February 9, 2006


What is going on folks? Nothing too much here. Got a few tests coming up here this week so this weekend I will be busy studying. My exams are for classes in Economics, Meteorology and Human Factors. Shouldn’t be hard. This weekend I didn’t do too much, I just kind of hung out with my buddies and relaxed in my room. I did go to a party of course and had fun with my friends.

The first tests, everyone should thrive to get an A because the first test will always be easier no matter what class it’s for. It is always easier to start off good and then if you do bad on a test, it won’t hurt you as much it would if you did bad on the first test, then you would have to study your butt off for the next one! Life here at Embry Riddle has not changed much. Nothing new has happened except for the fact that I have been getting a lot of you guys e-mailing me and IMing me, which is excellent! keep doing so. My favorite part of all that is hearing why everyone is interested in Embry Riddle. Almost every single one of you ask me ‘How do you pay for it?’ which I find funny, but the answer is loans LOL! Anybody that does e-mail me I answer your question within 6 hours, that’s a promise!

It has been raining in Daytona the past 3 days. It is not fun walking to class with an umbrella then the wind knocking it out of your hand as a result getting you all soaked. But Mother Nature has its moments I guess. Daytona Races are approaching here and it will be VERY crowded here. I should get a job or something, get a few bux extra to myself. I’ll think about that. About my new room, it is awesome. I am literally alone here, but I have no problems whatsoever. I’m a happy camper and am going to stay in this room as much as I can. It is a bit further then my last room from my classes but I don’t care about that when we compare the amount in hours of sleep I got in those rooms.

During the weekends, many of us get bored. But in a way busy, doing nothing. Every weekend there are some parties, you just got to ask around who’s it is and what is going on. But you know when you get here, you all will see college is very much fun. Even just sitting in your dorm with a friend is fun, because you are away from your home and can pretty much do whatever you want. But some are so bored they don’t take time as an advantage sometimes to study, and do bad on tests. But lack of sleep can affect you very much also.

Well I am just going to go continue to study for my exams and hope everybody has a great weekend. Hope to see all of you here for the Fall Semester! Do not slack your last years in High School! Not a good idea.

February 9, 2006

Life at Riddle is going well. The classes are going great, so far. However, I feel as though the stress of taking 5 classes in one day is about to take its toll. I have a speech and paper due this Friday. Wish me luck!!

Other than that, things are great. I went to the beach, this weekend. It was beautiful out. The weather was near 80 and so sunny. If the water had only been warmer, it’d have been perfect.

I’ve been spending my free time, lately, job searching. I’m in need of money, seeing as how I emptied my bank account for a Spring Break cruise to the Carribbean with the sisters and Sigma Chi. I got hired at the Annual Fund, asking for money from alumni, but I’m not sure how that’s going to work out. I got my first pledge, last night, but it’s really stressful. I’m going to Abercrombie & Fitch, tonight.. and I applied at Red Lobster, earlier!!

Hope you all have a great week.. I may write, again, soon :o)

February 9, 2006

Time seems to be flying by this semester and yes, it is early to be saying that. I have all ready had some major tests in my classes and luckily, this semester they don’t all fall in the same week. The next big test I have which I am trying to prepare as best as I can for is my ATC 7110.65 test; all about standard procedures and phraseology controllers use. I think I will do well on it because I remember a lot of the basic lingo that controllers in Newark tower used. Some word of advice for those of you who will be taking AT 305 is to get your lab hours done as soon as possible. I finished mine ahead of time but when I walked by the radar simulator room today there was a line of people waiting to get in because they waited until last minute. You see, the first day of class the professor gives a deadline date which you must have all of your practice lab hours done by in order to move on in the class. The deadline this semester is February 10th so a lot of people are scrambling to make up the time; it feels good though not to worry about waiting in lines now that I am done. Just keep this advice in mind when you take this class. I can’t wait until next week when we are actually going to use the labs as part of our classroom time rather then sitting through lecture. I am overall doing well this semester academically, so I am content with that area of my college career.

My Fraternity is also doing really well. We have a bunch of new Pledges who are pretty cool guys and I look forward to getting to know them better. It feels so good though being on the other side of things as a Brother. I just found out that my other college I transferred from is starting a new Sigma Pi colony there so it will be good to visit them when I see my old college friends back in Pennsylvania.

The Daytona 500 and speed week are just around the corner and things are getting crazy here once again. I drove past the race track yesterday and there were nice racing trailers all over as well as huge tents being set up and porta-potties everywhere. Every street corner and median has those bright light generators you often see in construction. I can not even anticipate how busy this town is about to get, I am so excited for it. I am working the races one of the nights with my Fraternity so it should be a lot of fun walking around with my friends and Brothers through the chaos.

That’s it for this entry. For all of you high school seniors, continue working in school, don’t let the “senior-itis” get to you too much. These next few months are going to be some of the most memorable times of your life so take it all in and “appreciate” what you have in your lives. You might disagree with me right now but I bet a year after you graduate you will know exactly what I mean. Finally, good luck to everyone still trying to get into Riddle as well as who did, I’m out!

January 26, 2006

Hello, everyone, welcome back! Junior’s Jiving Journals are back for another semester of rabid fun and wisecracking! Spring 2006 is here, it’s the start of a brand new year, and all is well with the world. Now for the bad news.

Nah, just kidding. Last semester was great and I was able to achieve a 4.0 GPA, and I really hope to be able to keep that up this semester too! I found out at our very first AFROTC Lead Lab that I had been awarded the General Spruance Merit Award, which carried a cash prize of 1,000 dollars. I was the only AS 100 level cadet to be selected for this prestigious award.

This semester in ROTC I’ve been placed in Bravo Flight. Ours is easily the best flight in the detachment. Our new flight commander, C/1st Lt Hibshman, seems pretty cool and laid back, which is great. As a flight, we’re pretty motivated. During the past few weeks we’ve had quite a few flight meetings (last semester we could barely manage any) and I’m pretty sure we’re going to win the Spirit Rock contest this week and we’ve been competing against Charlie Flight, who have (aptly) nicknamed themselves ‘Charlie Cows’.

About my classes, I’ve had trouble where I least expected it, and found none in the areas I thought I would. I anticipated that MA 243 and PS 160 would be troublesome, but I find that Calc III seems even easier than Calc II, and PS 160 hasn’t gotten complicated in the last two weeks of class. EGR 120 is where I’m coming up against a stone wall. Most people have problems later in the class, when we begin CATIA, and find drafting a piece of cake. But not me. Drafting is pretty much engineering drawing. Right now we’re doing exercises where you’re given three views of an object, top, front, and one of the sides and you have to draw a three dimensional sketch of the body. Sound easy? It probably is for you. I’m sick of people pointing at my workbook and remarking “I totally loved that class, dude, it’s so simple.”

It’s not!

Okay, it’s not for me. I just can’t do it. Don’t ask me why. All I know is that whenever I sit down with my drafting workbook I feel like I missed the bus. I sketch for about an hour, then triumphantly ask Cameron if I got it right. He takes a look at it, says ‘Nope’ and goes back to his work. Another buddy of mine looked at my efforts, picked up a piece of paper, sketched for a few seconds, and showed me a drawing that didn’t look anything like mine. ‘That’s the answer, dude,’ was his response.

I have a test next week in drafting, and I’m going to fail it. What makes it even worse is that it’s the simplest damn thing in the world. Everyone can do it, even an eight year old kid. And I can’t. It’s not even something I can learn, or practice I just don’t get it. I have a genius level IQ, and I can’t draw a three dimensional sketch! Apparently I can’t ‘see’ things in three dimensions. One girl on my hall has an IQ thirty points above my own, and doesn’t let a day go by when she doesn’t remind me of that. I bet if I could do this I’d have a comparable IQ, coz if I remember correctly, there are a few 3-D visualization questions on an IQ test. But then again, they say your IQ never changes, which would imply that I can never learn how to do these drawings.

Okay, maybe that’s a bit paranoid. But I still can’t do it! I’m gonna try and attend to that this weekend, and hope for the best, I guess. It’s just extremely annoying when something so stupidly simple is the hardest thing for you.

I signed up this semester with Riddle Players Theatre Company at the Activities Fair. I think I’d like to go in the direction of Riddle Productions, a film making offshoot off the Theatre club. I’ve always had an interest in that kind of stuff. In fact, in the ninth grade, I once invited my entire class over to my house to try and film an ‘action movie’ on my camcorder. It didn’t work out quite as I had planned, because the story line got ‘lost in translation’, but you get the point.

I’ve also got myself a different job, tutoring at First Year Programs! The Honors Director, Dr Kain, recommended me last semester and I got the job and I start Monday! Guess a 4.0 can come in pretty useful.

I’m also looking into living off campus next semester. I think it’ll be pretty cool, in addition to saving me a heck of a lot of money. Also, I’m checking out community colleges around the country. I wanted to take some humanities courses at DBCC over the summer, to stack up credits and save money, summer school at Riddle is ridiculously expensive. But apparently Riddle won’t recognize that credit, or that of any community college within 50 miles. The administration feels that if you are within 50 miles of Riddle over the summer, you might as well take classes at Riddle. Apparently it would be equivalent to ‘cutting their own throats’. That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard, and it pissed me off for quite a while, until I began to see the positive side of it. I’m now free to take classes anywhere I want as long as I have a car that’s able to survive a cross country drive. So that’s what I’m going to do this summer I’m going on, you got it, ROAD TRIP! I’ve always wanted to drive around our great country, just see the sights and now I get to do it while collecting credits. Right now I have my eye on Santa Fe, NM and Jackson, MI, though that will most likely change. I’m thinking one six week summer course in Santa Fe, pick up six credits; then drive north and do another three. There’s a lot to America, and I want to see as much of it as I possibly can!

Anyway, all that is in the future, so let me not jump the gun. So far, except for EGR 120, all’s well on the studies front. Next week I’ll start my new job, rejoin the Campus Radio station and start out with the Riddle Players. NASCAR is going to kick into high gear as well. Wal-Mart already has NASCAR posters and overpriced memorabilia on the shelves, which means it’s officially race season! I can’t wait to see the races it’s pretty much the biggest event to hit Daytona Beach, so that’s where I’ll be. Happy New Year to everyone out there, by the way, and keep it chill, dudes!

MOTTO FOR THE FORTNIGHT: Love thy neighbor ñ tune thy piano.

January 26, 2006

Hey, everyone! I just want to start out this entry congratulating everybody who has gotten their acceptance letters already, and to all of you that will. So congratulations!

Now that it is second semester, and luckily I passed the General section of AMS, I’ve gotten into the Airframe section. I like it better, because I find it more interesting and relevant to ‘the real world’ but there are some new things to adjust to. Eight hours of class can be tiring, especially after getting two hours of sleep, but I’m managing just fine so far. Also, it’s going to be harder to keep up once you fall behind since the pace is a little bit faster. The worst part of it for me, so far, is that I have to miss two hours of class a week to do Lead Lab since the schedule for AFROTC got changed up. Since I end up missing a whole day’s work on my sheet metal projects, that puts me behind a lot, so I know already I’m going to end up pretty screwed. I kind of feel like ROTC looked over us cadets that have schedules that can’t fit around theirs, but I guess that’s life and looking on the bright side, this will help me in working out not-so-perfect situations.

With the new developments in my daily schedule comes the need to rework my time management plan. This semester I need to find my own time to do a lot of things, rather than have them already fit into my schedule. Right now there seem to be so many things I have to do, and not enough time to do it, my sleep and free time have been pretty compromised. Even though today’s Saturday, I’m still exhausted.

In other news, I recently made a very good investment I thought you all should know about. A water filter. While it cost about $40, it ends up paying for itself. Florida water tastes like crap. I also have trouble believing it can be that good for you if you drink it for a prolonged amount of time. Buying a bunch of water bottles doesn’t really work for me, and this thing I’ve got works really well, so just a thought.

Well, that’s about it for now. As usual, any questions are welcome- kenyonj@erau.edu or post them on the discussion board. Later, kids!

January 26, 2006

Well everyone, it’s back to COLLEGE!! I had such a wonderful christmas break it was UNREAL! I hope all of you guys had a WONDERFUL BREAK!! I got to see all of my old friends..It felt SO good to be home again! Although it feels like i never even left here, while I was home, it felt like I was there for a lifetime! It’s a PARADOX!! AAAHHHH!!! I still have some things to straighten out with riddle since it’s the new semester, but other than that all is going VERY well! Of course I missed Daytona Beach.. I never really realized how lucky I am to go to school in the most famous beach in the world doing what I love! it’s great!!!

Embry-Riddle’s baseball season should be very interesting to watch this year, I’m still rather upset I didn’t make the team, but not making the team just gives me time to get bigger, better, faster and stronger. Plus, I have tons of free time now that I probably wouldn’t have if I were playing, but I’m still going to go to all of the games and see what I’m missing out on!!

I went to my Mom’s in Melbourne last week to see her, my nana & papa and my big brother.. it was awesome. I did tons of things with my brother. My mom cooked excellent meals all day everyday! I went for longboard rides, drove around during Saturday night dance party and got lost!! The BEST part of all was the beach party! I had the most wonderful time ever.. we had a fire on the beach in Melbourne with tiki tourches and surf boards sticking outta the sand, just like in the movies! It was sweet!!!

Well enough about things other than school, these journals are to let others realize how the school is and things about the college and life around school. Today was the launch of the probe to Pluto! It was my first sight of a rocket launch, I JUST made it outside to see it come up over the horizon!

My new roommate Tom is a LOT cooler than my last roommate. My last roommate played computer games 20/7.. I kid you not! He kept me up all the time and it was very frustrating… but ya! this semester should be a lot better than last semester. At least I hope so! I am very content with my schedule this semester, on MWF, I have math 915-1015, speech 1030-1130 then basic aero 1-2, it’s GREAT! I set up my MWF so I don’t get up TOO early, have a nice break before basic aeronautics in case I need to talk with my professor before a test or class, AND I end my day REALLY early!! Now my TTh schedule is more of a lazy sleep in day. I get up at 11, have business from 1115-1230 then set myself up with a nice 1.5 hr break, then have psychology from 215-330. I feel it’s a wonderful perfect schedule for me! and I have nights to work once I get a new job. . oh YEAH! ABERCROMBIE & FITCH…I quit that job and plan on being a server somewhere …. but until then I’m doing landscape work and building things constructionally for a Fla. state attorney! It’s AWESOME!

Well I feel like I am boring for some reason, LOL. don’t ask why.. but I’m in psychology class right now and my professor finally got the projector working so our little break is over! I have to pay attention!! bye everyone!. . ‘Til next time. . peace

January 26, 2006

Ciao, Here it is, our Spring Semester has started and this is our first journal writing about it. I am very excited about my classes and they are way much easier then last semesters. Here they are :

Economics, Human Factors & Systems, Intro to Computers, Meteorology, and International Studies.

These are all General Education courses except the Human Factors. After this year, I will start taking all the upper level classes and will be happier because that will mean every semester I will have Air Traffic classes. This semester I promised to myself that I will HAVE to get above a 3.0 minimum GPA because if I don’t, I will be very, very disappointed in myself. But that will not happen because I am going to challenge myself incredibly.

I only have one class on Tuesday and Thursday so I am pretty much free that day. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I have four. That’s when I am busy during the afternoon. But it is a big relief when it is all over. It kind of all goes by very fast. It’s exciting to be writing this and sharing information with all of you. As a matter of fact, I have just met now one of my buddies that read this journal before he got here. He is having a blast and is enjoying himself at Embry-Riddle. I gotta say there are a lot more girls this semester then last semester, I have no idea why. Good news for the guys because we are all suffering from single-itis.

The weather has been really nice. It has barely ever rained for these 3 weeks and it’s just fantastic outside. A little chilly for the Floridians but for me it’s perfect. Many people have started to run around campus due to the weather. Five of my really good friends that were in this school have left because either they cannot afford it anymore, or they have decided they want to do something else with their lives. It is sad to see so many of your good friends leave while you were with them almost every day. Your friends here become kind of your family because it is here where your life is. Home is always home, but the friends you have at home will be just kind of put aside until you graduate. But of course you gotta stay in touch with everyone.

Ok, if anyone needs anything E-mail me at DinkoResidovic@hotmail.com and I will answer all your e-mails I promise, there has not been one that I have not. Best wishes to every single one of you and hope you choose Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as your place to study!

January 26, 2006

I am glad to report I finally have my routine down for this semester. My schedule on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays is not as bad as I originally anticipated it to be. The weeks already seem to be flying by and I have been very busy lately. I like all of my classes except economics because I mean bottom line, it’s not very interesting. I originally thought humanities was going to be dry and boring as well, but I actually enjoy going to that class as well as all of my other ones. We are learning about early renaissance art right now and I never realized how genius the artists were back in that time period. That class kind of gives you a different outlook on life and I am surprised I am so intrigued by it.

Intro to Business is kind of fun because the professor tries to get you to think outside of the box and make rational decisions. It is always interesting to hear the ideas other people in my class have come up with as well as their reasoning behind them. Aerospace safety class is also very interesting, we are going over aircraft crashes and faults behind what lead to them. It is at eight in the morning, but the slides he shows us and the topic make it worth waking up for it. Finally, what most of you have been waiting for, my ATC class is very interesting too. Right now we are reviewing the 7110.65 which is like the complete instruction book of an air traffic controller. We are learning in more detail about aircraft separation, controller terminology, and some other basic instructions so we will be prepared on February 10th when we enter the simulator lab. Our one objective so far in the class is get ten hours of simulator time by the 10th. Unfortunately I have been procrastinating a little with that, I still have plenty of time until the cutoff date, but I want to do all the time before the rush is on.

Besides academics, Embry-Riddle just had the activities fair the other day again for the Spring Semester. Once again there were tables everywhere for each individual club you could join, it is really cool to see how much extra stuff this school has to offer. I worked my Fraternity “Sigma Pi’s” table for a few hours and we got a good amount of interests.

This past Saturday I was actually initiated into the Sigma Pi Fraternity which I am really happy and proud about. It took a lot of work and effort, but after being initiated it was all worth it. The ritual was unlike anything I have ever experienced and it meant a lot to me, so now I am an official “Brother.” Just in time for the “Meet the Greeks” day. It is a day where all of the Greek organizations set up booths and try to recruit people. Since I was a Brother for it, I was able to wear our Sigma Pi letters, which I did honorably. Now we are currently in the middle of Rush week, when we meet the prospective pledges and see if they are qualified to pledge our organization. It also gives the prospectives a chance to see if they like us Brothers and want to pledge our organization. We had some awesome events so far and last night we had a good band play at our BBQ on the west lawn, we had a good turn out.

Well, that’s it for this entry, I know it was long but there has been so much going on. I definitely recommend going Greek here at Riddle because it is so much fun and it will shape anyone’s character into something even better then who they think they are. To all of you high school students, good luck with everything concerning acceptance into this school and do not stress too much. If you do get in, it will be one of the best experiences of your life and I guarantee that, good luck everyone.

January 22, 2006

Hey, everyone!! Look who’s writing on time.. hard to believe, isn’t it?! Looks like I’m still holding true to my first new year’s resolution: turning journal entries in on time. Hopefully this will remain true throughout the remainder of the semester. I actually didn’t realize I had an entry due, this weekend. I just happened to check my e-mail when I got online.

Anyway, it’s Saturday morning. I just woke up and finished the pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream that I started, last night. It was DeLiCiouS.. and far from nutritious. However, I’ve been eating SoOo much healthier, this semester. I didn’t know it was possible, but if you surround yourself with the right people at this school, you can really get on the right track when it comes to diet. When I say diet, I don’t mean an actual only-eat-these-foods diet, rather diet as in my style of eating. I’m not all about dieting.. it usually lasts for an entire day or two.. a week if I’m feeling really determined!! However, my friend, Beth, bought me a work-out ball for Christmas. At first, I thought she was crazy. Now, though, I love the thing. I’ve been using it religiously since I’ve been back and feel like I’m in much better physical shape than when I left. I’m so proud!!

SoOo, enough of the babble.. onto the topic of interest: school. This semester is going very well, actually. I thought I’d try something new, taking all five of my classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. So far, I’m loving it. It feels great to have Tuesdays and Thursdays to myself. However, next week will be my first entire week of class. So, I shouldn’t judge too quickly!!

As far as classes are concerned though, I’m feeling rather confident about this upcoming semester. I’m taking a humanities elective at 9:15, introduction to meteorology at 10:30, speech (mandatory class for all Riddle students, FYI) at 11:45, introduction to ATC (air traffic control) at 1:00, and wrapping up my day with pre-calculus for aviation at 2:15. My humanities class is a good group of students.. a lot of in-class and out-of-class/online discussion goes on, and I really like it!! Meteorology is my major, so I’m very interested in my first of what I’m sure will be MANY meteorology classes. My professor, Mary Snow, is really energetic; I’d recommend her for everyone!! Speech class is really, really repetitive of my high school speech class. I’m really partial to my high school teacher, too. So, I don’t love the class, but it doesn’t seem as though it’ll be too miserable. Speech is a great way to learn more about people, if nothing else. Unlike most students at Embry-Riddle, I’d never even seen the letters a, t, and c together until last semester. But when my required AS 120 class took a tour of the ATC department, I was really intrigued and decided to adopt it as my minor. So, I have very little knowledge of anything going on in that class, but my professor is awesome. I feel like I’ll learn a lot from him. My pre-calculus class is actually my least favorite because, unlike MA 241 (calculus for engineers), it is EASY. I took pre-calculus in high school. I should’ve been ready for basic calculus. However, since I audited the math course I took, last semester, I had to start back somewhere. I guess I should’ve gone with basic calculus for aviation, but that’s alright. This should be a much-needed easy A. Plus, my teacher seems really cool. And one of my good friends from the dorm I was living in, last semester, is in there!!

As far as homework, this semester seems as though it’ll be a much lighter load than the previous. So far, I’ve had very little to do. I get the math homework done in class since we’re reviewing stuff I learned to do early on in high school. And other than the occasional test, the only out-of-class work I should have will be writing papers for my humanities course and writing three more speeches for speech class. Not too bad.

Now, about the sorority life!! Things are going very well this semester. I’m having a great time, already. I’m rooming with my twin, Mandy, in Stimpson, a very nice dorm on the far end of campus. So, she and I are beginning to establish a great relationship with each other. My big sister and I hung out the other night. I absolutely love Vicki. She’s like me in another body.. I don’t know where I’d be without her!! We haven’t had chapter since school’s been back in session because we should chapter on Monday nights, and we’ve yet to have classes on Monday. We had sisterhood, last weekend, at Vicki’s house. We just got together, ate, and watched 40 Year Old Virgin. That night, we went out to Chops for $1 martinis. I don’t drink, but it was still a great time!! Last night, we had a social with an on-campus fraternity, the Pikes. It was a dodgeball/BBQ-style event. I had a good time, met a few new people. Afterwards, the girls had an unofficial social with the same group of guys, but I chose to stay in and clean my messy dorm because my cousin and her family are coming in, TODAY!! They’re only going to be staying the night, but I cannot wait. They’ll be the first people to have visited me from Ohio since I started school, here. For SPRiNG BReaK, though, one of my other cousins and his roommate(s) may come down. That should be a lot of fun.

As far as upcoming events, the biggest thing on my list is, like most, SPRiNG BreaK. Our sorority and the Sigma Chi fraternity have a good 20-25 people going on a cruise to the West Carribbean for SEVEN days. I just about emptied my bank account, Tuesday night, but the entire trip was only $655. You really can’t pass that up. Everything besides alcohol is included in that price, too. So, I won’t have ANY expenses on the trip. I’m so excited. To reimburse myself for the money I spent, though, I’m picking up an extra job or two around Daytona. On Monday, I have a job interview at 5:15 for an on-campus job. If hired, I’ll be calling alumni and asking them to help support Riddle. Combined with this, I should be making a good $100/week. So, it’ll only take me about 6-8 weeks to earn the amount I just spent. Plus, I’m thinking about getting a job at Abercrombie & Fitch. Since I’m off on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I thought I’d see what I could do about getting a daytime job there. I hear they only work you two or three days a week, anyway. Plus, I’ll get a decent discount on clothes that I love. It’ll be really nice when it comes to shopping for curise-worthy attire. I don’t have a 2-piece, anymore. It was stolen from a hotel, last semester. Plus, I’m working on getting my belly-button pierced!! I just love having an income.

As far as the remainder of my weekend looks, I’m going to submit this, first. Then, I originally got online to get discussion board points for my humanities class. Then, I’m going to pick-up what little I still have laying around the dorm, make my bed, and take a quick shower. Then, I’m going to see what I can do about getting a car and riding to the mall to grab an application at A & F before my cousin and her parents get in around 1. They’re taking me out to dinner, tonight. I cannot wait.. a nice sit-down dinner sounds great, though I love on-campus dining. At 7, our boys’ basketball team has a game. Since our sorority supports them, I thought it’d be a fun experience taking my cousin and her family to the game. Then, though, I’m hoping her parents feel like getting to the hotel.. I want some quality time alone with the girl. You know what I mean!! I’m not sure what’s going on, tonight. I know that the sisters are having a social with the basketball team after the game. So, I may take her there.. or we may just chill at the beach. We’ll just have to wait and see, I guess.

I hope you all have a great weekend and next two weeks. And feel free to e-mail me with any questions: olivab46@erau.edu or on the discussion board. I’m actually getting quite a few.. I love hearing from you :o)

January 18, 2006

Hi all!

Hope everyone had a great new year and a good one to come. I also hope everyone had a nice Christmas and got all their Christmas wishes fulfilled. I was home the entire time and spent time with my family and dog. I enjoyed every bit of it. But a month off of school was a bit too long

When I arrived, I was very happy, thrilled to be home. My friends called me and all wanted to do something. But I only had time for one at a time. So I managed pretty good and stayed in touch with some of my friends. But when I left Embry-Riddle, I had to say goodbye to two of my very good friends. One left for Connecticut and the other for New Hampshire, both in the North East. However I promised my friend that I will visit him in Connecticut, the other one from New Hampshire can come visit me then, so we can all see each other. I am going there before the Fall Semester of 2006.

The fall was not a happy semester for me. I had to switch rooms three times and lacked a lot of sleep because of that. I could not focus, study or just be in peace. All this resulted in my Grades. I did not fail any Classes but for me, the grades I had were not sufficient for myself. This spring I will do much better and I promised myself that. I promised myself that so bad, that if I didn’t, I would drop out of it because it’s so expensive. Sometimes in college you come to points and realize a lot of serious things, such as how expensive it is to go here. It is easy to spend money but to earn money takes a lot of work from your back and brain. I have also had to say goodbye to some other friends because they could not pay anymore for this school which I completely understand.

My favorite part about returning to this school is just hanging out with my friends. I miss them a lot because now, they are a part of your life. You tend to keep in touch with friends in college a lot more then in high school because once you get here, you will see why. When you live with someone, things are also different. But this is college, it’s all about experience. Now I will be taking Human Factors (that is a class required for Air Traffic Management), Social Studies, Weather, Computers and Economics. It shouldn’t be that hard unless a class surprises me. But we will see and I will keep you updated of my status.