so different from life here in Daytona Beach, and that’s the lifestyle I was accustomed to.

Sometime in the middle of July, the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team defeated Japan during the Women’s FIFA Cup and to celebrate, there was a ticker tape parade in New York City. Conveniently, my office was on Broadway and I managed to get some really nice pictures. It was my first ever ticker tape parade and it was really special considering the last one was in 2012 after the Giants won the Superbowl.




I saw people just dump entire packets of paper outside their windows. It was crazy.

Annoyingly, August rolled around signalling the end of my summer vacation a few weeks later. By that time, I finished my internship and spent my time at home preparing for the fall semester. I managed to go out and photograph a few sunrises, the Perseid Meteor Shower, and sunsets. It was nice and a fitting salute to my home state before leaving for Riddle.


I saw the Milky Way in person for the first time ever!


The last sunrise I saw in New Jersey. *sheds tear*




On my flight back to Orlando, I ran into William Stirna who was a graduate of Embry-Riddle’s class of 1994!


With things at Embry-Riddle in full swing now, nothing’s really changed since I left last spring. My classes are very interesting with SIM 200 being the most “technical” class I’ve taken to date. My professors are wonderful and they make class enjoyable, and I’m honestly glad things worked out the way they did. So, on that bombshell, thank you for reading, and I’ll talk to you all soon!


This isn’t Daytona Beach, but this was taken in Florida…that counts right?


“Oh so artsy.”

August Overview

What a whirlwind month it has been! August flew by faster than I would have liked, but it was filled with activities. On August 1st, I left Washington for Florida. We started off my time back in Florida with a trip to Universal Orlando. Of course, I had to take my family to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter to experience a butter beer. Later that week, we also spent time in St. Augustine. Although it was pouring rain the entire time, we still managed to explore the city, and enjoy some gourmet popsicles. Later, we drove up to Jacksonville, to visit the oldest standing plantation in Florida. Since we are in Florida, we had to spend some time at the beach. One day, we drove down to Cocoa Beach to visit Ron Jon’s Surf Shop and eat on the pier.

Lauren, Myself, and David at Islands of Adventure

Lauren, Myself, and David at Islands of Adventure

Eating gourmet popsicles in St. Augustine

Eating gourmet popsicles in St. Augustine

At the oldest plantation in Florida

At the oldest plantation in Florida

Hanging out on the pier at Cocoa Beach

Hanging out on the pier at Cocoa Beach

After my family left, I moved in to my residence hall just in time to begin Resident Advisor training. This year I will be a RA in McKay Hall. Training was a week long and I really enjoyed getting to know all of the other Residence Life staff members. After RA training, next up was Orientation Team training. We went on a retreat to Camp Ocala, where we learned all about how to be successful Orientation Leaders, as well as bonded as a team. I have never had that much fun camping before.

Once Orientation Week started, my life was crazy. We spent countless hours setting up, attending, and tearing down events. The O-Team became my family for the week. We were all together from about 7:30AM-11PM, so there was plenty of time to spend with each other. During the week, I learned how to dance, since O-Team dances ALL the time!! It was so awesome to get out of my comfort zone, while encouraging incoming freshmen to get out of theirs, as well. One of my favorite events of Orientation Week was the Silent Disco. Everyone gets a wireless headset with flashing colors, corresponding to what music station you are listening to. It becomes a huge party with a lot of dancing, but the funny thing is that there is no music being played aloud. After Orientation Week ended, I was completely exhausted, but also sad that it was over. I had so much fun welcoming the new freshmen class to ERAU.

Waiting for Convocation to start with the O-Team

Waiting for Convocation to start with the O-Team

Orientation in the ICI

Orientation in the ICI

O-Team after Orientation

O-Team after Orientation

Now that classes have started, it is back to my everyday routine. Classes and meetings will begin to consume my life soon, but I will make sure to make some time for myself. A weekend trip to Disney World might be a necessity…

Until next time,
